News   Sep 05, 2024
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News   Sep 05, 2024
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News   Sep 05, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

Anyone know what the Minister for Middle Class Prosperity and Massaging SunriseChampion's Finances and Paying His Rent is tasked with doing exactly?

Like, I kind of work hard to send money to these idiots and I'd like to know what I'm helping to pay for this woman's increased salary for. It's not exactly an unreasonable request.

May as well be the Minister of Don't You Worry About It or the Minister of Trust Me, I Know What's Good For You More Than You Yourself Do

or Minister of Unnecessary Spending

Minister of We're Just Making Shit Up

Minister of Look, We Care About You

Minister of Inflating Costs

Minister of Liberal Political Crassness

Why is there no Minister of Poor People?
Minister of The Rosedales?

That's class discrimination.

Minister of Credit Card Indebtedness

Minister of Seven Tellies Per Household

Minister of Consumerist Folly

Minister of Suburban Nightmares

Minister of Mortgages For Everyone!

.....oh man, I really don't like this government.
Anyone know what the Minister for Middle Class Prosperity and Massaging SunriseChampion's Finances and Paying His Rent is tasked with doing exactly?

Like, I kind of work hard to send money to these idiots and I'd like to know what I'm helping to pay for this woman's increased salary for. It's not exactly an unreasonable request.

May as well be the Minister of Don't You Worry About It or the Minister of Trust Me, I Know What's Good For You More Than You Yourself Do

or Minister of Unnecessary Spending

Minister of We're Just Making Shit Up

Minister of Look, We Care About You

Minister of Inflating Costs

Minister of Liberal Political Crassness

Why is there no Minister of Poor People?
Minister of The Rosedales?

That's class discrimination.

LOL! This is classic.
LOL! This is classic.

Bruv, it's no joke. I know it sounds like it should be, but they've really installed a Minister of Middle Class Prosperity who has no defined purpose!

Hold on, it gets better: Even if they were to define her purpose she would have no purpose because the purpose given to her by the PMO would be some sort of jargon-laced political game to fool people with.

I don't want to work if this is what I'm paying for.

Look, if I stop working, I no longer have to contribute to the Ministry of Some People's Financial Position and as a bonus can try to snag a brand new home in Regent Park! Sure beats this old 70s dump I'm overpaying for.

Shouldn't this Minister of People Who Work Full Time and Can't Afford the Overinflated Cost of Housing be doing something about this anyway?

This is messed up......the Ministry of Funny Walks called, they want their reason for existing back. No, sorry, that was actually Franz Kafka...says we owe him royalties. Apparently this has been stolen from one of his works.

ffs ?

This reminds me.....have you guys read what Marc Miller the new Minister of Indigenous Services recently said when asked about the government's pigheaded response to being ordered to pay compensation to indigenous children for being improperly run through foster care?

It's brilliant.

Check it:

"What we are dealing with are the product of systemic discrimination that has occurred over decades," he began.

"These court cases are a product of government inaction. And the costs are the costs of compensation to a group of people that are due compensation, but we need to take a close and careful look at how systemic discrimination gets compensated .… How do we take a look at the form and manner of compensation, which includes and should include individual compensation and systemic remedies?"

From a piece by Neil Macdonald on CBC.

Settle down, Marc! You're making too much sense! Asking questions that have been answered by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. Clever bastard.

Who the hell are these people? ?

I want Jody Wilson-Raybould back. Best Liberal since.........oh man.....Pearson?
I think Alduous Huxley was on to something.

I mean other than China seriously fulfilling his prophetic vision.
Moment of truth for Trudeau.

Personally I'm not holding my breath, considering that Trudeau has appointed a China dove as the Canadian ambassador to China, and seems to want a trade deal with China of all places.

But unless Canada stands up for the rule of law, and stands up to Beijing’s bullying, it won’t stop, and it will only get worse, William Nee, Amnesty International’s Business and Human Rights Strategy Adviser, told me on Monday.

“Countries like Canada want beneficial access to China, because there’s lots of corporate pressure. You just have to look at what China is prepared to do to retaliate against some countries. Policy makers definitely need to be aware that there are costs associated with the protection of human rights, but by putting it off and not doing it now, things are not going to get better in five or 10 years.
Housakos pointed to Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan’s controversial statement at the Halifax International Security Forum last month that Canada does not see China as an “adversary.” Housakos also noted the appointment of Dominic Barton as Canada’s new ambassador to China only after Beijing agreed he’d be suitable replacement for McCallum. Barton was appointed in September after a long corporate career devoted mainly to deal-making in China.

