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New Transit Funding Sources

you are correct. The NDP ignore transit completely and pretend it isn't happening, and the PCs just criticize the Liberals and say that what should be done is exactly the opposite of what the Liberals are doing to spite them and try to make them look bad.
you are correct. The NDP ignore transit completely and pretend it isn't happening, and the PCs just criticize the Liberals and say that what should be done is exactly the opposite of what the Liberals are doing to spite them and try to make them look bad.

I'm not even sure if this party has a real ideology. If the Liberal were to announce that they were cancelling every single transit project, I really wouldn't be surprised if the Conservatives suddenly decided to support transit expansion. Seems like their playbook is to do the polar opposite of what the Liberals do.

Exhibit A:

Conservatives: "We demand that the McGuinty Gov't cancel the gas plants"

*Liberals cancel gas plants*

Conservatives: "How dare McGuinty cancel the gas plants! This is absurd! Throw him out of office!"

I've seen hypocrisy in politics, but this whole gas plant thing really takes the cake. And it's amazing how few of the electorate see this hypocrisy. It's no wonder why we end up with some many idiots in office.

The truth is that the liberals are the only large party in the province who are committed to transit expansion.

Sad but true. As I like to say, the Liberals are the least of three evils.
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If a sales tax and/or gas tax increase is province wide it {and the Liberals themselves} will only survive it if all the money raised in the municipality is spent in the municipality and only for transportation. So if Londoners are to support such a tax then the LTC should get at set percentage ie 60% with the remaining 40% going towards the roads/sidewalks/bikeways. Nothing pisses people off more than having money raised for a specific project and then see the money funneled into a new playground.

This is an example of what Translink did right. The Translink gas taxes amongst other revenue tools went DIRECTLY to Translink and not via Victoria where only God knows where the money would end up being spent. Translink being a strictly transportation authority only has the legal ability to build/operate transportation system whether that be transit, roads, cycle, or walkways. People HATE the Translink taxes but they grin and bear it because they see real transportation improvements due to it.

As for people in rural areas or smaller cities that either do not have or cannot support transit system then a set percentage ie 20% should be spent on bike/walkways and the rest on the roads with towns of ie 5,000 plus being able to use the funds for para-transit only systems.

Unless every area of Ontario gets back what they are being asked to pay for in these new taxes then the Liberals are toast and they know it.
that is what would happen, if it even does. the money raised in Metrolinx's mandate goes to Metrolinx, while the money that comes from outside of it either goes to municipalities or to MTO to be spent on projects benefiting the area.
I'm not even sure if this party has a real ideology. If the Liberal were to announce that they were cancelling every single transit project, I really wouldn't be surprised if the Conservatives suddenly decided to support transit expansion. Seems like their playbook is to do the polar opposite of what the Liberals do.

Exhibit A:

Conservatives: "We demand that the McGuinty Gov't cancel the gas plants"

*Liberals cancel gas plants*

Conservatives: "How dare McGuinty cancel the gas plants! This is absurd! Throw him out of office!"

I've seen hypocrisy in politics, but this whole gas plant thing really takes the cake. And it's amazing how few of the electorate see this hypocrisy. It's no wonder why we end up with some many idiots in office.

Sad but true. As I like to say, the Liberals are the least of three evils.

This X100. Exactly the reason why Hudak cannot be elected. He is just a child playing opposite day, but without a proper solution. Hudak knows how much more money the City's 3 stop subway will cost, but he will never dare raise taxes to pay for it (will be very unpopular with his base). Same crap with the gas plants. Yes Hudak ALSO promised to cancel them. Now he is just barking away at the government for something he wanted to do too. Damn Tim the Hypocrite Hudak; can't stand that guy.
Hudak and co. will support any plan that is opposite of the Liberals. Like right now they are siding with city council on the subway plan but then when it comes to the details of how do we actually pay for the additional money they are clueless. Instead of putting pressure on the Feds to come up with money which they have 11 days to do but we still haven't heard from them, they are just being anti-Liberal.
Rail & Property Development: A Model Of Sustainable Finance & Urbanism

200+ Page PDF:

I have some doubts about just how viable this model is in urban contexts that are even slightly different from those in Hong Kong. It may help to have some kind of integrated R+P development, but you probably won't be able to get the kinds of profits necessary to fully fund a project anywhere else.

But Metrolinx can at least make some of it's own extra money to depend less on government funding, and more importantly government drawing maps to impose on us.

Actually, I don't even think that it would be Metrolinx making the money in a good bunch of the cases since the property in question might not even be owned by the organization (or the province). You might have better luck with GO properties, but those tend not to be at locations that are redevelopable to that kind of densities.

Sure it should be investigated as a revenue source - just don't expect miracles.

This X100. Exactly the reason why Hudak cannot be elected. He is just a child playing opposite day, but without a proper solution. Hudak knows how much more money the City's 3 stop subway will cost, but he will never dare raise taxes to pay for it (will be very unpopular with his base). Same crap with the gas plants. Yes Hudak ALSO promised to cancel them. Now he is just barking away at the government for something he wanted to do too. Damn Tim the Hypocrite Hudak; can't stand that guy.

This was Hudak's undisputed low point:

At the start of Thursday’s question period, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak pressed the premier as to whether her government could be counted on to build the subway.

"The Liberals may talk a good game. They may talk about subway stops, they may announce subway stops," Hudak said.

"Speaker, after 10 years of Liberal government, additional Liberal subway stops? Zero."


In response, Hudak asserted it was the PCs who had been responsible for building the backbone of Toronto’s existing subway system over the decades.

So, it's not some off-the-cuff remark but in prepared remarks in the legislature that he ignores the six subway stops currently being built thanks to the Liberals (because, Timmy, they don't pop up overnight!) and then cites PCs who have been in the grave for decades, ignoring that his government is the one that ended generations of Progressive Conservative support for transit in Toronto.

I tell ya, it's a fine pickle we're in these days. We'll see if the Liberals can pass revenue tools in the Spring budget (which I presume is the plan) or whether we end up in an election. After watching them marginalized in this Scarborough fiasco, a failure to pass the budget would be a virtual death knell for Metrolinx. But possibly I'm just worrying too much :)
So, it's not some off-the-cuff remark but in the legislature that he ignores the six subway stops currently being built thanks to the Liberals (because, Timmy, they don't pop up overnight!) and then cites PCs who have been in the grave for decades, ignoring that his government is the one that ended generations of Progressive Conservative support for transit in Toronto.

Like saying that the Republican Party is the party of human rights and equality, because it was responsible for introducing and getting ratified, the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the US Constitution.
just because a party has the same name doesn't mean it is still the same party as it was 20 years ago.. unless of course your party is largely composed of the same people. (like it is now, where the PCs still have a large proportion of Harris years politicians)

Also, the Liberals are still polling high enough that they could still win a monority government, albeit a smaller one. (assuming polling doesn't change during an election, which it always does) It's not like that if we go to an election the liberals will be flattened, this election will be easier for them to win than the last one and they almost got a majority last time. Especially with Hudak running the helm on the other end, I don't see it being difficult at all for the Liberals to get another term, provided that the NDP don't come out of the left flank and screw them over by stealing their seats. even if that were to happen, we would be left with an extremely unstable PC minority, with little support that I doubt would be able to go very long without falling into another election. As soon as the the PCs tabled their right-to-work legislation, they will be booted to the curb. It is simply (thank god) not a type of legislation that will ever be passed in a minority government.
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