News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

This one problem I have with what our political system has become. Certainly, the PM has a leadership role in public assurance and overall policy direction, but he doesn't have to have his fingers publicly in everything. We have a Cabinet, 338 elected members and professional bureaucracy. We don't have a presidential system; he is just the first minister - first among equals (theoretically). If this is what we have become or what some want, we can save a whole lot of time and treasure and just have the PMO run the country.

Our constitution doesn't allow it - if anyone wants to go that direction, open up another constitutional debate about what the Canadian Confederation should look like and the division of power between the provinces and the central government.

*Personally, I am all for that - our federal government is pathetically weak, and I am sick and tired of the provinces actively undermining national unity for provincial votes.

Since the US is putting the 14-day travel restriction for people coming from China, everyone is staying in Canada for those 14 days. Quite the dangerous situation. I heard that in California, they have a hospital ready when the coronavirus breaks out there. (If.)

And look at how the US has messed up now - with cases that couldn't be traced and basically herald community spread; HHS staff being sent to deal with evacuees without protection, and the CDC under gag order (and all in the context of a health system that basically discourages a good chunk of the citizens from using it due to cost).

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I guess the civil war some have been anticipating will have to wait for another day...

Federal government and Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs reach tentative deal to end pipeline dispute
The lesson from this is that most native groups are willing to have areasonable settlement with the federal government.

And that frankly all voices are not equal and frankly we should just either ignore or have a tougher stance on outside elements or frankly Fringe extremist elements that tried to hijack the debate.
1)Ban flights from the hot spots

2)Hire 10,000 health care workers

3)Build miltary hospitals that would be only for people who have the virus.

1) Do-able and advisable, although a lot of that has been taken care of the airline industry itself. It is a bit like chasing a ghost though as hot spots keep popping up.
2) Setting aside things like unions/associations, does anyone honestly think we have 10,000 trained health care professionals combing the classifieds looking for work?
3) Easier to do in a comand-and-control society that probably lacks much in the way of building and zoning standards, or cheerfully ignores those that might exist. When we saw photos of the one China built, was it just me or did it have a strange resemblance to a detention facility (bars on the windows, etc.). No doubt China has a yard full of those.
1) Do-able and advisable, although a lot of that has been taken care of the airline industry itself. It is a bit like chasing a ghost though as hot spots keep popping up.
2) Setting aside things like unions/associations, does anyone honestly think we have 10,000 trained health care professionals combing the classifieds looking for work?
3) Easier to do in a comand-and-control society that probably lacks much in the way of building and zoning standards, or cheerfully ignores those that might exist. When we saw photos of the one China built, was it just me or did it have a strange resemblance to a detention facility (bars on the windows, etc.). No doubt China has a yard full of those.

1. There are no direct flights from Iran to Canada for example - and spread in US is a clear indicator that denying entry to those having visited hot spots doesn't work all that well either.
2. No kidding.
3. Nevermind the resemblance to a detention facility - if anyone think that there is enough CF around to build 2x 1.5K hospital (plus equipment) - nevermind even having the building plans to do so - they are kidding themselves. You might be better off thinking about requisitioning public and private facilities as quarantine centres.

1. There are no direct flights from Iran to Canada for example - and spread in US is a clear indicator that denying entry to those having visited hot spots doesn't work all that well either.
Some professionals have even argued this makes things worse. Desperate people will try to find a way in and they would likely be willing to lie about their circumstances. Now you have someone that may be infected, but you aren’t sure where they’ve actually been. On top of that, if they do get sick, they may hesitate to get treatment or be upfront about because they fear legal repercussions.
It depends
Some professionals have even argued this makes things worse. Desperate people will try to find a way in and they would likely be willing to lie about their circumstances. Now you have someone that may be infected, but you aren’t sure where they’ve actually been. On top of that, if they do get sick, they may hesitate to get treatment or be upfront about because they fear legal repercussions.

