Every sentence should mean something you can explain. Explain the concept of "overflowing with anonymity" in any context.
Some sentences can be metaphoric or surrealist. The ancient mystics spoke in tongues and parables all the time. If they all spoke literally every philosophy, opinion, I don't think their knowledge would've withstood the test of time as it'd be ordinary, dull and uninspiring. So again Enviro if the vast majority of what I say is illogical and undecipherable, why invest so much of your time dissecting it?
Yes I'm for real. You keep opining how much she ruined this guy's life when it's her that's publically humiliated as a 'nigger' who wasn't afraid to challenge white authority hence a liability for future employers. Unless she go works for the Source, Jet, XXL, Essence or Black Enterprise her career might hit the glass ceiling. I'm not saying it must happen, but it's a valid skepticism to have.
How do you know she is a descendant of the slaves or was ever segregated? Her family history might not include slavery or segregation. She could be an Ethiopian that came over recently.
At some point in history every African nation was conquered and dominioned over by foriegn colonial powers. As such the invading conquerors formed the ruling first class citizens while the indigenous peoples became subordinates, segregated off to the worst existences imaginable. So no matter how you slice it, we're all descendants of and often continue to be victims.
What are those social concerns that are not accommodated? How does segregation by choice end segregation? If whites choose to segregate themselves away from blacks is that segregation by choice as well?
-Getting off welfare, affordable housing, job creation programs, community outreach programs, Africentric school programs, policy reforms to put to rest systematic racism, adult literacy programs, greater black-Canadian representation in the media/society.
-Segregation by choice ends segregation by taking the power out of oppressors' hands and putting it into black hands. Allowing the black academia and community/church leaders to set out civil, moral guildelines which youth can be proud of. Stem the tide of sports/rap as the only way out. Teach them something beyond Champlain and Louis Riel but also Anderson Ruffin Abbott, Robert Sutherland and Henry Bibb as well. Make learning more appealing by framing subject materials to the students' aptitude and interest levels. There's so much we could do but frankly aren't in the regular system at a level of successive progress.
-I've given this example yesterday. Whites with enough economic power already do sepaprate themselves from blacks. Other minorities do much the same living in ethnic enclaves. We're a city divided and you don't even realize it.
You can work as hard as you want but if the knowledge you gain and the products you create are not in demand you end up with nothing.
, that could apply to a third of the courses taught in university. Nothing is more annoying than earning a degree only to find out the only job one can get in that field is becoming a teacher of the subject.
It was you that stated the point of this school was to prevent dropping out and keeping these people out of trouble. If a Playstation 3 course is added to the curriculum because the students like the idea that will prevent them from dropping out and keep them out of trouble. What I am saying is that if the goal is not to teach them skills useful to the workforce or teach them what is useful in college or university then what is the point?
Africentricity NOT African studies, which you keep alluding to, is about rehabilitating students that were underachieving and forgotten about/rejected from the general system. It's to boost self-esteems and give them a different outlook than a BET-style future or worse.
Only a racist would choose segregation over multiculturalism. Only a bigoted mind would believe skin colour determines a person's likes and dislikes.
Again I didn't, the white media released a public service announcement that the face of dropouts bringing down the TDSB's preformance scores was black. I graduated from my high school in Toronto with honours and distinctions, so I know it can be done. If the system's given up on us, then it's up to us to save ourselves, by any means necessary.
If the curriculum varies so slightly why is a whole new school required? Existing schools already have elective courses.
If your kid had a choice between advanced calculus and European History, which one do you think (s)he'd pick? If in your opinion African Studies are valueless to these youth to learn as it's not applicable to any career paths here, what makes you think they'd electively choose to learn about their own heritage?
You interviewed your friends asking whether they would prefer a better tomorrow?
"Whether they'd prefer to attend africentric schools and recommend it for up-and-coming black kids?". The response was overwhelmingly in favor of the schools. The main rationale they gave was they felt alienated by both teachers and non-black students who act very 'short' and 'cold' around them.
I'm fighting for honesty. This guy might be racist and if he is then I hate him for it. What I don't like is people jumping to the conclusion that racism exists where it might not.
, how the heck do you expect to find out for certain, implant a monitoring device in his cerebrum to catch him everytime he has a racist thought? The word of an accomplished, reputable journalist who has much more at stake, like her career and dignity on the line, should be evidence enough. He admitted to calling her the N-word and received sensitivity training again for his error in judgment. That sounds like admission of guilt to wrongdoing to me.
These aren't brainfarts. They are logical analysis of the facts and honest questions you seem to like to avoid giving straight answers to.
Nope. Alot of the questions you preposition cannot possibly be answered without contradicting myself. You're deliberately setting me up to make me look stupid by use of begging the question fallacies.
The current curriculum in a normal school is set up with base courses that the ministry has determined are essential and then there are additional electives. If students don't want to learn English or French, math and science too bad for them because Canada requires people which have a basic understanding of these things. If you want to replace math with African crafts that doesn't create a useful graduate. If the only point is to replace one elective course with another that is something that can be done at the existing schools in the existing curriculum. I think it is pretty racist to say that because a person has dark skin there is no point preparing them for university, that they can't possibly be interested in the same things other students are, and that they automatically want to take an African history course.
BUT!!! These are kids that were on the verge of dropping out anyway so how possibly could they be in a position to graduate let alone make use of those English, French, math and science skills at the university level? What exactly do you think Africentricity entails that you'd beleive that we'd omit the basics of learning, the Arts and Sciences?
the whole tragedy of Rwanda was that the UN or other nations did nothing. I guess you didn't understand it.
