I've been asking around about this - and I've heard that the traffic group formed after the residents on langley between Logan and Carlaw asked to switch the direction of that section of Langley to be for eastbound travel to prevent traffic on carlaw from using Langley to cut through the neighbourhood. The city rejected the proposal since it would just add more volume to other neighbourhood streets and requested that the neighbourhood form a working group to form a more comprehensive solution
They updated the website and the proposal is out.
Basically they don't care what we think.
Here what they posted under FAQs.
Does the proposal go to the Toronto and East York Council before the city can officially put it to a vote amongst residents?
The proposal will first go to the community. If it approves the plan, it will go to Transportation Services, Toronto Fire, and Toronto Police Services before being presented to the East York Community Council. If approved at that level, it will be rubber-stamped by City Hall.
What the hell? You already made changes without asking me?
The introduction of left turn restrictions on Langley Avenue was reviewed and approved by Transportation Services and does not require a community-wide vote. The reduction of the speed limit to 30KM/H normalized the limits already established on some streets. Any resident of a street can make these requests and the city approves them only on an as-it-sees-fit basis.
If the proposal is voted down by the community, will everything that has been achieved already by the group (eg. speed limit changes) be removed?
The RTG was advised that the only changes that need a vote by the community are changes of direction to a street – unless a given change of street direction is identified by Transportation as warranted as a matter of traffic planning or safety. Accordingly, if the plan is voted down, improvements in any final proposal that are not a change of direction will remain. Therefore, no matter the outcome, the RTG will have achieved some minimal good for the neighbourhood. But the challenge is always to do better than the minimum.
Are all members of the RTG leftist nutcases?
No. In fact, some of them are libertarians! Seriously, the RTG represents includes a spectrum of political views and occupations. Some RTG members travel by bike, but most commute by car. Both genders are represented and all adult ages are represented, including those with young children and school-aged children at both Pape Avenue Public School and Withrow Avenue Public School.
What happens if we vote down this proposal?
The only matter requiring a community vote is the reversal of One Way signs. Any resident can petition Councillor Fletcher to approve any or all other traffic calming measures independently of the Riverdale Traffic Group.
About the Riverdale Traffic Group