News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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News   Sep 13, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

I had no qualms whatsoever about voting for Trudeau, mostly because I'm never going to vote for the Conservatives - too many moronic social conservatives, and I'm gay, so obviously... And I did so despite the fact that he gets on my last nerve, mostly because of his indecision on just about every file. I'm hoping that at some point, he will channel his father and display some of his f*** you attitude. I think Alberta needs it at this point, they have become worse whiners than my Québec compatriots ever were.
I'm surprised at his indecisiveness on the file too. As has been discussed in the coming disruption in transportation thread, it is pretty self-evident now that the technology with renewables has developed quick enough that we are looking at wide-scale adoption in the coming years and decades based on simple matter of prices, and that will have an impact on the price of oil and ergo the viability of extracting Albertan tar sands.

The protests is an opportunity and easy-out of investing in the pipeline. You can't lose votes in Alberta as there are no Liberal seats to lose in Alberta!
To some degree, the language is harsh, but Canada had a strong stretch of centrist governments. When Mulroney moved too far left, Chretien and the Liberals moved to the right to restore some balance.
The problem happened when Harper occupied the centre for too long. Mulcair realized that he had to move to the centre to gain mainstream support.
Trudeau and the Liberals realized they were being squeezed out - so they jumped to the left and took up positions that nobody paying attention could support. Somehow, they thought a famous name and pretty face were enough to win an election. A point that seemed ridiculous 5 years ago. Somehow, Canadians put aside their sanity and actually voted for the guy. Canada has been getting more and more divided since.

It seems you can't help yourself. Regardless of ones political leaning, people make conscious decisions when voting for a host of reasons, despite your claims of voluntary or involuntary mental incapacity. Perhaps make your argument supporting a position rather than disparaging the position, or competence, of others.
Trump’s America leads the world in cutting greenhouse gases
“The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions in 2019 on a country basis — a fall of 140 Mt (megatonnes) or 2.9%

U.S. emissions have dropped by about 15% below 2005 levels, 2% short of its 2020 target of 17% below 2005 emissions.
Trudeau’s target for 2020 was also to lower our emissions by 17% below 2005 levels, but as of 2017, the last year for which Canadian statistics are available, emissions have dropped only 1.9%.
In 2017, emissions rose by 1.1% compared to 2016.
I'm surprised at his indecisiveness on the file too. As has been discussed in the coming disruption in transportation thread, it is pretty self-evident now that the technology with renewables has developed quick enough that we are looking at wide-scale adoption in the coming years and decades based on simple matter of prices, and that will have an impact on the price of oil and ergo the viability of extracting Albertan tar sands.

The protests is an opportunity and easy-out of investing in the pipeline. You can't lose votes in Alberta as there are no Liberal seats to lose in Alberta!

You still need pipelines for untill renewables can produce enough energy which is 30 years plus away.
Political threads including on this forum are full of references to the lack of intelligence of voters who support a candidate or movement they dislike. This is in my opinion a fundamental misinterpretation of politics.

Politics is about people advancing their interests not an intelligence test. Intelligence is also poorly defined. There are different kinds of cognitive behaviours. The kind most applicable to this subject could be described as “the ability to get what you want”. By that definition you can’t call someone lacking in intelligence for wanting the advancement of an agenda. You can call them lacking in intelligence for wanting the advancement of an agenda but supporting someone or some movement that does not advance the agenda they desire. By that definition we are all lacking no?
Teck withdraws application for Frontier oilsands mine.

Vancouver-based Teck Resources has withdrawn its application to build a massive oilsands project in northern Alberta.

The federal government was slated to make a decision on whether or not to approve the $20.6-billion, 260,000-barrel-per-day Frontier project next week.

The announcement came just hours after the Alberta government announced it had struck deals with two First Nations over the proposed project, which would have been located 110 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.
Its for Trudeau to say fuck the west as his father as the West of this country grows more and more and plays a bigger role in confederation.

Yes Trudeau can win govts based on the east alone but any weakness out East and they are toast electorally.
Teck withdraws application for Frontier oilsands mine.

Vancouver-based Teck Resources has withdrawn its application to build a massive oilsands project in northern Alberta.

The federal government was slated to make a decision on whether or not to approve the $20.6-billion, 260,000-barrel-per-day Frontier project next week.

The announcement came just hours after the Alberta government announced it had struck deals with two First Nations over the proposed project, which would have been located 110 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.

My first observation, as someone who follows financial/investment stories keenly is that I don't believe the project was economically viable at this time. The price of oilsands oil is simply too low. Even the general oil price of WTI is too low and its not really close either.

Though Teck has been saying the opposite for some time, I could never rationalize their response, except to assume they wanted to bank the approval for sometime in the future.

That said, this week, literally days ahead of a federal decision on this..........seems like a rather odd time to pull the plug..........

There are wheels within wheels on this one..........

But it appears no one told Kenney's gov't...... (from the article)

"The news came just hours after the Alberta government announced it had struck deals with two First Nations over the proposed project, which would have been located 110 kilometres north of Fort McMurray. The province said the agreements with the Mikisew Cree and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations address bison and caribou habitats and protect Wood Buffalo National Park. "

Here, by the way is a link to Teck's full statement, from their website:

He will likely lose a lot of seats in Ontario and East among those who care about the country.
So maybe not lose any at all.

Well, if the CPC had any chance of coming off as more moderate, that could happen. Mmmkay was supposed to be that guy, but he isn't showing any of that right now. Just look at what his campaign manager tweeted about today....
Its for Trudeau to say fuck the west as his father as the West of this country grows more and more and plays a bigger role in confederation.

Yes Trudeau can win govts based on the east alone but any weakness out East and they are toast electorally.
The Alberta Conservatives are foolish in many ways, but complaining about unfairness and subtly pushing further independence is insidiously smart as it galvanizes their crowd- Trudeau's intransigence on this issue only offers 'proof' that to them that these things are happening.

The Liberals I think are already weakened in Quebec considering the results of the last election- if we start hearing about propane lines freezing up, Quebecers will not forgive him.

Trudeau will probably have to try another image change after this regardless- the beard ain't working!

Now, on a related note; it appears the OPP have given the Mohawks in Eastern Ontario notice to clear their blockade of the tracks by midnight tonight.

To absolutely no one’s surprise, they’ve stayed put, and are now threatening GO lines in the GTA.

That’s what you get when your ‘strongly worded’ statement is respected by no one, and you do nothing but appease extremist factions to the detriment of the moderates. Ford will probably not make the OPP dismantle the blockade unless absolutely necesary from a safety point of view- he’ll be happy to let Trudeau and the Liberals take it on the chin.

And as Nik Nanos alluded to on CTV- they seem to certainly have.

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