News   Sep 18, 2024
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News   Sep 18, 2024
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News   Sep 18, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Or alternately, the added moisture of a mask helps moisturize skin and keep it looking young.

This is a very old "problem". Technology and big changes have always had a history of "aging" the face, and it's almost completely bunk. Barely a century ago, doctors once said cars aged the skin, and movies, and a dozen other things.

Frankly, it's more likely that everyone's seeing themselves under crappy lighting, on crappy cameras and getting subconscious about it.

Or they can go back to ye goode olde days of using things like lead, arsenic and mercury.
I'd be quite happy for it to become socially acceptable. There will always be those who think masks are for sheep, but if it keeps us from spreading our cold and flu germs, why not. Plus I now own quite the wardrobe of stylish masks.

Gawd I hope not. My aged hearing is having a hard enough time as it is. I was part of a three-way old-fart conversation in front of the post office today and it was as hilarious as it was fruitless.

My wife also has quite a mask wardrobe - considering we don't going anywhere. She got a buffalo checked one for her birthday, which was probably the only piece of buffalo checked apparel she didn't already own.
Here are two interesting articles from NPR:

Here are two interesting articles from NPR:

Island countries have a better outcome since they have better controls to get into and out of the island.
Here are two interesting articles from NPR:

...except that Haiti borders the Dominican Republic and the latter has more cases and deaths than Haiti.
I would be shocked if this hasn't got to do with the fact that because Haiti is poor, so they have serious under-reporting.
Yes, very odd since they do have lots of cases themselves - oh yes, like Alberta

At its worst, Czechia had ~20K cases per day for some time. With a population ~5m less than Ontario's.

Guess what.....their healthcare system didn't collapse. Neither did their society.

Case numbers are a largely meaningless metric when presented out of all context.
That maybe, but other indicators of illness and death should shot up even if cases of COVID is underreported.


Could be that with a generally higher national mortality rate and really weak civil/medical infrastructure the impact is getting lost in the mix. They also have a type of pre-existing travel ban; they can't afford to travel and it's certainly not a 'destination'.

NPR article has some thoughts:

Could be that with a generally higher national mortality rate and really weak civil/medical infrastructure the impact is getting lost in the mix. They also have a type of pre-existing travel ban; they can't afford to travel and it's certainly not a 'destination'.

NPR article has some thoughts:

Yeah I thought about that - and/or that they have a demographic structure that have a lot fewer seniors relative to the size of the general population (which is true)



But still you should see something if there is COVID running wild.

