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Next Mayor of Toronto?

I don't think people care that Ford had some pot possession charge and DUI conviction. People don't care he was canned from coaching football.

I think people do care that he appears to have shown poor judgment on a number of occasions. His failure to fess up immediately when confronted,
the likelihood that he has some anger issues, possible alcohol abuse issues, maybe some spousal abuse issues as well will start having an effect. Before this is over, I think Ford will prove to be unelectable.

He has seemed pretty Teflon slick up to now but with every nick on the surface, things will start to stick.

Smitherman, while the stink of E health appears to be washed off, has not demonstrated the ability to form a cogent vision or state goals for the city which separate him from the pack.
Hi Chicken suit stunt and sending plants out to opposing rallies smacks juvenile behaviour.

Is it too much to hope that someone with real vision, ability and responsibility will come into the field at a late date?
I think Thompson and Rossi ought to be the front runners now.
I'm sure MANY kids can relate to a joint and driving when they are not supposed to.
Though how many tried to bribe the police officer who arrested him. Then ran for mayor and when asked about the incident, lied about it. Only "remembering" when being shown written proof?

And how many people would claim to consume 2 Litres of wine at dinner (between him and his wife), but not be drunk! Check a blood-alcohol calculator; even if he only drank half the wine himself, and he weighed 300 pounds (what did Ford weigh in 1999 suddenly becomes a question of interest) then he was drunk. He lied about this today ... not 11 years ago, but today.

The charges in themselves are minor. It's all the lies ... and the long history of such incidents. Why come clean on this issue, and then still lie by saying he wasn't drunk, when the arrest report clearly describes him as being drunk.
You believe he doesn't remember getting handcuffed and fingerprinted? Really? Seems you'd believe this guy if he told you he has a cottage on the moon.

Also, he was reminded when he was initially asked about it. "Were you ever arrested in Florida for pot possession?" This would act as reminder if you had been arrested in Florida. Suddenly he remembers when confronted with irrefutable evidence.
He straight up lied about it, like he lied about being a drunken oaf at the Leafs game. Initially, he said he wasn't even at the game. He probably forgot, though.

I know all politicians lie, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't call them to task for doing it.

Usually we find out about politicians lying, after they get elected. This time we are seeing repeated lies and bad judgement BEFORE an election. Why would people just disregard that? I know people are pissed at Miller, so they're looking for the most anti-Miller politician out there but they might be biting their nose, to spite their face. Let's also not forget, there are a lot of Toronto haters out there (yes, even in Toronto) who would like nothing more than to see Toronto taken down a few pegs.

I know it seems like Ford gets more support with every scandal but I just find it hard to believe that so many people will support him no matter what. I think he has a really rabid core of supporters but what about the average Torontonian? Will they back Ford? The other candidates might just split the vote enough for Ford to win. This city needs one good centre candidate to mount a good opposition. I just hope people are smart enough to rally around the best candidate to defeat Ford because I really think Ford as mayor, would be a disaster. Sure, it would be quite funny but at what cost?

Frankly, I enjoy seeing new condos, new parks, new cultural and arts complexes going up and I don't want to see Ford screw things up. Not only that but he will make this city look really bad. It will be so embarassing to see Ford as the face of Toronto, especially with something like the Pan-Am Games coming up. What stupid things will come out of his mouth with media from different parts of the world watching? This man does not inspire confidence, in fact, I think he's worse than Mel. (and that's saying a lot lol)
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Ford targetted refugees specifically in his latest remarks. .

Perhaps he meant to, but it definitely did not come out of his mouth. He referred to being against adding a million people etc etc... Ford was referring to immigration.

Has it been proven that if you slow immigration, you can free up funds for infastructure improvement? Has this been executed anywhere in history? Does Ford have case studies to point to? Or is he just masking his xenophobia with some bullshit justification? I love how people are cool with the idea: "Hey, let's take care of what we have, and THEN we can start letting people back in". Sounds great in theory, but where is the science behind it.....I'm sure the people who subscribe to this theory believe that once landed, immigrants immediately go on welfare and make hospital visits over common colds.

And Pantalone is so cute. He's like a tiny little muppet with an irrestible accent. I feel like I'd rather hug him than vote for him.
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Though how many tried to bribe the police officer who arrested him. Then ran for mayor and when asked about the incident, lied about it. Only "remembering" when being shown written proof?

And how many people would claim to consume 2 Litres of wine at dinner (between him and his wife), but not be drunk! Check a blood-alcohol calculator; even if he only drank half the wine himself, and he weighed 300 pounds (what did Ford weigh in 1999 suddenly becomes a question of interest) then he was drunk. He lied about this today ... not 11 years ago, but today.

