Read the comments section of the Marcus Gee column--or any opinion piece about Ford--and you'll see the kind of polarizing, malignant hate that has descended onto Toronto since that dark day last October. The tolerant, peaceful sophisticated city that we thought we lived in and perhaps felt a bit complacent about was nothing but a sham. The truth is this city is as divided as any region in the U.S. and our political discourse is of no higher nature. Hate to say it, but the the Torontopia Enlightment is over.
Yet...those are on-line newspaper comments sections. You should have known they were like that by now, dum-dum (sxcuse my Great Gazoo-ism).
Though what makes Gee's column extraordinarily, dare I say meta-journalistically, interesting is in how he directed the spotlight
right at said comments--something most reporters/columnists haven't done, perhaps on "best left unsaid" grounds. Which may be a "de-normalizing" turning point in how such comments are commonly regarded.
And it's through circumstances like that that my "potential assassination theorems" must be understood. It isn't through "advocacy"; it's through passive comprehension of what's
really in the air out there. I don't have to do
anything; my only weapon is a magnifying glass, for you to see for yourself--and believe it or not, even a lot of Ford's most vociferous lefty-pinko critics haven't "got it". They've been using too much of the same template they've used against Lastman, Rowlands, Eggleton, et al. So if you're shocked--shocked!--at what Marcus Gee hath exposed and wrought, don't say I didn't tell you so. True, many of us comprehend "do not feed or be taken in by the trolls" logic, this here being the Interweb--but not everybody does; and that's where the powderkeg lies.
What may appear as "advocacy" on my part is more of a preparation-for-inevitability(?) tactic--that is,
should something extraordinarily, atypically-for-Canada ugly happen as a result of the Ford mayoralty, I'm prepared to hit a certain ground running. It beats being shocked--shocked!
Just like I turned out to be a little Stockhausen-ish re 9/11.