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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Hi everyone...longtime fan, first-time poster. Turning back to the investigation, I'm trying to wrap my head around it. How soon can we expect for more evidence to be released? Is today the last day for the media lawyers' arguments?

I think we're past the drugs/alcohol bit and Ford needs to be nailed on something more serious, whether it's Anthony Smith, the mysterious second video or something else. What I'm wondering is, with the mysterious envelopes and packages, and Lisi being seen with businessmen like Romeo DiBattista, are the cops and/or the media looking into possible bribery/kickbacks?

ding ding ding ding....etc!
Cancelling of The City I'm sure had everything to do with advertisers taking more money out of the radio station then putting in it from the media circus.

It's difficult to speak hard truths when you have been outed as a moral hypocrite. The Ford brothers have to reformulate the dogma of their cult of Fordistas.
Delurking to give many many many pluses to this:

I agree. I know old Toronto money, and they would never have let their loose-canon spawn any where near public life. They'd also never be caught dead on CP24, airing their laundry. She screams new money to me.

Re Diane Ford being an old money WASP, no way in hell. I know that subculture pretty well, my mum's family comes from it (not so much money any more) and Diane and her kids hit SO MANY WASP taboos. Yelling and screaming insults in public (even openly disagreeing with people can be dicey in WASP social circles). Talking openly about money ("I donate my salary, what more do you want") and ambition ("you can serve a couple of terms and then it'll be Robbie's turn"). Airing their dirty laundry, or even just stuff that's private (Robbie's weight, their family meeting, her emotions hurting for her son because he's "being attacked"). Trashing things like the arts and libraries: even conservative WASPs who want those things privately funded instead of publicly funded will not describe them as worthless or unnecessary as Doug did.

A parent from an old money WASP background whose kids carried on the way Rob and Doug do would be deeply, deeply embarrassed.

Further, Diane Ford doesn't speak the language or have the manners. She is not that articulate and has a hint of hoser accent. The Ontario old money WASP people her age I know have accents like, say, Donald Sutherland or Stephen Harper -- which is to say, not nearly so strong. And no old money WASP lady in her '70s that I know even owns a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a tattoo design, let alone would wear them to be interviewed on TV.

I'm not meaning to suggest any of these values are unique to old money WASPS -- if anything, I think the Fords' let-it-all-hang-out style is rarer -- but the Fords' total lack of recognition for the WASP social rules demonstrates to me that Diane is not an old money WASP.
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One angle that seems to have been lost in this circus is the racism/homophobia angle. Apparently we have a mayor on record (filmed) making racial and homophobic slurs. Is this not reason enough that the public should be demanding Ford be forced to step down? Do we really even need the more prurient/sensationalist facts to emerge to act? I'm simply amazed how each day the bar of what's tolerable keeps getting lowered, thanks in large part to Ford Nation's blind and stubborn support of a toxic individual. Shame on them.

The thing is, racist and homophobic comments are nothing new for him, and Ford Nation clearly has condoned (or tacitly endorsed) them in the past. (as Councillor Gord Perks noted in the letter that is circulating)

I really hope Chow is going to run, because I think this multicultural city desperately needs more non-white, non-British-descendent leadership (and non-male too). But I'm also worried about the amount of hatred that will be thrown at her. Sure, it will look like "anti-lefty" anger on the surface, but for many, the real motivation for spewing vitriol at her will be racial hatred.
By the time the video is eventually released, the smoking crack aspect will likely take a back seat to his remarks in the video. Now that he's admitted to smoking crack, seeing him the act will be less shocking then the racism/homophobia I imagine. Those quotes will dominate headlines.

It occurred to me that in a weird way that this will create a full circle: Ford built his rep in part on his volunteer work with these (supposedly) disadvantaged, at-risk kids. Now he's going to be seen on video saying what he really thinks about them. There have been a lot of low points but I bet that's going to look like one of the lowest.

Until the next thing, that is ;)
Cancelling of The City I'm sure had everything to do with advertisers taking more money out of the radio station then putting in it from the media circus.

It's difficult to speak hard truths when you have been outed as a moral hypocrite. The Ford brothers have to reformulate the dogma of their cult of Fordistas.

Really, advertisers are choosing not to support 1010 because of the Ford radio show? I find that hard to believe. Capitalists are, by definition, greedy, and would love the attention all the Ford Nationites are giving to that radio show.

I really hope Chow is going to run, because I think this multicultural city desperately needs more non-white, non-British-descendent leadership

I hope not, because this would turn centrists back towards Ford Nation.

What this city needs is NOT a leader of a certain color/ethnic descent/sex - but one who is intelligent, visionary, diplomatic, co-operative, articulate, and of ethical conduct.
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By the time the video is eventually released, the smoking crack aspect will likely take a back seat to his remarks in the video. Now that he's admitted to smoking crack, seeing him the act will be less shocking then the racism/homophobia I imagine. Those quotes will dominate headlines.

See, I don't know. First of all, many Ford supporters may not be galled by the mention of "fucking minorities" and JT being a "fag." This might just line up with their views. Secondly, and most obviously, Rob Ford's homophobia and racism are already on the record. There's the AIDS comment, the unwillingness to validate Pride, the comment about orientals working like dogs, "Gino boy," and probably many more that I'm not aware of. On top of that, these new ones will fall under the umbrella of his 'drunken stupor.' Just another "embarrassing" thing he said in a state that he "hope nobody else goes through." The extremely drawn-out parade of embarrassing revelations has really numbed the senses of the general public to the point where it might just be handcuffs or nothing.

Racism and homophobia is deplorable, of course - but in the context of his supporters (even soft ones) they aren't likely to be issues that would crucify him. Drug use and criminal behaviour is far more damaging given the law and order bent among this segment (the sane part anyways) of his supporters.


PS: See rightwingSUVdriver just pointed it out
See, I don't know. First of all, many Ford supporters may not be galled by the mention of "fucking minorities" and JT being a "fag." This might just line up with their views. Secondly, and most obviously, Rob Ford's homophobia and racism are already on the record. There's the AIDS comment, the unwillingness to validate Pride, the comment about orientals working like dogs, "Gino boy," and probably many more that I'm not aware of. On top of that, these new ones will fall under the umbrella of his 'drunken stupor.' Just another "embarrassing" thing he said in a state that he "hope nobody else goes through." The extremely drawn-out parade of embarrassing revelations has really numbed the senses of the general public to the point where it might just be handcuffs or nothing.

Agreed. I expect many among Ford Nation agree with Rob's comments and will happily tell you how they hate all that political correctness crap
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