True but these 'experts' dont give much other advice apart from "it will spread' oh well...
True but these 'experts' dont give much other advice apart from "it will spread' oh well...

So you heard the answer about keeping calm, not needing to overreact, maintain general good hygiene practices, etc - you just didn't like it. Your quote unquote just attempt to undermine the legitimacy of expert opinion in substitution of what, your own?

So you heard the answer about keeping calm, not needing to overreact, maintain general good hygiene practices, etc - you just didn't like it. Your quote unquote just attempt to undermine the legitimacy of expert opinion in substitution of what, your own?


The issue is which experts are right? That this is just the flu or this is the biggest threat since the Spanish Flu? There is no clear consensus on this it seems to me.

For Example The WHO praised Chinas containment efforts but some experts said it caused things to be worse.

Some experts are saying things won't spread to wildly while others saying most people on the planet will be infected?

Who do I trust?

And no stop with a snarky reply to show your "superiority" its a genuine question...

Like this seems an informed opinion and she thinks there should be some travel restrictions or that china's efforts were warranted but another article says it's not.

So like some experts say restrictions makes things worse others say they re needed?

its o confusing
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Simple, the experts that are current responsible for advising and setting Canadian policies. You are expecting perfection - you wouldn't find it in a fast moving situtation with lots of unknowns. What you should do is trust the expert opinion of those with years of experience and are in a position to provide advice to our local policy makers. Just because you found an expert online with a slightly different opinion doesn't mean it is the right one (or even the relevant one). What is also pretty clear is that travel restrictions has so far not prevent community spread in some of the countries that have implemented it.

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But how do we know it makes things worse or it slow things restrictions...

Also how does the carbon tax work? I got a 200 dollar gas bill and got charge 29 bucks ?
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean the experts setting policy are wrong.
You're not somehow going to crack the code after reading a dissenting opinion online like some anti-vaxer.

Your anti-Trudeau axe finds all sorts of stones to grind that don't exist.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean the experts setting policy are wrong.
You're not somehow going to crack the code after reading a dissenting opinion online like some anti-vaxer.

Your anti-Trudeau axe finds all sorts of stones to grind that don't exist.

Well the article I listed was not some Reddit guy it was a pandemic expert reporting in the Guardian.

We live in a globalized world not a place of silos.

People will wonder why X country is doing this and we not doing that and such. Like in the UK they are having a Cobra meeting about this, while I dont see anything similar in canada.

Plus I blast Trudeau as he has not been a good leader in these challenging times and I think more Canadians agree with that sentiment as time goes on.
Even most people I meet these days that were Trudeau fanboys in 2015 are very 'eh' on him but back him as he is the 'best of the worst'

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Well the article I listed was not some Reddit guy it was a pandemic expert reporting in the Guardian.
And nearly every other official is calling for people to be calm, and not panic like you suggest we should.

People will wonder why X country is doing this and we not doing that and such. Like in the UK they are having a Cobra meeting about this, while I dont see anything similar in canada.
What about what Argentina is doing? Who cares? The only relevance this has is to try and conjure up some boogie man that Trudeau isn't panicking enough for your liking.

Plus I blast Trudeau as he has not been a good leader in these challenging times and I think more Canadians agree with that sentiment as time goes on.
Even most people I meet these days that were Trudeau fanboys in 2015 are very 'eh' on him but back him as he is the 'best of the worst'
We get it. You don't like him.
Well I stocked up on two months of rice and flour

Indian girl needs her rice and roti
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Simple, the experts that are current responsible for advising and setting Canadian policies. You are expecting perfection - you wouldn't find it in a fast moving situtation with lots of unknowns. What you should do is trust the expert opinion of those with years of experience and are in a position to provide advice to our local policy makers. Just because you found an expert online with a slightly different opinion doesn't mean it is the right one (or even the relevant one). What is also pretty clear is that travel restrictions has so far not prevent community spread in some of the countries that have implemented it.


Well look at Italy they had the same police as Canada not restrictions and now they have a major outbreak.
