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Rob Ford's Toronto

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My biggest problem with Ford Nation is their unquestioning, unwavering support and belief for virtually everything he says or does. You can watch people twist themselves into knots and accept bewildering leaps of logic in order to do that. I'm of the opinion that whenever you see that you're looking at people who either lack critical thinking ability or are exceptionally dishonest with themselves in regards to what their beliefs are. It's just not possible that "your guy" can ALWAYS be right.

I find myself on the left side of the political spectrum and I'm aware I can be somewhat partisan at times. I generally dislike Stephen Harper and had a lot of respect for Jack Layton, Andrea Horvath and Dalton McGuinty for example. But here's the thing... if I'm being reflective I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge that Harper has implemented some policies I agree with, Jack Layton was over the top to the point of being obnoxious occasionally, some of Andreas actions during the budget debate really rubbed me the wrong way and Mcgunty's gas plant scandal was (to me) almost completely indefensible. That's frankly just the shades of grey that exist in the real world.

You'll never get those kinds of admissions from the really serious Ford Nation supporters (which seem to be most of them) - and that's why (to them) his lies and buffoonery are irrelevant and the crack scandal is part of some vast left wing conspiracy created by the Toronto Star.

The thing about the Ford followers, and the reason they continue to support him in the face of all rational evidence suggesting they should do the opposite, is that it's not so much about loving him as it is about letting you know what they think of you. It's sort of a weird form of passive-aggressiveness. "You think you're better than me? Well, we elected the mayor and he's a fucking moron! Suck it, loser!"
TheStar has a lead on a rehab centre in Florida that has hosted Rob Ford "multiple times". A former patient down there is talking but will they go on record? And will people believe a recovering addict even if they do tell a story? Is interviewing patients about other patients medical history even legal? Finally, will this just make Ford look human and lend him sympathy? Developing...

Maybe Ford was doing some research to help some on his football team players who were drug users. ;)
This comment in The Globe & Mail explains in plain terms the phenomena we've been trying to address:

If you're ever trying to explain the tragedy of Rob Ford's unshakeable support to a member of Ford Nation, use this analogy, it's gold!

EDIT: Oh and this one!!

yeah, i was thinking about this reading this thread just now. seems like many of the mayor's supporters are also sports fans, and treat politics like sports team appreciation. it does tend to make the rather uncomfortable similarities between sports - the arena, the chanting, the rhythm, the colours (flags, jerseys, painted on peoples' faces), the slogans, the champions (individual players, coaches), the statistics - and politics a little more stark don't it? but then again, that's why i've never been a member of any party. an election campaign just seems like playoffs.
IMO it depends on who wins. Olivia Chow? Get ready for four years of outrage. John Tory/Stintz (if she's able to hold her ground)? Muted resignation and acceptance.

And Michael Thompson? Kinder/gentler status quo, a la ex-Communists who successfully transitioned into post-Communist free economies.
yeah, i was thinking about this reading this thread just now. seems like many of the mayor's supporters are also sports fans, and treat politics like sports team appreciation. it does tend to make the rather uncomfortable similarities between sports - the arena, the chanting, the rhythm, the colours (flags, jerseys, painted on peoples' faces), the slogans, the champions (individual players, coaches), the statistics - and politics a little more stark don't it? but then again, that's why i've never been a member of any party. an election campaign just seems like playoffs.

It has been said that sports as such are just a crypto-fascist metaphor for war; it's not a stretch to include politics, especially with all the "War on Cars", etc. being bandied around. This is probably why the Ford brothers don't like non-partisan government, and prefer federal and provincial politics.
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Secondly, if you have a point to make, I'm not quite sure what it is...are we supposed to stay quiet?

Not at all. I just feel that understanding the perspective of the 'soft' Ford voter (as opposed to the hard core Ford zealot) will be key in unseating the man, assuming no video is brought to light. In other words, dismissing anybody that voted for Ford as a racist or as lacking i.q. points will only widen the divide that Ford will (very possibly) slip in through. just sound like another Ford apologetic to me. In fact, it's more like a Ford apologetic...apologetic, which may be even sadder.

... and this childishness is exactly what i'm talking about.
Also about this- how much power does the OMB have over things like the number of councillors? I've heard a few things floating about that Rocco Rossi's on the OMB board now, makes sense that an astroturfed group would always like to take the backdoor in.

The Ward Boundary Debate is online from Thursday, it begins at 632:00 - Council voting down the re-drawing of Wards (which would have seen roughly half of City Council members eliminated) can be (and will be) appealed at the OMB. During the debate it was noted that some cities who have tried similar motions and had the item appealed have had it ruled either way, so Toronto could win or lose in the appeal. That many of the thousand signatures needed (or was it 500, I can't remember) turned out to be false may put up a barrier heading to the OMB.

