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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Okay, can you name one North American city that spends zero dollars on the arts/cultural events?

I actually support the arts and cultural events. But I do not expect everyone in a multi million person city to have the same idea. There are a lot of people who do not think the arts are important, and they are free to think that. There is a lot of poverty in Toronto and a lot of people that couldn't care less about the "arts". Does that mean this is a justification to spend "zero dollars"? No, of course not. But you have to understand why some people may not think arts funding is a priority.

It seems that the people that are "anti Ford" attack anyone who has a differing opinion on any issue. They claim Ford is a "brute", yet they expect everyone to have the same opinion as them.
Who said white men can't dance?

One more to add to your list, deepend.

I don't like the people of this city. So I don't want a nickel of my tax dollars going towards anything that might make life better for my neighbours.

Tax dollars are finite. What people "want" and what individuals think "might make life better" costs a lot more than what is collected as tax dollars.

With millions of people in a city, and so many different opinions, it is normal for people to have differing opinions on where to spend (or not spend) tax money.

There are a lot of things that can make my life better as well as my neighbours.... it doesn't mean there is enough TAX money to do all these things. And perfectly normal for ppl to have different ideas on what constitutes "priorities".
If there was ever proof of a war on Rob Ford, its this Shannon Everett business. The mayor gets assaulted, and currently he's being lambasted for "talking" about the incident (which really amounted to him acknowledging a drink was thrown at him). If somebody shot Mayor Ford, people would be criticizing him for getting in the way of the bullet.

This is a minor charge - there's no good reason for a lawyer of Marie Heinen's stature to jump on this case. A 27-year-old yoga instructor affording Heinen's services is a stretch, so it would appear Heinen is either doing this pro bono solely for the opportunity to go against Ford or is being paid by some other vested interest.
he's been banned before, for the reasons you've cited. hopefully he will be banned again. when cornered his posts degenerate into increasingly ugly insults and ridiculously juvenile egocentrism:

Those are some unpleasant comments you copied there. One might even say douche-y, if one was in an unkind mood.
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he's been banned before, for the reasons you've cited. hopefully he will be banned again. when cornered his posts degenerate into increasingly ugly insults and ridiculously juvenile egocentrism:

Sorry, but if this was referring to me, I have never been banned. Not like I'd care or it would matter, but I've never been banned and I have never been personally offensive to anyone in here.
Sorry, but if this was referring to me, I have never been banned. Not like I'd care or it would matter, but I've never been banned and I have never been personally offensive to anyone in here.

FB - That's not true. You were offensive in our tete-a-tete about the Danforth & Logan building. You were banned for a while and I was chastised for engaging with you. Your statement above, therefore, is flat-out Doug Fordian.
Sorry, but if this was referring to me, I have never been banned. Not like I'd care or it would matter, but I've never been banned and I have never been personally offensive to anyone in here.

So if I replied to this comment with "Man, some people can be such childish pedantic assholes, they'll do anything to avoid being truthful when they're called out", that would probably fit your definition of not personally offensive because I didn't directly address you, right?

Because if that's true, that's complete BS and you really are being pedantic.
Sorry, but if this was referring to me, I have never been banned. Not like I'd care or it would matter, but I've never been banned

Wow, a Ford defender being “less than truthfulâ€. Absolutely no surprise there. Birds of a feather etc. Anyway, it does takes a special kind of doltish immaturity to assert things that can so easily be disproven:

RRR, you didn't start this dust-up, but it would be better to ignore others who troll, and especially to further engage them once a moderator has given them a warning. FB has been banned for a week...


and I have never been personally offensive to anyone in here.


Why don't you guys spend the $3.00 for a subway token (because none of you complainers have cars)...
I know it sucks for most of you complainers to think you'll never have even 10% of the wealth of these "old ladies", but it is what it is...
Maybe one day if you work really really hard, invest wisely, and make the right moves, you too will also have multi million dollar properties in prime neighbourhoods (unlikely but it doesn't hurt for you to dream)...
The biggest "impediment" to 6-8 story development are not the owners of the buildings/properties, but the yuppies/nimbies/"broke as a jokes" (as I call them).

Anyway, even when is long gone, Future Bilger will likely continue to hold the record for the all-time most imbecilic rebuttal:

Btw, I drive a 2011 German car (as opposed to a "Made in China" you).
Tax dollars are finite. What people "want" and what individuals think "might make life better" costs a lot more than what is collected as tax dollars.

With millions of people in a city, and so many different opinions, it is normal for people to have differing opinions on where to spend (or not spend) tax money.

There are a lot of things that can make my life better as well as my neighbours.... it doesn't mean there is enough TAX money to do all these things. And perfectly normal for ppl to have different ideas on what constitutes "priorities".

Please don't try to explain that the city is bankrupt and that there is no money to maintain the city and provide growth. As a Ford supporter, if you want to believe that there's a 30-40% reduction in property tax just waiting to be plucked from the air due to "wasteful" spending, that's fine. Just don't expect others to drink that kool-aid.
There are a lot of people who do not think the arts are important, and they are free to think that. There is a lot of poverty in Toronto and a lot of people that couldn't care less about the "arts".

There are a lot of people who don't care about the arts and bring up the poverty issue to justify their indifference, but they also don't approve of spending money to alleviate poverty when it comes down to it. Just saying.
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