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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

More revenge on the part of Our Glorious Leader, Doug Ford.

Ontario PCs to increase number of seats needed for official party status

From link.

The Ontario Progressive Conservative government will introduce legislation this week that will increase the threshold needed for official party status.​
The new threshold — to be laid out in the fall economic statement later this week — will be 10 per cent of the house, or 12 seats, up from the current eight.​
The move seems to take aim at the Liberal party, which is currently just one seat shy of official party status.​
The Ford government house leader Todd Smith says the PCs are simply echoing the sentiments of the people and denies it is an attempt to stymie the Liberals.​
“The people spoke loud and clear on election day (and) they decided to reduce the size of the liberal caucus to below official party status,” he said. “The voters are never wrong and we’re just taking this step to make it really clear going forward that this is the level you need to achieve.”​
Interim Liberal leader John Fraser says its not fair to the more than one million Ontarians that voted for his party.​
“The Premier’s job is not to divide,” he said. “His job is to bring people together and what they’re doing now is dividing people.”​
Slipping below the threshold meant the Liberals lost funds for research, staff salaries and other purposes and can only operate in the legislature in a limited fashion.​
The Liberals have asked the government to grant them some accommodations, including funding, similar to what New Democrats received when they failed to achieve party status in 2003.​
“It’s thwarting democracy and it’s also what bullies do,” Fraser said.​

The bully could get his way. "The Ford government house leader Todd Smith says the PCs are simply echoing the sentiments of the people and denies it is an attempt to stymie the Liberals." With 40.5% voting for the PC's out of 58% eligible voters, that's 23.5% have the "sentiments of the people" or 76% who do not.
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While I think the Liberals deserved to lose satus, they don't deserve the rules of the game being changed either here. And there's a good argument to be made that if he wants to remain in power, that he needs the NDP and Liberals bickering at each other with equal verocity. Instead, this keeps it easier for the NDP to look like a government in waiting.
I would be interested to see polling showing how many PC voters now regret their decision. The Ford government is devolving into a dumpster fire.
Beautiful. Liberals moaning about how this isn't fair to those who voted for them whilst being one of the parties federally and provincially who don't give a toss about what's fair for those who vote Green (or any other smaller party) and are basically disenfranchised because their votes don't count.

It's a bullshit move by the government, to be sure, but the moaning of the self-serving hypocrites about what's fair is a bit much.

I say, perhaps keeping them out of future election campaign debates might be par for the course.

Interesting that the Liberals, despite being decimated and losing official party status, are just a few points behind the PCs at 32%.

It could be tough to win the next election, but I think they could be back in power by 2026.
The poll is sobering in so many ways. Ford is an incredibly unpopular man. Gosh...who woulda thunk? Next Prov election might be between the NDP and the Libs, and the Fight for Centre.

The enduring question is, though: How long can Ford remain the Con's Useful Idiot? Is the requisition already in to the Saudis to send a 'clean-up squad'?
In terms of personal popularity, Ford has a 37 per cent approval rating with 63 per cent disapproval.

This is worth a good chuckle:

They haven't got a clue...
More revenge on the part of Our Glorious Leader, Doug Ford.

I almost laughed out loud while reading about this. Soooooo predictable. And sadly typical of Dofo.

One can't help speculating about the expression of shock on Kathleen Wynne's sniveling face when she heard the news. No doubt her first thoughts on the subject were something along these lines: "But...but...but!" And indeed, it does seem pretty damned ungrateful of Thug to pull this stunt when you consider how much he owes the Liberals in general and Wynne in particular for his election victory. After an extremely shady leadership convention , in which the party's dirty laundry was aired to an uncomfortable degree (and which he 'won' under circumstances that were questionable to say the least), he still mainly owes being Premiere to the Liberals' completely imploding under Wynne's utter incompetence. I agree that this was sheer vindictive spite at work, an obvious revenge ploy from our widdle Thuggie-poo. But revenge for what, exactly? Was he pissed at them for having the temerity to run against him?

But that's Doug Ford for you. His specific brand of schoolyard bully needs to have weaker targets to beat up on for the sake of personal validation. He needs "enemies," even if they're people who've done nothing to him personally. His pimple-brained brother was the same. As for the Liberals, it's hard to muster any sympathy for them. Really, for the most part, they have themselves to thank for this.
Ford government says it’s still undecided on future of $1.5-billion Mississauga LRT

See link.

The Ontario PC government has confirmed to The Mississauga News that it remains undecided on the future of a planned LRT line down Hurontario St. that would connect the Port Credit GO station to the Gateway Terminal in Brampton.

Earlier on Tuesday, the opposition NDP issued a release stating it was concerned for the future of the $1.5 billion project, which was slated to be completed by 2022. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation responded to the NDP’s assertions in an emailed statement to The News a short time later.

“We have to eliminate the inefficiencies of the previous Liberal government and make sure we invest in efficient and effective transit projects that achieve the best value for our customer — the Ontario taxpayer. Our decisions will be based on what is best for the people of the GTHA, including Peel Region,” said ministry press secretary Justine Lewkowicz when asked if the planned project was being considered for cancellation.

NDP transit critic Jessica Bell took the government to task in question period on Tuesday after she said a recent meeting with the Ontario ministry of transportation didn’t inspire confidence in the Mississauga LRT line’s future.

“After a concerning meeting with ministry representatives where they refused to end rumours that the government is planning to cancel the planned Hurontario LRT and GO Electrification, I gave Doug Ford’s government another chance to set the record straight,” said Bell in the release.

“Instead of clearly saying that these projects are still on the Ford government’s agenda, the minister responded with vague platitudes that didn’t even reference the projects that I had clearly asked about,” she added.

While the Ford government didn’t say for certain it is looking at possibly cutting the project, it appears Bell’s concerns about such a possibility weren’t without merit.

Prior to the government’s response, Mississauga mayor Bonnie Crombie said earlier Tuesday she expects the project to move forward as planned and has great hopes for it.

“There has been no indication from the Ontario government that the project is not proceeding. Premier Ford committed to funding the Hurontario LRT and other transit projects during the provincial election campaign. I look forward to working with the premier and his government to move Mississauga forward and see through this transformative project which will create jobs and get people moving across Mississauga and the GTA,” she said.

The government said it will be discussing the matter with partners and stakeholders to determine the best way forward.

“Our Government for the People is committed to improving the transit experience across the GTHA to get people moving and make life easier for Ontarians. We are determined to deliver a modern transit system that will serve the region’s growing communities, drive economic development and alleviate traffic congestion,” said Lewkowicz.

If true that Our Dear and Glorious Leader, Doug Ford cancels the Hurontario LRT (and any other transit projects), it will confirm the anti-transit, anti-climate warming, and pro-automobile beliefs of Doug Ford
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