Good riddance then.

If you can't understand why people vote for Ford or why he holds such appeal, then you're part of the reason he got elected.

So far Rob Ford has cost the city (the "taxpayers") almost $200M in waste due to transit cancellations alone; Transit City and the Scarborough LRT. Care to refute that? He's a liar, he's uninformed, stubborn and refuses to offer the truth when asked. The most recent example, as we've all seen. Care to refute?

TheStar has a lead on a rehab centre in Florida that has hosted Rob Ford "multiple times". A former patient down there is talking but will they go on record? And will people believe a recovering addict even if they do tell a story? Is interviewing patients about other patients medical history even legal? Finally, will this just make Ford look human and lend him sympathy? Developing...

I strongly believe that no one should be reporting anything regarding Rob Ford's alleged rehab. history, legal or not. This is a private matter and anyone who might have been in rehab. with him at any point is scum if they talk, on or off the record. The Star should drop this, it'll backfire on them (me included) plus it's just unethical in my opinion.
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I strongly believe that no one should be reporting anything regarding Rob Ford's alleged rehab. history, legal or not. This is a private matter and anyone who might have been in rehab. with him at any point is scum if they talk, on or off the record. The Star should drop this, it'll backfire on them (me included) plus it's just unethical in my opinion.

IMO it i not, especially if any rehab sessions occurred while Ford was sitting as a councilor or mayor. Just like the Fords bringing their family into the game, but cry foul if reporters ask questions, or according to Robbie & Dougie, stalking them.
If Ford does indeed have a substance abuse problem, one way to get the media off his ass (probably the only way) is to admit it and issue a statement saying he's seeking treatment and requests privacy for him and his family. Then The Star and other media organizations would truly look like scum if they continued to report about it. Hell, he'd probably gain sympathy and maybe even more support from voters. But, of course, Ford is too stubborn to admit anything.
If Ford does indeed have a substance abuse problem, one way to get the media off his ass (probably the only way) is to admit it and issue a statement saying he's seeking treatment and requests privacy for him and his family. Then The Star and other media organizations would truly look like scum if they continued to report about it. Hell, he'd probably gain sympathy and maybe even more support from voters. But, of course, Ford is too stubborn to admit anything.

I don't think stubborn is strong enough, showing vulnerability, and being afraid of spinning it properly that's the fear. Remember the Weigh-Ins?
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If Ford does indeed have a substance abuse problem, one way to get the media off his ass (probably the only way) is to admit it and issue a statement saying he's seeking treatment and requests privacy for him and his family. Then The Star and other media organizations would truly look like scum if they continued to report about it. Hell, he'd probably gain sympathy and maybe even more support from voters. But, of course, Ford is too stubborn to admit anything.

Rob Ford is not a singer or actor with problems, so why should the media follow him?
Lots of hot air and tempers on the forums these days! Must be the summer heat.

The Ward Boundary Debate is online from Thursday, it begins at 632:00 - Council voting down the re-drawing of Wards (which would have seen roughly half of City Council members eliminated) can be (and will be) appealed at the OMB. During the debate it was noted that some cities who have tried similar motions and had the item appealed have had it ruled either way, so Toronto could win or lose in the appeal. That many of the thousand signatures needed (or was it 500, I can't remember) turned out to be false may put up a barrier heading to the OMB.

Interesting, I hope there's some way to prevent this in case it goes through (Ford has shown us that everything is possible whether you like it or not). It's a little concerning that such a partisan group with incredibly partisan purposes can potentially get so close to subverting our democracy.

Imagine this man, standing next to Ford October 2014, stating that he has saved taxpayer dollars by cutting down on democracy:


I strongly believe that no one should be reporting anything regarding Rob Ford's alleged rehab. history, legal or not. This is a private matter and anyone who might have been in rehab. with him at any point is scum if they talk, on or off the record. The Star should drop this, it'll backfire on them (me included) plus it's just unethical in my opinion.

Any story regarding rehab should not be released on its own, but alongside other evidence. If unfortunately done so, Ford can either squeeze his way out by saying: "Alcohol rehab- not drugs, woe on me Ford Nation, Why is the Star in Florida? Next Queston? Liberal Persecution! etc.)

Otherwise, if proven that this is truely for crack, this will say 1.) The video is real 2.) Ford was lying
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Ford makes it to MAD! (And not a bad depiction, considering)

The interesting thing about Ford Nation's diehards is that they're so freaking defensively parochial, they don't seem to notice or acknowledge at all how Ford-as-punchline has gone massively international...
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