The whole point is, he is increasing taxes to meet expenses he simply cannot afford.
This is just common sense...
Reduce your expense or reduce the rate of growth of your expenses.
You can buys things and keep buying things and then you would need more money. Then you get loans and get even more loans but then you have to start paying back those loans and then you hit a brick wall and then your forced to living as a poor man.
All I am saying, the budget is heading for a brick wall, where one day the city will have no option but to cut the services that you guys hold so dear.
So I am not some crazy conservative saying stop funding social services and lower city taxes...
I think many of the city's services are essential and if you love them so much, you should take a greater interest in the city's growing budget deficit.
So I am not just against taxes because I hate taxes, its because....
It won't fix the budget Deficit!!!