“With all due respect, if you look at his background, Mr. Barton looks more like an insider for the Chinese regime than he is an advocate for Canadian values and principles on behalf of our government,” Housakos said. “So, is this government an agent for Chinese interests, or are they there to defend Canadian interests and Canadian values?”

It’s a question that’s worth asking out loud, says Aileen Calverley, a trustee with Hong Kong Watch in the United Kingdom. Until the Two Michaels were kidnapped by China’s shadowy state security apparatus last December, most Canadians were woefully uninformed about China. That’s changing, but it’s taking quite a while for Canadian public opinion to inform federal policy.

Ok, I watched the Throne Speech......middle class tax cuts coming.

We needed a whole new Minister of Middle Class Prosperity for this.
The Ministers of National Revenue and Finance are no longer to be trusted for all your tax code complicating needs.
Ok, I watched the Throne Speech......middle class tax cuts coming.

We needed a whole new Minister of Middle Class Prosperity for this.
The Ministers of National Revenue and Finance are no longer to be trusted for all your tax code complicating needs.

I've decided........based on your recent posts, to nominate you for the UT cabinet as Minister of Insightful Comic Relief.
I've decided........based on your recent posts, to nominate you for the UT cabinet as Minister of Insightful Comic Relief.

I thought I was supposed to be Attorney General to lay waste to the war on drugs/reason/science.

I can multi-task. I'm sure that's what the Minister of Middle Class Prosperity excels at. After all, she has to play the role of a real person whilst pretending to be a real minister of the Crown. That takes talent....or borderline personality disorder, whatever.
Wonder how true this is:

For all the slagging that Alberta gets over its over-reliance on the gas and oil industry, BC almost just as reliant on real estate, it seems.

Also a yikes- the Bank of Canada seems to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

A slower pace of job creation could complicate matters for the Bank of Canada, which earlier this week held interest rates steady, while noting the “resilience” of the domestic economy.

“One month of bad job growth is not going to trip the circuit-breaker on rate cuts,” said Ms. Donald. “Three or four months of bad job growth, coupled with other evidence of a weakening economy, could do that.”

Some interesting comments from the comments section (I know) that possibly dovetail into problems with diversification in Canada (especially going back to oft-repeated laments about the lack of a Canadian 'Google' or manufacturing giant):
There's one primary industry in Canada and that's Energy. Others, like banking and insurance while important, are secondary in nature and don't earn much in export revenues.
Between 2004 and 2015, we thrived on the strengths of our Energy and housing markets. The housing market was goosed by super easy credit and foreign buyers. The consumers are now neck deep in debt and can't spend more. Houses can only rise so much in prices. Despite all the easing of the central banks, consumers are tapped.
our other industry, something that we should have really pushed worldwide is the Energy industry.
Technology while developing is never going to generate the kind of employment that the resource sector generates for our masses.
For tech we are totally dependent on the Big Tech of USA to give us cheap employment. Our native companies are few and far between and nothing seems to stick to generate continuous 'middle class' employment for hundreds of thousands of people.
If we don't change our act towards Energy, we are in for very rough times ahead, short term fluctuations notwithstanding.
Technology? Already a wip, but too slow and almost every country in the world wants to be there.
Manufacturing? Shrinking and not going to generate sustainable employment.
Sure, there is the report about 400,000 clean energy jobs in Canada.

When you read the report you find 150,000 jobs have to do with transit (buses and trains), ~ 50,000 jobs that are hydro and nuclear, ~100,000 jobs to do with building construction (if you install better windows or appliances, these jobs now count as clean energy jobs), ~ 50,000 jobs are for people who maintain power lines. There are bike mechanics and well you get the idea.

Now for real clean energy jobs like battery technology - there are 800 Canada wide.
(This report? (
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This is dope! I'm going to sell the government my rifle that I haven't used since probably the 90s! It's a beautiful stainless steel-looking barrel, ten round semi-automatic .22. Fairly lightly used, may now be dusty. Used to pop off grouse, rabbits, and exactly one goose.
You guys get first right of refusal. Hurry now before the government drives the price up.