I was trying to drive that home to you too, that developed nations with political influence and in a position to aid, didn't give a flying fuck til it was too late
I'm pretty sure there is no blood on my hands regardless. I'm pretty sure the genocide in Rwanda and Sudan was fully orchestrated by black people. The Germans and Belgians hold some responsibility for the position of power the Tutsi's had and the UN and countries of the world hold some responsibility for not stopping the genocide... this includes white, black, and other countries. The bulk of the responsibility though must be held on those who actually committed the crime.
Lord of the Flies. See what happens when without warning you're dropped flat on your ass to fend for yourself without assistence from the very people who orchestrated your social civility and codes of ethics; after disrupting the organic synthesis of laws and order you established for your own kind?
Sounds like you are saying spitting in someones face justifies racism. I've never spit in anyones face before. However, there was a reporter that called a parking attendant an a-hole. Not as bad as spitting in a face mind you.
Again figurative language you've miscontrued into something else.
She could have refrained from escalating an impolite statement asking her to move her vehicle to obscenities. Case closed!
Again, she was wrong but if you must take sides, I'll be the only on this thread to defend her conduct as the N-word oversteps the bounds of normal aggravated assault.
Society can't be judged by the actions of a few individuals which don't represent even a small fraction of the population. I have had a car load of kids roll down their window and drive by yelling profanities as well but it doesn't happen often.
When we keep allowing these one, one individuals to get away with it... it adds up. The Holocaust arose from Hitler's personal vendetta with a Jewish doctor who operated on his mom who died from related complications. It escalated into 6 million Jews dead and countless more displaced. Even today's problems in Israel can be traced right back. Public apathy is a breeding ground for xenophobia and racial hate.
Maybe you are. You have decided that blacks can't co-exist in a multicultural school. You have decided that blacks can't succeed with the curriculum all the other races are using. You have decided that non-blacks aren't good enough role models for blacks. You have decided that blacks are very different from other races.
I did not make those distinctions. I was born into a racist society, it started before my time. If other races already treat blacks differently, why should we continue fighting an uphill battle for your acceptence and approval? Much like the Chinese, Indians, Natives and other minorities groups have done; Blacks need to unite and create black instituitions that safeguard our public interests, create jobs, create housing, create school programs, provide spiritual guidance and support, etc. WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY!
I have said I want black students sitting next to my children in the same class. I have said blacks CAN succeed with the same curriculum. I have said that blacks aren't really different than any other race and saying one insult is no different than another. You want to differentiate based on race. I don't. That makes you sound more racist than me.
Black kids who don't allow the pressures of instituitional segregation and oppression to push them out the doors of public schools, will still be sitting next to your kids in the same class. Your kids, their black classmates and the forgotten, discarded ones who found resurgence in the Africentric initiative, might likely all meet up in university. That's the future I want.
I support one-on-one support for people with low self esteem. That would include people who are bullied, people who have been picked on due to race, people who come from broken families, etc. You don't need a separate school for that.
You're confusing my statements. I meant support for victims of racism; people called the N-word, told to vaccate places for no logical reason, denied work or equal pay, given the worst of everything to subsist on.
He is white, she is black.
And your point is?
He isn't my friend. He was called an asshole which is dehumanizing enough, and then he was called a racist without any analysis of whether or not it is true.
Right, like someone will ever admit to being a racist, knowing full well the social consequences it engenders. We can't short-sighted in this. For every Ms. Cero there's dozens of derrogatory racial slur utterences on innocent people occuring every day in this country. Her ethical duty to her viewing audience was not to make light of their plight but rather risked embarassing her own self to instigate greater corporate responsibility and personal liability for using words that historically condemned persons for physical attributes that are immutable.
I think the white mantra is more along the lines we really don't expect respect. We understand we will be blamed for everything anyways because it is the easiest thing to do. If we prevent a crime we are not being fair to those apprehended, if we don't prevent a crime it is our fault for not stopping it.
Blame goes where it's due. Petty crimes are always associated with blacks but it's whites that dropped that bomb on Hiroshima, kills millions of Vietnamese, genocided countless Amerindian groups, etc. The power of the damager, if looked at proportionately, the onus is not on us, friendo.
Well name calling hasn't been made a crime yet as far as I know. If you actually think you can get a police officer on tape saying your complexion makes you worthy of abuse you should definitely do it because that is obvious racism. Racists need to be taught a lesson.
Glad you agree.
I don't think it works that way. There isn't enough evidence to say he is racist and he certainly can't be held responsible for over a century of oppression.
It does work that way because people like you are under the assumption that there's no racism in Canadian society and that giving this one racist the wagging finger of shame even begins to compensate for a half-millenia of oppression.
Why would I think that you are illogical because two of the five are still alive? That doesn't make sense. I'm sorry for the fact I find you using advanced vocabulary and false logic as funny.
Everyone misspells and uses words out of context. People also recognize this is an opinion forum where we can talk about anything without strict adhesion to academic speech. I apply it thick where I need to. You're don't have to constantly dig up quotes from a dozen posts ago to shame me.
What advice has been offered to me? I respect everyones opinions even though I don't necessarily agree with them. You have called me a number of names. That doesn't sound like like respect and accommodations to me. I can quote something from almost every post you have made which is disrespectful.
Everytime I extend olive branches, I get salt in my wounds. It's easy to be hostile when you make it so easy for me to do.
OK. I promise not make light things you have said in earlier posts from now on if you promise to keep you sentences clear and concise. The truth is there are things you post which don't make sense even if there might be a point that made sense that you were trying to convey. The reason I kept repeating your quote is because you aren't admitting it made no sense and instead you try and say whoever can't understand it is an idiot. Rather than admit it makes no sense you go on to say it is eloquent.
Nice to hear. Keep it up.