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Ontario Court of Appeal greenlights brothels

No, I don't have children.

You should have just ended your nonsensical post there instead of continuing. But I digress.

And no, I'm not a proponent of brothels because I can't get laid. Shit, where did that come from?

Because you haven't said WHY you want to allow them. You haven't said one way in which the city will benefit. So I can only assume it's for personal reasons. If you think it will benefit the city, state your case.

Are you capable of reading English?

Are you?

In any case, this was a Charter challenge and reason prevailed so you can kinda go suck it.

Oh yeah. You really showed me.
In any case, this was a Charter challenge and reason prevailed so you can kinda go suck it. If you have a problem with our Charter I highly suggest you move to another country where your over-dramatised moral beliefs might find a friendlier home.

As many others , i have no problem with the court ruling on brothels in this city..Big Deal. What im worried about is the way Toronto gives out licenses for these establishments....we dont have to have thousands scathered all over the city, just like Casinos, we dont need hundreds of them, pick an area and build a couple of them,
It seems that when we dont have something in this city and get spirals out of control. We need the mayor and city councillors on the same page here and set the rules straight, and do what is right not just for some but for all residents of this city.

Look at the way licenses were issued in the 1970-80s for massage parlours, head shops, etc. before the city realized they were wrong and clamped down, same has happened recently with the liquor and club licenses everywhere, now there is huge opposition from residents and councillors to limit and in many cases eliminate the licensee on certain streets.... Gee, id hate to see alcoholic beverages in Toronto sold in corner stores (even though im all for it and would love the convenience) because every 2nd-3rd freakin corner, variety store, would be givin the green light to sell booze....
Sorry, but thats just the way it goes here in Toronto.
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What's wrong with every 3rd corner store selling booze? Or every corner store for that matter? What a bizarrely puritan attitude.

The fear of brothels opening up in the house next door makes as much sense as a mechanic opening in the house next door. Legitimizing brothels will allow us to regulate them, which makes it much easier to control their location. If anything the number of shady brothels in residential areas will be reduced, not increased. Parents of young children should be all for this.
Or are you just that hard up for sex that you want them for personal reasons.

When you can't debate like an adult, you turn to personal attacks...a sure sign of a loser
The fear of brothels opening up in the house next door makes as much sense as a mechanic opening in the house next door. Legitimizing brothels will allow us to regulate them, which makes it much easier to control their location. If anything the number of shady brothels in residential areas will be reduced, not increased. Parents of young children should be all for this.

I am a parent of young children and I agree 100%. Brothels need 3 types of regulation: 1. Labour standards, 2. Health and safety/hygiene, 3. Advertising. If those things are done properly, the world is a better place. If not, and we still decriminalize brothels, then we're still better off than under the current black market.
Sick and Tired of Early Generation Y Parents

I was not going to say anything since I have an exam today. But this is really bordering on ridiculous. Do we have to change everything because of the young parents and their babies now? How about we cover the LCBO just like we did with the cigs at the corner store. Just_Chris is a perfect example of the Late Gen X/ Gen Y parents who suddenly decide everything should be changed or should be modified to fit them and their kid. The condescending attitude kind of let it on.

The Myspace Generation (Just_Chris is probably older) which left high school in 2005, 2006 and has been away from the university colleges for 3,4 maybe even five years has got to be one of the most hypocritical generations ever. They were as wild as anyone, and the main reason sites like MySpace went down the drain, because they were talking to people they weren't supposed to be talking to. They also had some of the highest mortality rates during the summers up north. Now that they have grown, no one else is supposed to have fun?

Why I do I support this ruling? Because I am about money. This is a business that will pump money into the economy. There's nothing wrong with that, despite what you say. What you forget that it is your job as parent and not the government and certainly not society's. What is your reason to attack MTown, because he supports this. So what if it is for personal reasons? What difference does that make? It does not make his opinion any less legitimate. Personally, I don't frequent these areas, I don't have enough money as I am going to school, so before you attack me, I am just a student at U of T St George.

So why do we have to babysit the kids? It's ridiculous. You and your girlfriend or wife made that choice, not me so why do we have to adjust society to make it baby proof? That's what this is ultimately about, an this debate about brothels is a part of it. Perhaps the reason you take shots at MTown is because you got married early and realized that you can't have all that much fun anymore, so the rest of us can't either. You made your choice to be a parent. You would not adjust then when you were a kid, so what makes you and your significant other so special that we have to change and ban anything remotely non kid friendly just to keep your child happy? Answer is we don't.

I cannot blame just you though. To be honest the last two generation are going to be worse then anything the baby boomers do. Frankly, there are more Just_Chris' in our high schools going wild, in fact some will die this summer due to stupidity and accidents. They will they graduate this June, next year June 2014, 2015, 2016, etc. have kids by 2020 and demand everything and everyone change for the baby. It should not be that way, and that's why if I get married I will be child free, because I will not participate in the hypocrisy.

