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News   Sep 09, 2024
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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

With election almost a year away I would not be surprised. They did the same thing with Patrick Brown to save themselves.

If polls suggested Ford was toxic I can see caucus forcing him out to save their skins come 2022.
Patrick Brown seems to have rehabilitated himself and, from what I can see, is a pretty effective mayor. Ford, on the other hand, was generally seen as doing quite well at the start of 2020 when covid 'arrived' but it's been a pretty steady downward slide since then - the last 2 weeks has been a vertical drop. His 'over-reach' on non-covid things like Toronto election, MZOs, McVetty's fake university etc has probably marked him for life with MANY MANY people who will now NEVER vote for him (again). If the NDP or Liberals had better leaders the Tories, even without Ford, would not be in contention in 2022
Patrick Brown seems to have rehabilitated himself and, from what I can see, is a pretty effective mayor. Ford, on the other hand, was generally seen as doing quite well at the start of 2020 when covid 'arrived' but it's been a pretty steady downward slide since then - the last 2 weeks has been a vertical drop. His 'over-reach' on non-covid things like Toronto election, MZOs, McVetty's fake university etc has probably marked him for life with MANY MANY people who will now NEVER vote for him (again). If the NDP or Liberals had better leaders the Tories, even without Ford, would not be in contention in 2022

I am not so sure. Del Duca despite all of his faults is starting to become a household name worthy of a second look. The NDP may yet again form the opposition depending on how badly Ford screws up.

As you said, with everything that Ford has done there are alot of people who will not vote for him and I think the PC Caucus knows that. I would not be surprised if a coup was in the works as we speak.
I wonder if he will pull a Costa Concordia.


Full points for an interesting if rarely used analogy!

Assuming we can all agree the ship has already hit the rock and run aground..........

Is a 'Costa Concordia' merely the Premier abandoning ship first?

Or can we hope for a 16 year prison term?
I am thinking more of a Titanic. You know, full steam ahead showing off how world class we are until we hit an iceberg and everyone dies.

Nah, the Titanic is an unpreventable accident coupled with design/construction flaws; Costa fits better - a captain showing off against good sense and skills, hit the shoals and left the boat while there are still passengers on board.

There may be some competent folks in the caucus, I haven't looked at the entirety of the options; but there are two obvious challenges.

1) The person in charge is a complete and utter buffoon whose sense of ethics is dubious at best.

2) The cabinet keeps approving these foolish ideas; which would seem to convey that a majority are either idiots or cowards, or both.

Redeeming the government by way of cabinet shuffle clearly requires changing out at least 1/2 the cabinet and most importantly, its leader.

Haha, this is one of the supposed "competent folks" in caucus (certainly she was the great hope before DoFo came around:
Laura Stone
Health Minister @celliottability in Qp: "Dr. Williams have done an incredible job for this province...he's provided invaluable advice...we are indebted to him." #onpoli

Some great hope, that. I can only hope we find a way to strip them of their pensions.

This is the VaccineHuntersCanada discord chat this morning.

If the failure lies with the Feds, it's not shown in the numbers of people who can't easily access a vaccine.

The system is broken. Because Ford.

Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 10.34.39 AM.png
I can only hope we find a way to strip them of their pensions.

If it makes you feel any better; Mike Harris already did that.

Provincial MPPs don't get pensions in Ontario.

That happened under this bill:

This is the VaccineHuntersCanada discord chat this morning.

If the failure lies with the Feds, it's not shown in the numbers of people who can't easily access a vaccine.

The system is broken. Because Ford.

View attachment 313629
But Ford keeps repeating his claims that it's a supply issue from the Feds, and so many people believe it.
From The Washington Post:

Doug Ford Must Go
I'm usually willing to give a government in their first term a longer leash. Mistakes will be made.

At this point though, it's hard to not disagree with this article. We're worse off than we were a year ago.

Most of this is due to government ineptitude. I thought they did a fairly good job early on, but ever since there have been countless foolish decisions.

Things should be a lot better at this point.
Clearly, but it may be something the producers want to avoid being seen engaging in. Having said that, I doubt any of are, or ever will be, privy to the unit costs.
We do know the cost of vaccines (to US customers) and I have seen similar European ones. Here are US ones from:

Finally, the J&J vaccine is cheaper. The U.S. government purchased it for $10 per dose, while Pfizer will cost $19.50 per dose and Moderna $25 to $37 per dose. Since the latter two require two doses, the relative product cost of vaccination is $10 for J&J, $39 for Pfizer, and $50–$74 for Moderna, along with the added labor costs of administering second shots.
I'm usually willing to give a government in their first term a longer leash. Mistakes will be made.

At this point though, it's hard to not disagree with this article. We're worse off than we were a year ago.

Most of this is due to government ineptitude. I thought they did a fairly good job early on, but ever since there have been countless foolish decisions.

Things should be a lot better at this point.

I really feel like this is the result of Ford Nation.

Both Rob and Doug Ford were and are all about finding efficiencies, slimming down government and telling it like it is. They have no plan, they never did and they live off mantras (Subways, Subways, Subways!), Slogans (Buck a beer!) or feel good euphemisms (Folks!).

They were more concerned about their brand, their ideology than they were about doing their job well. For years it was all about finding efficiencies and saving money but at what cost?
