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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Another Ford win today. The more he shakes his haters the stronger he gets, Chow and Stintz have enough flaws to expose and hopefully defeat in the next election.

Why is this a win for Ford? What kind of faults does Stintz have in comparison to Ford? Is it because she's a fairly reasonable conservative? Or is it because she's a woman?
Stinz has no chance in Scarborough, voters never cared for her transit plan and see her as a "downtown first" councilor, I never understood why a journalism major thought she was an expert on transit matters anyways. Chow has a better chance of getting voter support, my parents ward voted in an NDP candidate in the last federal election, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see her get some traction. Although I hope it doesn’t happen.
Stinz has no chance in Scarborough, voters never cared for her transit plan and see her as a "downtown first" councilor, I never understood why a journalism major thought she was an expert on transit matters anyways.

Yeah, 'cause Ford's educational and professional backgrounds makes him an expert on subways.

Nevermind that Ford made her the TTC Chair...

Do you even think before you type?
So is it fair to say that the suburban voters will pretty much control the outcome of the next election? Downtowners will obviously not vote for Ford. It's up to his opponent(s) to convince people in Etobicoke, Scarborough not vote for Ford. Stintz has more of a chance with them than Chow does, in my opinion. Or has "Ford Nation" crumbled already to the point that people that voted for him last time around will not do so next year?

Don't count out Chow in the 'burbs yet. Despite being a lefty, as others have already pointed out, she's a populist candidate like Ford and she has high support with the immigrant communities. Also, given Miller's terms in office the suburbs do not automatically vote for the right-wing candidate. I actually think Chow has a better chance with certain suburban communities than Stintz does.
If a drink is thrown in your direction and a little bit splashes on you, you're blowing it out of proportion if you go around the media saying it's assault, this is a democracy, etc etc etc. As the Fords have been doing.

Making a legal case out of something so trivial also requires the actions of various publicly funded services--paid for by taxpayers. I wonder if Rob ever thinks about this every time he runs crying to the authorities over some harmless incident?

Methinks it's time for the man to grow a pair and stop pestering the police over things that can be resolved (without expense) by a conversation.
FWIW, I'd like to see a fresh opinion poll regarding this potential three way race. Not that I believe so much in polls, but just sayin'.

Best I could find.

A new poll shows federal NDP MP Olivia Chow would beat out current Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in the 2014 municipal election.

Chow, a former Toronto councillor, hasn’t ruled out a run for Toronto’s top job and according to a Forum Research Inc. poll, she’s the favourite among voters.

“[But] it tends not to happen, that Ford would face just one candidate,†Forum Research president Lorne Bozinoff told CityNews Channel.

“You can have a number of candidates running but what counts is who’s in at the end. If there are three or four candidates, it’s to the mayor’s advantage.â€

The poll found that Chow would beat out Ford in all but one sample scenario.

If the two went head to head, Chow would capture 57 per cent of the vote, and Ford would get 36 per cent.

And if Chow and Ford went up against former provincial Tory leader John Tory, Chow would likely win, with 44 per cent of the vote.

However, if the centre-left vote was split – with candidates Adam Vaughan and Karen Stintz in the running – Ford would beat the three.

Vaughan and Stintz, who are city councillors, have not said if they are considering a run for mayor, but Stintz’s recent transit talk at the Toronto Region Board of Trade was seen as an early stump speech.
Why is this a win for Ford? What kind of faults does Stintz have in comparison to Ford? Is it because she's a fairly reasonable conservative? Or is it because she's a woman?

Stintz supported Ford's subway plan to get the TTC Chair job. A year later, she switched to supporting the Transit City plan. A few months later she came up with her One City plan with a B-D subway to Scarborough. A few months later she voted to support Metrolinx and the Transit City Plan. A few months later (this year), she again voted for a B-D subway to Scarborough. I would say she has no credibility on transit. Transit is the weakest file for Ford and it seems unlikely that the person who took control of that file away from Ford would be seen as competant.
Stinz has no chance in Scarborough, voters never cared for her transit plan and see her as a "downtown first" councilor, I never understood why a journalism major thought she was an expert on transit matters anyways. Chow has a better chance of getting voter support, my parents ward voted in an NDP candidate in the last federal election, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see her get some traction. Although I hope it doesn’t happen.

Why don't you like Stintz. She is a Conservative. She's smart enough to get her agenda through City Hall, unlike Mayor Ford. And she is willing to invest in the future of this city, unlike Ford who is just cut cut cut.
Why don't you like Stintz. She is a Conservative. She's smart enough to get her agenda through City Hall, unlike Mayor Ford. And she is willing to invest in the future of this city, unlike Ford who is just cut cut cut.

Stintz dared to contradict the king of Ford Nation, so she's a traitor. Actual policies don't matter to citizens of Ford Nation since every word out of the mouth of their ruler is gospel.
Stintz supported Ford's subway plan to get the TTC Chair job. A year later, she switched to supporting the Transit City plan. A few months later she came up with her One City plan with a B-D subway to Scarborough. A few months later she voted to support Metrolinx and the Transit City Plan. A few months later (this year), she again voted for a B-D subway to Scarborough. I would say she has no credibility on transit. Transit is the weakest file for Ford and it seems unlikely that the person who took control of that file away from Ford would be seen as competant.

80% of Torontonians supported Stintz OneCity transit plan. And that includes the property tax increase I can't recall a time when 80% of Toronto agreed on anything. This gives her a huge amount of credibility on the transit file. If she campaigns on a promise to build OneCity, she has a very good shot at wining.
That's not that surprising -- the lower court decision didn't seem to leave a lot of legal room.

There was a ruling earlier that Ford can not claim costs for the previous trials. Does that extend to this decision? I imagine that Ford had to provide some type of argument to the Supreme Court and he should be compensated for it. At least some type of award should be given to send a message against these frivolous, vendictive lawsuits.
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