The charges in themselves are minor. It's all the lies ... and the long history of such incidents. Why come clean on this issue, and then still lie by saying he wasn't drunk, when the arrest report clearly describes him as being drunk.

And if Ford didn't think he was drunk, why did he refuse to take the breathalyzer test? Come on Ford supporters, get real! This is the guy you want leading Toronto?
Make no mistake, we are probably watching the death throes of the Rob Ford campaign.

The past week has been dominated by issues that go to straight his character and integrity, and people must now consider the troubling questions that all these stories have raised:

Who is the real Rob Ford? Is he a really bigot? Or a homophobe? And is he -- presumably a law and order conservative type of guy -- actually a liar and a hypocrite? More importantly, and in light of his long-standing propensity for sounding off on extremist conservative diatribes, are his judgement and values not up to par?

Count on one thing: all the other campaigns have put their opposition researchers on overtime to search for every quote he's ever said about drug users, drunk drivers, lenient judges, violent people, and criminals/felons. And I'm guessing they'll probably find something.
Have any studies been conducted to determine the "profile" of the typical online forum poster for newspaper websites?

I want to know how accurate the "mood" on those forums are. Perhaps there is a huge cross-section of the populace which is unrepresented and whose opinion will only come out on election day.
I mean if it turns out the average newspaper forum poster is a 35-65 year old male WASP... then the mood on those forums becomes largely irrelevant!

Anyone know what the Chinese media is saying? Do Toronto Chinese normally participate at the municipal level?

Edit: I know that the RF supporters are making a big deal about how the head of the "Somali Canadian Association" called CFRB and told them he loves Ford, but that's largely irrelevant since he could just be a good buddy of RF's, we don't know how the community feels. For example, you can certainly NOT take Tarek Fatah to be a representative of Muslim-Canadian opinion in Canada, that's just beyond silly.
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Up until Tuesday evening, I honestly thought Smitherman's campaign was doomed. The last forty-eight hours have breathed new life into his campaign. It is too early to tell just how drastic the fallout of Ford's poorly worded remarks and recent revelations will have on his poll numbers, but they will almost certainly drop.

Of course, Ford is proof that it isn't easy being out on top, and I bet Rossi, Pantalone and Thomson have already dug out some dirt on Smitherman, not like it isn't already easy to find.

I still think we will have one or two surprise announcements in the next two weeks or so. A "fresh face" will emerge, possibly from council, the business community or heck, even the sports world. I'm sure there are a few prospective candidates on the sidelines waiting for the current slate to totally annihilate one another, twiddling their thumbs until they find the right moment to make it official.

This will be one exciting race to the finish line.
to put things in perspective.....

the press is really digging deep when you're pulling stuff from 10 years ago.

10 years is a lot of time. Isn't the left all about apologizing and letting things slide? Did you all turn into conservative percecutors?!

Is this reflective of his character? absolutely. Is this a suprise? ( is anyone suprised?).

This election is just short of a sex scandal..... and it has already been one for the ages....

2 + months to go!!!
the press is really digging deep when you're pulling stuff from 10 years ago.

Did you say that about the Sponsorship Scandal?

10 years is a lot of time. Isn't the left all about apologizing and letting things slide? Did you all turn into conservative percecutors?!

No, but don't you think that the breathtaking hypocrisy of being a "law and order" candidate while driving drunk and carrying around joints is a serious character flaw? And it's not like he was a "kid" when this happened. He was in the middle of his first campaign for council.
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The sex scandal was at the beginning.

I'd have totally disregarded Ford's experiences in Florida if he had been open and honest about them. Smitherman has talked openly about his problems with drugs following the death of his father, and I respect that. People make mistakes People suffer. What I don't like is someone hiding a piece of their past, lying about it when confronted, and then continuing to support a 'tough on crime' plank at city council that calls for people with addictions to be arrested and sent to prison.
to put things in perspective.....

the press is really digging deep when you're pulling stuff from 10 years ago.

10 years is a lot of time. Isn't the left all about apologizing and letting things slide? Did you all turn into conservative percecutors?!
It's not the 10-year old incident in itself though. It's how Ford reacted to it. First he lied about it ever happening. And then when he found out there was written proof, he lied about being drunk.

The arrest and bribery attempt may have been a decade ago, but his lies of today, clearly show his current character.

This is exactly what brought Giambrone down; not so much that an unmarried man was having sex ... but that he lied about the whole thing when confronted.
