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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

A national panel of vaccine experts says provinces should not use the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on seniors, opening the door for provinces to start vaccinating younger populations with the newly authorized vaccine much earlier than expected.
A national panel of vaccine experts says provinces should not use the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on seniors, opening the door for provinces to start vaccinating younger populations with the newly authorized vaccine much earlier than expected.

Ontario is only vaccinating about 25,000 people a day, and yet still has 175,000 doses at its disposal since the last large shipment, which happened on Friday, I believe. When I see weekend figures dropping, I am reminded of Hillier's Christmas vaccine vacation...
From this link...
The "smart" businesses may survive being closed by the COVID-19 pandemic because they took out and paid for

Business Interruption Insurance.​

Unfortunately, it depends on the wording of the insurance. The insurance may only cover "physical" damage, like a fire or earthquake or a truck crashing into the business. All depends upon the wording.

One big lesson from pandemic business interruption coverage disputes

See link.

The industry could do a better job of explaining to commercial clients exactly what business interruption insurance actually covers, A.M. Best Company Inc. suggests in a report released Monday.

“Disputes over BI cover are unfavourable for the reputation of affected insurers and the overall industry,” A.M. Best said in its Feb. 1 report, U.K. Commercial Property Insurers—Looking Beyond a Difficult 2020. “Going forward, it is important that transparency is improved, and that the industry ensures that there is greater clarity as to what is covered in a BI policy so that insureds understand exactly what they are buying cover for.”

A recent United Kingdom Supreme Court decision brought greater clarity to both insurers and policyholders, A.M. Best said in its report.

The U.S.-based ratings agency was referring to the British Financial Conduct Authority’s test case, in which the regulator brought eight insurers to court over 21 business interruption wordings.

“In response to the (Jan. 15) judgment, affected insurers are expected to increase their COVID-19-related BI loss estimates,” A.M. Best said.
The U.K. Supreme Court ruling is only binding in Britain, but will likely be cited in Canadian BI coverage disputes. Ultimately, it arose from government-imposed restrictions in Britain affecting entire industries after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Many clients saw their business interruption claims denied.

If a Canadian commercial claimant wants to argue in court that their policy should cover BI from COVID, based on the FCA test case decision, it helps if their policy wording is identical to those in the FCA test case, said Eric Charleston, a Toronto-based partner with Miller Thomson, in an interview with Canadian Underwriter.

“But the Supreme Court of the U.K. has provided a lot of guidance, even if the policy language is not exactly the same as the language in any of the 21 wordings in the FCA test case,” said Charleston.

The result of the Jan. 15 U.K. Supreme Court ruling was mixed but mostly in favour of claimants.

None of the policy wordings in the test case required property loss or damage. Instead, the wordings in the test case generally fell into one or both of two categories. One category of wording covers income loss if the client’s operations are curtailed because of a “notifiable” disease within a certain distance (one mile or 25 miles) of the client’s premises. The other category covers BI arising from action by a government or civil authority that prevents or hinders access to the premises. Insurers in the FCA test case argued none of those 21 wordings should cover COVID-19.

Generally speaking, the COVID-19 BI coverage disputes have highlighted the potential for a gap between the insurer’s and the client’s understanding of what is covered by the insurance contract when policy wording isn’t sufficiently clear, A.M. Best said in the report.

A big part of the FCA test case in Britain was about policy wording covering business interruption from the occurrence of a “notifiable disease” within 25 miles of the premises. Much of the argument was over what happens when a loss is caused by a combination of causes, some of which are insured and some of which are not insured.

Basically, the insurers argued that several categories of businesses in Britain would still have been affected by pandemic lockdown measures even if they had no occurrences of COVID-19 within 25 miles. So clients who lost business – even if there were COVID-19 cases within 25 miles – would have suffered the same business interruption had there been no cases within 25 miles.

The U.K. Supreme Court agreed with insurers in principle about the importance of the causal connection between COVID’s presence within 25 miles of the business and the cause of the interruption. But in the context of COVID-19, the “but for” test for causation can lead to an absurd result, the court added.

“Whether an event [that] is one of very many that combine to cause loss should be regarded as a cause of the loss is not a question to which any general answer can be given. It must always depend on the context in which the question is asked,” the U.K. Supreme Court wrote.

The court drew a comparison to 20 people who push a bus over a cliff. “Assume it is shown that only, say, 13 or 14 people would have been needed to bring about that result. It could not then be said that the participation of any given individual was either necessary or sufficient to cause the destruction of the bus. Yet it seems appropriate to describe each person’s involvement as a cause of the loss.”

In the FCA test case, the U.K. Supreme Court provided a “very broad definition of causation,” Charleston told Canadian Underwriter after the decision was released.

“The Supreme Court said you don’t have to apply a ‘but for’ causation test to the one occurrence of a notifiable disease within the distance of the premises stated in the policy. Instead, the U.K. Supreme Court said if there is at least one case of COVID within the prescribed distance of the premises, that this case of the disease is inextricably connected to the other occurrences of the disease, and all of those occurrences together form an equal part of the cause of the harm,” Charleston told Canadian Underwriter.

Charleston describes as the “money quote” in the ruling as when the U.K. Supreme Court wrote the following:

“… there is nothing in principle or in the concept of causation which precludes an insured peril that in combination with many other similar uninsured events brings about a loss with a sufficient degree of inevitability from being regarded as a cause – indeed as a proximate cause – of the loss, even if the occurrence of the insured peril is neither necessary nor sufficient to bring about the loss by itself.”
According to the Globe, "On Wednesday, the Ontario government said it will give the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot to residents aged 60 to 64. The drug will not be doled out through mass immunization clinics but rather through a “different pathway,” Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said. Details of the program were not released."

Those details were probably outlined on a napkin they temporarily misplaced. Seriously, if the vaccine is not recommended for the elderly, why not give it much younger people instead of those just below 65? I swear we are governed by idiots.
We had some local protests up here today, mostly business owners. I see their concerns but I want this thing over with. Part of the problem might be that the guidelines aren't granular enough. My barber is a one chair operation and the salon attached to it has two chairs; pretty easy to operate safely. One protester said they were forced to close but the general merchandise side of Walmart remains open which is something I've never understood. She also said that Winners was open, which seems odd if allowed.

Not far away, Collingwood is in lockdown, but the ski hills - that you can see from the main drag - are in Grey County, which is green. Many tourists don't get that and wonder why the stores are all closed in town.

Pre-pandemic, the government was musing about about truncating the current PHUs down to something like seven. I assume and hope that plank is either way back in the closet or dead entirely. If nothing else, they should consider enabling zones within units. Some of central and northern zones are geographically massive but the counts seem to be restricted to certain areas, usually population centres. I suppose the MOH could do that now but it would come across as arbitrary and shifting.
The Ford government says at least 1,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccines were wasted since Ontario started inoculating people almost three months ago, CTV News Toronto has learned.

Data provided by the Ministry of Health confirms that approximately 1,100 doses of Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccine and 400 doses of Moderna’s vaccine it received from Dec. 14 to Mar. 2 went to waste, resulting in an average loss of 19 doses per day.
As per the article, that represents .01% of the supply. If I had that level of shrink when I ran a grocery store, I would have been pleased.

Industry average is ~2.7%.

But can be much higher in meat and seafood.

You might see numbers range from the high single digits to over 20% for fresh shellfish.
As per the article, that represents .01% of the supply. If I had that level of shrink when I ran a grocery store, I would have been pleased.
People are so eager to criticize. Keep in mind, the vaccine is not expensive, it is just in short-term short supply. Ideally it would have been used productively, but it's not the end of the world to have a small amount of wastage.
