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Rob Ford's Toronto

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To "protect the taxpayers", Rob Ford includes this policy:

The only problem is when I wanted to comment one of his youtube videos that I put a "thumbs down" on, I wasn't allowed to add a comment. Looks more like a policy taken from George Orwell's Animal Farm: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." In other words, you better agree with Rob Ford, or you will end up like the Toronto Star and become ostracized.

Rob Ford blocked me from leaving comments on his Youtube channel. It seems the man can give criticism but he just can't take it. Not only that, his little army of trolls then started sending me hate mail calling me a faggot. His hate mongers seem to be everywhere.
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Rob Ford says if elected he will finally end Toronto’s ongoing “war on the car.â€

Nope. It will escalate.


The road belongs to everyone.

Not sure what's your point. That people will start to break the law now? Throw her in jail. Problem solved. Or better yet, put her on the Olympic boxing team. :)
Not sure what's your point. That people will start to break the law now? Throw her in jail. Problem solved. Or better yet, put her on the Olympic boxing team. :)

Rob Ford wants the "war on cars" to end. That means, to me, that he wants everyone, pedestrians, runners (marathoners), bicyclists, transit, should get out of the car's way. Except that, they could all react, like the old lady in the video.
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20,000+ runners from 40+ countries per marathon, two of the premier races in the world, millions for the local economy, and on two Sunday mornings (starting at 7:30) a year...and Rob Ford's Toronto would have them doing laps in a park.
Why do these marathWHINERS need a route at all? Put them on treadmills in High Park. Hell, hang a welfare cheque and a bottle of champagne in front of the treadmills and all the downtowners are bound to come out in droves.
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If Rob Ford becomes mayor, would his Executive Committee be made up of all right-wing Councillors or would he make an effort to bring on board at least 1 'soft' left-wing Councillor?
Run a major marathon in High Park? Is he serious? Just keep running round and round? lol This clown is going to turn Toronto into a punch line for comedians.

More brilliance from our future mayor.

Mayoral candidate Rob Ford says the city isn't doing a good enough job alerting citizens of road closures for special events and construction. Hear from Ford.

Mayoral candidate Rob Ford offered an alternative to closing streets for marathons like the one that snarled traffic on Sunday.

Park them, said the campaign front-runner. As in city parks.

“I don’t know why they don’t use them,” he added.

Despite years of complaints, city officials keep closing main downtown streets for such worthy events — sometimes more than one at a time.

But much of the detouring, directed by street-and ramp-closing signs and Toronto Police, surprised residents this weekend, Ford said.

“I’m a city councillor and I didn’t know the waterfront marathon was on,” he said. “I had calls from constituents who didn’t know.

“It’s up to the city to advertise through the media,” Ford said.

Several off-ramps were closed to traffic on the Gardiner Expressway. Lake Shore Blvd. was off-limits to motorists from 5 a.m. to mid-afternoon on Sunday and there were other street shutdowns to accommodate the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. About 20,000 people took part in the event which raised $2.7 million for charity.

One of the runners who covered a 5 kilometre route was veteran marathoner George Smitherman — Ford’s closest of four opponents in the mayoral race.

In addition to walkers and runners, on June 6, 13,000 cyclists free-wheeled along the closed Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway, raising a record $3.2 million during the Becel Ride for Heart.

“Maybe they should hold them on a huge piece of land,” Ford mused.

“There’s High Park, a great place, and Downsview Park,” he said, adding bike paths would be good for marathoners.

For longer runs, Ford suggested starting from James Gardens, northeast of Royal York Rd. and Dundas St. W., trekking south to Lake Ontario and along the Humber River.

“I guarantee, if I’m fortunate enough to be mayor, I’ll be studying the alternatives,” he promised.

Ford also said motorists on the Gardiner were doubly miffed seeing no construction crews at the Jameson Ave. bridge site, where one of three lanes remains closed.

“They should be working 24/7,” he said, adding “give them some sort of incentive such as bonuses, like private enterprise does.”

Smitherman said in an email that “a marathon event like today covers 42 kilometres and involves ten of thousands of runners.

“Rob Ford would have benefited from seeing the diverse crowd raising huge sums for charities and improving human health at the same time. Then maybe he would understand it can’t always be about the car,” he said.

“Just because his name is Ford, he doesn’t have to think like a Ford Expedition,” Smitherman added, referring to the large gas-guzzling SUV.
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Mayoral candidate Rob Ford offered an alternative to closing streets for marathons like the one that snarled traffic on Sunday.

Park them, said the campaign front-runner. As in city parks.

“I don’t know why they don’t use them,” he added.

Because parks cannot handle the large crowds! DUMBASS FORD!!
“I’m a city councillor and I didn’t know the waterfront marathon was on,” he said. “I had calls from constituents who didn’t know.

“It’s up to the city to advertise through the media,” Ford said.

Umm...there were so many annoucements made by CP24 that for one not to know is just stupid. These are the type of constituents where you could repeat the road closures 100 times and they would still not know
There was signage up for weeks, there were announcements, you'd have to be living in a bubble or be Rob Ford not to know there was a marathon on Sunday. If Rob Ford would walk, never mind run, even a couple of hundred metres, he might begin to understand why marathons aren't held in parks. Dumb ass.
I have to say I couldn't help but to chuckle when I heard him. :) I am annoyed by the frequent road closure, but that's part of city life.

Niska: Oh, you do not like I kill this man?
Mal: Oh no, I'm sure he was a... very bad person.
Niska: My wife's nephew. At dinner I am getting earful. There is no way out of that.
The first caller to CFTO's "Talk Back," on the news, stated that Ford's idea to hold marathons in a park "was one of the best idea Ford has ever had." lol I guess that says a lot about the wisdom of Ford's ideas.
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