One last tip Just_Chris. When I was 13 I made the assumption that the Leafs would win the Cup in 2004, and the Eli Manning would be a bust. My Dad told me not to assume, because that makes an ass out of you and me. That applies here as well.
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What's wrong with every 3rd corner store selling booze? Or every corner store for that matter? What a bizarrely puritan attitude.

The fear of brothels opening up in the house next door makes as much sense as a mechanic opening in the house next door. Legitimizing brothels will allow us to regulate them, which makes it much easier to control their location. If anything the number of shady brothels in residential areas will be reduced, not increased. Parents of young children should be all for this.

Come on. You know as well as I do that 90% of them will just be run out of people apartments/houses, even if it's not technically allowed. Where else are they going to be? You think commercial landlords are going to rent retail spaces out to brothels? Not likely.
You know as well as I do that 90% of them will just be run out of people apartments/houses, even if it's not technically allowed.

If it's not currently "technically allowed", why would anything change? Do you honestly think that there aren't prostitutes working out of their homes right now? If the new law still made it illegal to operate out of a non-zoned/non-licensed residence, why do you think anything would be different?
You know as well as I do that 90% of them will just be run out of people apartments/houses, even if it's not technically allowed.

...just like all those bars and restaurants operating out of apartment buildings and condos. ;)

You seem to be a little detached from reality, since you keep posting the same stupid garbage over and over again.

you are such a WINNER!111!!11!1

that's a given...what's your problem?
Just_Chris is a perfect example of the Late Gen X/ Gen Y parents who suddenly decide everything should be changed or should be modified to fit them and their kid.

You're lying. Where did I even say I was a parent? But I guess that's what you do when you cannot engage in intelligent debate: resort to lies and personal comments about me (which are not even true).

And where did I say I wanted anything changed? That's another lie. Brothels have always been illegal up until now. It is you hypocrites who agree with this change, not me. I thought things were fine as they were when they were illegal, and living off the avails or keeping a common bawdy house was illegal. I don't want anything "changed" for me. To the contrary, you want things changed for you.

The Myspace Generation (Just_Chris is probably older)

More stupid comments about me. Apparently you cannot just stick to the subject. You know NOTHING about me, and everything you've said about me is a lie. I haven't made any comments about "deenfromoakvillemilton", so why do you feel the need to make comments about me? Not one thing you've said about me is true. And you say I have a condescending attitude? Look in the mirror if you want to see condescending.

Why I do I support this ruling?

Because you are a hypocrite who wants everything changed for you. Your condescending attitude lets on. You are also a liar, but that's a matter for another day. Anyone who says I want anything changed for me is a moron. I don't want anything changed. I was fine with the laws the way they were. It is you who wants to turn the city into some Ghommerean shithole.

What is your reason to attack MTown, because he supports this.

What is your reason to attack me because I don't support this? You are doing EXACTLY what you accuse me of doing. And you are resorting to lies. If you wanted to know something about me, you should have asked, instead of making stupid ASSumptions.

Frankly, there are more Just_Chris' in our high schools going wild, in fact some will die this summer due to stupidity and accidents.

You know NOTHING about me. The more you say about me, the more stupid you look (if that's even possible). I am about the least wild person in the world. I am about as wild as you are intelligent.

They will they graduate this June, next year June 2014, 2015, 2016, etc. have kids by 2020 and demand everything and everyone change for the baby.

What exactly do I want "changed" for me and my baby? You're the idiot who supports this change. I was fine with the sex laws as they were prior to this ruling. You're also the idiot who started making personal comments about me. Prior to this post I have not once addressed you in this entire thread.

One last tip Just_Chris. When I was 13 I made the assumption that the Leafs would win the Cup in 2004, and the Eli Manning would be a bust. My Dad told me not to assume, because that makes an ass out of you and me. That applies here as well.

You need to heed your own advice. You've made multiple ASSumptions about me in your last post. Not one of them is true. Not a single one. I am not "wild" for example. I also do not want anything "changed". You're just making yourself look stupid. If you wanted to know anything about me, all you had to do was ask. Instead you've made a fool of yourself.
...just like all those bars and restaurants operating out of apartment buildings and condos. ;)

You seem to be a little detached from reality, since you keep posting the same stupid garbage over and over again.

that's a given...what's your problem?

I was being sarcastic dummy. You're a loser. Ironic, considering that's what you accused me of being.
I'm having trouble reconciling the two contradictory positions that

A) The laws are fine the way they stand, because they keep brothels out of residential areas; and
B) The new laws are bad, because even if the legal brothels are restricted to non-residential areas, the brothel owners will just ignore the laws and open up in residential areas anyway.

As has already been mentioned, if we're going to assume that brothel owners are going to ignore the laws anyway, then there's no difference between the old situation and the new one. I personally think that brothel owners would rather run a legal brothel than an illegal one (and patrons would rather patronize a legal one than an illegal one), and if being 'legal' means locating only in certain areas then that's what they'll do. The fears of brothels opening up in the house next door seem like a classic slippery slope argument to me.
