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News   Jul 26, 2024
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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

If the PCs win, there won't be much of any transit funded. It'll be seen as "fancy streetcars and unnecessary stuff for Toronto, folks."

The stuff you may like to see get funded may be at risk, but to assert Toronto will get nothing whatsoever is stretching it.
Wynne now has to stand out from Doug on subways and the DRL in next in the pipeline and pushed by Tory. Its a no brainer to campaign on it at this stage when the Feds are already at the table to cover their part on he DRL when design is complete. I also think Doug wants to send a message to Downtown that's he supports high priority transit just not hacked in transit that removes car lanes created congestion by impacting other modes which has been a big issue which is winning him support. If he was to win Sheppard and Yonge North subways will be jaw-boned as next up in the que but not funded SSE could be pushed to Sheppard or atleast the stop added back. Remaining LRT will be thrown back to the City to build on its own if hes elected and subways likely uploaded as per Browns previous promise.

DRL has its best opportunity its ever had IMO
You can’t argue facts against crazy. You can’t defeat a populist candidate with a platform. Doug Ford won on carbon tax and butt stuff, neither of which made any sense. He can only defeated by a few simple points and straight up character assassination.

Doug is a hopelessly corrupt wannabe gangster who is in it for himself. That’s the message that will defeat him. Subways have 0% relevance.
Let’s not forget that the one stop Scarborough subway project is as much a Wynne Liberal project as belonging to anyone else. On the transit file, in my opinion Wynne’s record proves she will do anything and spend any amount of money in targeted close race suburban ridings. DRL May survive in some form but transit funding is probably going to go very subway and very suburban.
Doug is a hopelessly corrupt wannabe gangster who is in it for himself. That’s the message that will defeat him. Subways have 0% relevance.

Agreed x infinity. Kathleen Wynne has to go cleats up against Doug's character, lies, and lack of meaningful policy - Tory and Chow handled him with kid gloves during the mayoral election and enabled the impression Doug was a viable candidate by default. Wynne has to pull off Doug's human face mask and show the maggoty festering alien skull beneath.
Let’s not forget that the one stop Scarborough subway project is as much a Wynne Liberal project as belonging to anyone else. On the transit file, in my opinion Wynne’s record proves she will do anything and spend any amount of money in targeted close race suburban ridings. DRL May survive in some form but transit funding is probably going to go very subway and very suburban.
On all files - remember the Gas Plant cancellation to buy a couple of Mississauga ridings. McGuinty was still in charge, but Wynne's fingerprints were on that too. The beauty of transit is that as a best case scenario, construction starts 5 years down the line so they do not affect the bottom line for the upcoming term in government.
Wynne now has to stand out from Doug on subways and the DRL in next in the pipeline and pushed by Tory. Its a no brainer to campaign on it at this stage when the Feds are already at the table to cover their part on he DRL when design is complete. I also think Doug wants to send a message to Downtown that's he supports high priority transit just not hacked in transit that removes car lanes created congestion by impacting other modes which has been a big issue which is winning him support. If he was to win Sheppard and Yonge North subways will be jaw-boned as next up in the que but not funded SSE could be pushed to Sheppard or atleast the stop added back. Remaining LRT will be thrown back to the City to build on its own if hes elected and subways likely uploaded as per Browns previous promise.

DRL has its best opportunity its ever had IMO
I thought DRL had a big opportunity back in 2012.
Karen Stinz was about to confront Rob Fords transit plans.
A compromise then could have got a DRL started (i.e. complete Grade-separated Eglinton-Scarborough LRT, delay Sheppard and make DRL the next priority).
Instead, Council and the Liberals in the background prioritized defeating Ford instead of creating good transit. After a year-and-a-half of posturing, it got us the Scarborough Subway (SSE), and a bunch of foot dragging on that so that even if DRL was the next priority, it would not come soon.

The question is, will the Feds put politics ahead of transit and revoke funding from Toronto subways just to not allow Ford to look good.
Agreed x infinity. Kathleen Wynne has to go cleats up against Doug's character, lies, and lack of meaningful policy - Tory and Chow handled him with kid gloves during the mayoral election and enabled the impression Doug was a viable candidate by default. Wynne has to pull off Doug's human face mask and show the maggoty festering alien skull beneath.

They need to go dirty because he sure will.
The comparisons between Trump and Ford are apt in many ways, but people seem to forget that Ford *has* been a politician, including a voting record, and worse yet, the abhorrent attendance record, missing more than half of council votes in his last year (a record that got worse after his first year). Regardless of your love or hate for the man, if that's brought up it doesn't look good at all; it looks like a man who just wants to get voted in, but not do the work of proper representation. As a weapon to use against him in a run for premier, it seems like a pretty big hammer that's hard to defend against.

Add in statements like this, "Ford has joked, though, that he didn’t know how much work he was getting himself into when he joined council". If he can't handle city council, how's he going to run a whole province?

And what's the argument; "It's better to run against someone with a voting record than one without"?
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Ford was my #2 pick but I’m still pleased with the result. He will really go after Wynne and her gang of fiscal terorrists who are destroying the financial future of the Province.

Ford is clearly the best choice for business and development is a massive business and a major engine of growth. So Ford is the best pick for a strong ‘ urban Toronto’. Why all the hate on him? He’s not his brother and he’s not the POTUS.

He’s a father, husband and businessman with political experience. If you can put aside the rhetoric he’s the obvious pick.
Ford was my #2 pick but I’m still pleased with the result. He will really go after Wynne and her gang of fiscal terorrists who are destroying the financial future of the Province.

Ford is clearly the best choice for business and development is a massive business and a major engine of growth. So Ford is the best pick for a strong ‘ urban Toronto’. Why all the hate on him? He’s not his brother and he’s not the POTUS.

He’s a father, husband and businessman with political experience. If you can put aside the rhetoric he’s the obvious pick.
It’s going to be a long three months...
Ford is clearly the best choice for business and development is a massive business and a major engine of growth. So Ford is the best pick for a strong ‘ urban Toronto’. Why all the hate on him? He’s not his brother and he’s not the POTUS.

He’s a father, husband and businessman with political experience. If you can put aside the rhetoric he’s the obvious pick.

And a former drug dealer, from a family of sociopathic, pathological liars...

The argument that government should be run like a business is garbage.

Businesses ultimately care about bottom lines, not people.
Typical responses of course.

My priorities in government are:

-world class health care
-world class education
-pro business/entrepreneurship
-low taxes
-balance budgets/fiscal responsibility (Wynne’s worst area)
-strong employment opportunities for everyone
-realistic and fair environment regulations
-prioritizing transit
-strong social services for those with an actual need for them

Ford is no angel and all politicians are venal creatures but he has the best shot at delivering in these areas. He’s Toronto centric so likely to do the most for Toronto. Socially all 3 party candidates are pretty similar in reality.

You can’t judge the man on his brother’s flaws. If you want to play that card let’s judge the PM on his mother’s mental health illness. Same distinction.

Finally he may have been a drug dealer in high school however the PM is a drug dealer now.
