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Next Mayor of Toronto?

the only thing one should consider cutting from the ttc system is waiting times, especially with wheeltrans. i hope the next mayor improves wheeltrans and gets more elevators built at subway stations.
the only thing one should consider cutting from the ttc system is waiting times, especially with wheeltrans. i hope the next mayor improves wheeltrans and gets more elevators built at subway stations.

They are building more elevators, just takes time. However, to save money we can cancel bulding anymore elevators in the old subway stations.
They are building more elevators, just takes time. However, to save money we can cancel bulding anymore elevators in the old subway stations.

i'm starting to get images of "this cripple costs xx reichsmarks..." flashing in my head. ;)

but seriously, the elevators are taking too long. how long has lawrence west been under construction? did they even finish yet? i gave up checking. what we need is simultaneous elevator construction in every station that needs one. all at once this way it can be done in 5 years. if it was possible to make the system totally accessible for the olympics if we would have got them, it's not that there's no way. the reality is that there is no will; for funding & and in general. it's not a big issue to most people and not likely an issue to influence voting much.
Something tells me that these polls can still be turned on their head: my uncle and my cousin in law who are pretty politically savvy told me yesterday they have no idea who theyre going to vote for yet and haven't even looked into any of their platforms. If somebody interested in the topic hasn't tuned in, it's likely that the general voter population has yet to formulate an opinion.

We can still have Sarah Thomson leading the race... who knows?

I think that Rob Ford peaked too early and because of it, the media (and voters who watch) has the next 2 months to scrutinize Ford -- not good considering his past stumbles, many of which are well documented. Smitherman was considered a shoe-in and if polls are anything to go by, he's stagnated. From the current crop of candidates, I'd love to see a Pantalone VS Thomson race. It would be a win-win in my opinion.
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even if this poll has been shown to be technically discredited / inaccurate, I wouldnt be surprised if Ford was leading by a slight margin early on. It occurs to me that the type of people who vote for him would have made up their minds very early as Ford is essentially a one issue candidate. On the other hand, more intelligent people would like to see the campaign and various positions of the candidates play out a bit more before making a choice.
I wouldn't be surprised either - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see Ford with a ~10% lead.

It's not a bad thing for the Smitherman campaign by a long shot. A Ford lead gives him something solid and tangible to campaign on. He can talk about how bad Ford is, as opposed to his ideas for the city (which are boring and uninspiring mostly).
It's important to note now re: polls that the recent one showing Ford with a ~10% lead has been completely discredited and should not be taken as indicative of anything.
We are the Anyone But Ford Coalition, and we approve this message.

It's more important to note the first poll that really matters is the one/ones about a month from now (i.e. after Labour Day).
??? That makes no sense. Ford has spoken in the past of reducing bus and streetcar service. Why would he present a transit plan? Surely he'll do nothing, except perhaps announce that he'll have a couple of 100% provincially-funded subways.

We all know based on his past promises that Ford will push for reductions in the current bus and streetcar services ... and announcing this during the election will only loose him votes of the naive and gullible who seem to think Ford is anything other than the anti-transit person he is.

Earth to nfitz, just what do you think going's to happen once the Transit City light rail system is rolled out and starts haemorrhaging away funds? Transit City is supposed to increase ridership by 75 million but there's no cash for the $70 million to $80 million operating costs the project will need when it's put into operation. Ridership could be well below predictions, even as segments go right down the middle of the roadway in plain sight of drivers stuck in some of the worst daily traffic jams in North America (due to the permanent loss of the centre lanes; complex left turns, intersections, etc.). Operating costs would be so high per passenger mile in such event that the transit district will have no choice but to cut bus service to compensate. How do I know this, it’s been threatened before: the TTC likely will have to chop 21 surface routes

The cost of wire maintenance, plus the cost of generating electricity, put LRTs at a disadvantage over internal combustion buses. Streetcars crawling along in mixed traffic and obstructing motor vehicle travel lanes when boarding passengers creates additional congestion, thereby gumming up the streets on which they operate. Nationally, motor vehicle engines idling in stop and go traffic wastes 2.3 billion gallons of fuel a year. Keeping the traffic flowing on a street must be viewed as a priority. Therefore, streetcars do NOT belong on high traffic volume arterial streets.

This is why Eglinton being LRT instead of subway between Jane and the Don is simply a political cop-out (and a miscalculated one at that, since the MoveOntario proposal would have given us anything we wanted as it is typical election-time drivel) and a sham (as far as it being “way cheaper” is concerned, that’s a lie for the underground portion).

Comprehensive transit planning in Toronto has been lost. What is currently happening is that a route is chosen for a specific mode such as light rail or the streetcar by a stacked deck of groups pushing their own manipulative agenda. An effort is made to justify that route by wedging the rails into the current transportation infrastructure, then projecting increased (and taxpayer subsidized) density and reworking other transit operations to feed the system with the purpose of manipulating the numbers so the new service will pass muster with the Feds. I think it is clear that new light rail lines with low ridership potential (SELRT, FWLRT) are difficult to justify economically, unless they can help leverage a lot of development and other provable benefits.

It's not cost-feasible to build Streetcar throughout an entire city. Therefore, I am interested in how to make lower cost types of service more attractive to choice riders. Kudos to Rob Ford for at least keeping the discussion of busways citywide and subways where applicable alive in this electoral campaign.
None of the Transit City lines are set to operate in mixed traffic.

I think it is apparent to everyone except you that Transit City will operate through mixed traffic, will have to cross intersections at grade, will require pedestrians to cross the roadway often by means of jaywalking in order to get platfrom waiting areas as opposed to say a bus pulling up curbside for PPUDO.
"Operating in mixed traffic" generally means that the tracks share the roadway with cars. Cars will never drive over the trackbed on Transit City routes. Yes, they will cross intersections at grade - a good opportunity to implement transit signal priority.

Transit City stops are generally at signalized intersections meaning jaywalking will not be necessary to reach the median platforms.
Regardless, let's stop talking about transit as your mayoral candidate has no transit plan. At tonight's CP24 mayoral debate, Rob Ford said that his Toronto would be a "no refugee zone" and that he does not support plans to expand the city's population.

Thoughts and reactions?
what do refugees have to do with municipal politics? isn't this the feds dept? also, whether one supports the expanding of the city population is pointless. is he going to freeze development? prevent people from renting their basements? one child only policy? like the orientals? who are slowly taking over? slowly because they're only allowed one child?
