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Ontario Court of Appeal greenlights brothels

Just_Chris your name calling is not warrented.

Nor is you spreading lies about me. But you don't seem to have a problem with that.

Lie #1:

Late Gen X/ Gen Y parents who suddenly decide everything should be changed or should be modified to fit them and their kid

Lie #2:

(Just_Chris is probably older) which left high school in 2005, 2006 and has been away from the university colleges for 3,4 maybe even five years has got to be one of the most hypocritical generations ever

Lie #3:

Frankly, there are more Just_Chris' in our high schools going wild, in fact some will die this summer due to stupidity and accidents.

I never even once addressed you in this entire thread before you started making personal comments and lies about me in post #82, so get off your high horse. You started this. You made these comments about me for whatever reason. If you're going to make comments about me, at least stick to what you know to be true facts. Why did you feel the need to spread lies about me? I hadn't been spreading lies about you.
I'm having trouble reconciling the two contradictory positions that

A) The laws are fine the way they stand, because they keep brothels out of residential areas; and
B) The new laws are bad, because even if the legal brothels are restricted to non-residential areas, the brothel owners will just ignore the laws and open up in residential areas anyway.

As has already been mentioned, if we're going to assume that brothel owners are going to ignore the laws anyway, then there's no difference between the old situation and the new one. I personally think that brothel owners would rather run a legal brothel than an illegal one (and patrons would rather patronize a legal one than an illegal one), and if being 'legal' means locating only in certain areas then that's what they'll do. The fears of brothels opening up in the house next door seem like a classic slippery slope argument to me.

And where do you think these brothels will open? You think Cadillac Fairview will be leasing them space on floor 52 of the TD Tower? You think any commercial landlord will lease any space to them? Unless they buy commercial property, they will be running out of residences. They will not keep brothels out of residential areas. Anyone who thinks they will is naive.
Just_Chris your name calling is not warrented.

Of course you have no problem with people like doug calling me a "loser" (completely unprovoked I might add, I never once addressed him prior to that comment in this or any other thread). But god forbid I respond. That would not be warranted.

You're hysterical, Chris....good thing they have a proceedure to cure that ;)

BTW, no one called you a loser. I said when you lose a debate, as you are here, you resorted to name calling and personal attacks....and then you proved me right, over and over and over again....
No one said you were a loser. Where did I say Doug was right.

Obvioulsy I made a mistake and assumed, which got you angry. I apologize.

No, Doug said I was a loser.

And no, your stupid assumptions never "got me angry". That's a lie. I was just pointing out your hypocrisy in that you were telling me not to make assumptions, but your post was filled with stupid assumptions itself.

And a piece of advice: if you want to engage in debate in someone, don't resort to lying about the other person. It makes you look stupid, and nobody will take you seriously. Based on this thread, it appears the only way you know how to debate is to resort to lies. How is anybody supposed to believe anything you say now in any other thread when it's been proven that you lie?

I'm surprised your dad, who you said told you not to make assumptions, never told you not to resort to lying.
No, Doug said I was a loser.

And no, your stupid assumptions never "got me angry". That's a lie. I was just pointing out your hypocrisy in that you were telling me not to make assumptions, but your post was filled with stupid assumptions itself.

And a piece of advice: if you want to engage in debate in someone, don't resort to lying about the other person. It makes you look stupid, and nobody will take you seriously. Based on this thread, it appears the only way you know how to debate is to resort to lies. How is anybody supposed to believe anything you say now in any other thread when it's been proven that you lie?

I'm surprised your dad, who you said told you not to make assumptions, never told you not to resort to lying.

Did I not just apologize? I am sorry for say anything.
Just_Chris and doug have both been given a temporary ban to cool down.

den has been given a warning.

No need to resort to name calling and making the debate personal.
Now I'm really having a laugh.

Anyway, i support this ruling because the laws as they exist are unconstitutional and because i care about the welfare of sex trade workers. Full stop.

Though, Chris was I say to my friends : I couldn't get laid in a whorehouse. Seems an appropriate term given the current subject matter. It's cause I'm, Chris .....a brothel wouldn't help me anyway. And, no, I didn't show you....the courts did.

Also, I couldn't care less if the flat next door to me is a brothel and not having kids doesn't invalidate my opinion, only logic and reason can do that, thankyouverymuch!

Aaaaand, yes, I can read English. Studied English literature at Carleton, donchaknow? Got a bloody B+ too.
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Even if running a house of prostitution is legal, people will still do it illegally, in residential neighbourhoods, like they always have. I've lived in a number of apartment buildings, where it was very obvious to me, that prostitution was going on. In Montreal I had a porn star living right above me, who also worked as a prostitute. The funny thing is, very few people in the building realized what was going on. Many people are clueless when it's going on right under their own noses. Anybody who thinks new laws will change anything, is just not aware what's going on.
Holy Mackerel:eek: Now this is not good:mad:
Here in Toronto this is going to make a Casino look like small change.

Ontario Court of Appeal greenlights brothels, sweeps aside many of Canada’s anti-prostitution laws

•LEGAL: Working in organized brothels or “bawdy housesâ€
•LEGAL: Hiring drivers, bodyguards and support staff
•ILLEGAL: Openly soliciting customers on the street
•ILLEGAL: “Exploitation†of sex workers by pimps

Doesn't change much at all. Several dozen massage and natural healing parlours will change their signs. Everything else carries on as normal.
Mammolitti wants the city to make money off of brothels. Sun: Mammoliti wants city's share of prostitution cash

In fact, in a letter Tuesday to Councillor Cesar Palacio, chairman of the licensing and standards committee and Councillor Peter Milczyn, chairman of the planning and growth management committee, Mammoliti — chairman of the community development and recreation committee — asked for a joint meeting to discuss this.

He wants “a discussion about licensing fees and zoning restrictions that should be attached to the opening and operating of such “Bunny Ranch” brothels that have been recently discussed in (Toronto Sun columnist Mike Strobel’s Tuesday column).”
* * *
Mammoliti said council should “visit the idea of having a licensing fee, or creating a tax, attached to each employee.”

So how much will hookers have to pay to ply their trade in Toronto?

“I ask you to consider a minimum $15,000 per employee annual tax.”

Mammoliti wants Toronto get its fair share of services delivered — but not as a pimp. He wants to run pimps out of town.
* * *
“Given the recent decision by the (Ontario Court of Appeal) it is my belief that we need to be ahead of the opening of such establishments in ways of licensing and zoning,” he wrote. “We can do this by implementing an employee tax, specific to the conduct of prostitution.”

In an interview, Mammoliti said “Toronto has got caught with its pants down” and if council doesn’t take this proposition head on who knows where how it will spin out of control.
