News   Sep 27, 2024
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News   Sep 27, 2024
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News   Sep 27, 2024
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Roads: Highway 401 Widening - Highway 8 to Highway 410 (MTO, U/C, Planned)

... but the new people to this city are weird, i told the guy to take highway 10 to the 401 and he didnt listen to me, he kept driving and totally past hurontario street, guess he shoulda looked at a map.
Given almost all the road signs all say Hurontario and not Highway 10, isn't it a bit cruel to give strangers asking for directions road numbers that haven't been used since sometime last century?
me two, i also call it highway 10, and call dundas highway 5 as with 90% of other mississaugans, (im not a mississaugan but still call it that) do, but the new people to this city are weird, i told the guy to take highway 10 to the 401 and he didnt listen to me, he kept driving and totally past hurontario street, guess he shoulda looked at a map.

Even though I may call 5, 10, 1 and etc for roads at times, I always give the correct name to those road when asked for directions so people aren't confused where they are going to. Sometime looking at maps doesn't help if you can't read it in the first place or know what direction is what. I have miss read maps a few times over the years and ended up 100 miles in the wrong direction.
Yeah no recent map will show Highway 10 or 5. I find only non-Mississaugans call them that.

Do you guys still call Silken Laumann and Terry Fox Second Line too?
me two, i also call it highway 10, and call dundas highway 5 as with 90% of other mississaugans, (im not a mississaugan but still call it that) do, but the new people to this city are weird, i told the guy to take highway 10 to the 401 and he didnt listen to me, he kept driving and totally past hurontario street, guess he shoulda looked at a map.

He must have thought as he approached the intersection (if he even knew when he was): What highway? I'm not taking this congested street and took the faster Cawthra/403 route instead.

I wonder how many people actually tell motorists who ask for directions to take "Highway 10" instead of Cawthra or Mavis just because of the highway label?

I notice this tendency on locator maps in the Yellow Pages for businesses located in the northern section of the Dixie Rd. corridor: They skip over Tomken and Kennedy and strangely even the 410 and show "Highway 10" as the next main road to the west.

These subconscious fine-points in the "Highway 10" phenomenon could form the basis for a pshycological research paper!
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Anyway, getting back to the construction, as interesting as this beaten down discussion is, it seems as if construction is just as disintresting. My drive in the mornings reveals a barren east-bound desert, with no activity. Seems like the construction crews are packing it up for the winter? They don't seem to be laying the initial ashphault base for the concrete layer above, so looks like they may wait until spring.
I have noticed the temporary 401 East to 410 North ramp that they paved and used for a short while is all rubble now. I guess it wasn't usable as part of the 403 West ramp.
call me silly but i noticed they re-directed some north bound traffic on highway 10 north, ERR I MEAN HURONTARIO north to the new east bridge now. the west bridge has hi.. err, hurontario south traffic. when did this happen? its still not 3 lanes in each dirrection yet, kinda 2 lanes still but an improvement i guess the middle lanes will be reserved for the highwa.. i mean hurontario lrt?
call me silly but i noticed they re-directed some north bound traffic on highway 10 north, ERR I MEAN HURONTARIO north to the new east bridge now. the west bridge has hi.. err, hurontario south traffic. when did this happen? its still not 3 lanes in each dirrection yet, kinda 2 lanes still but an improvement i guess the middle lanes will be reserved for the highwa.. i mean hurontario lrt?

I don't know when traffic was relocated to the east side/northbound lanes, but it will be 2 from what I saw today.

Both MT & BT buses were screw up again to the point I saw 3 #103 pass me within 5 minutes as well being on detour at time.

Dufferin Management was giving me a hazel for taking photos and videos of the bridge and hwy 401 considering I wasn't in the construction area at all.

Concrete roadwork is finish for the season and resume in the spring. Work is still going on for building the tower mast support as well getting the last of the grading and base down over by Kennedy Rd.

I noticed the northbound lanes are now 2 and turning into 3 north of the westbound off ramp intersection. The medium is a lane wide at the intersection and narrow going north.

Sidewalk are being built on the east side of Hurontario down to Britannia Rd that never had a sidewalk in the first place.

The work on Hurontario should be rap up by Dec 15.

The off ramp for 403 will be on the south side of the street light and hydro poles.

Here a short video I only could get for Hurontario and a full one at Kennedy Rd.
Dufferin Management was giving me a hazel for taking photos and videos of the bridge and hwy 401 considering I wasn't in the construction area at all.

I assume by hazel you mean hassle? Anyway, screw them, if you are in a public area you have every right to film or take pictures of whatever you want. They can shove it!! Thanks for the updates! Interesting to see a more up-close view of the area.
any update? its bin over a month

No updates..... They have closed up shop for the winter. I assume they cannot pour concrete in the cold weather so I guess they won't be starting up again until March/April?
