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New Transit Funding Sources

I don't think the Tories will roll back new transit funding, this is not the 1990s and the voting public want more public transit options. It may have had a hard time if it was Toronto specific but it's not. It will go to every single transit agency in the province. The Tories need the 905 and other major urban centres of Ottawa, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Windsor, and Niagara if it is to take back Queen's Park.
Parking levies are on list of permitted revenue tools in the City of Toronto Act.....but, then, so are road tolls ;)
well a parking tax could be applied all over Toronto and it would not look like an attack on any drivers from any particular part of the city but drivers from everywhere. Places like Yorkdale will just add the parking tax into the consumers bill and companies will have to decide if they are going to offer parking and or to contribute to transit passes for their employees. Plus it may make the city rethink how much parking each type of building needs.
Couldn't you cordon a parking tax to just the downtown area?

Let's tax the hell out of downtown parking. That would change mode choice in downtown area like nothing other. Plus I believe that would be entirely within our jurisdiction as a city.

Tolls were just a harmless revenue source. Parking levies can help build our downtown for pedestrians.
Im pretty sure tolls were within our juristiction as well.. I dont know how someone can campaign as a premier with changing the HOV lanes to HOT lanes in but then turn around and slam Toronto for wanting tolls. Truthfully even though I am liberal I have a hard time excepting that we cancelled a gas plant (even if everyone else was going to) just to get votes... here we go again with what the liberals think is a way to win votes. I swear one of the frustrations about living in Toronto is that the liberals promise everything and deliver next to nothing. While voting conservative basically again means getting absolutely nothing. This goes for both provincial and federal voting. In the province everywhere that is not toronto is upset about sending us money. In the country all the other provinces cant comprehend we need transit to keep the countries economy going. frustrating all around.
I don't know if you can have a tax applying to just a specific area of the city - I highly doubt that you can.

Maybe tax every license plate that parks in every parking lot in downtown. Either have the driver enter their license plate number or have cameras recording them every single time a car/driver goes to park.
Maybe tax every license plate that parks in every parking lot in downtown. Either have the driver enter their license plate number or have cameras recording them every single time a car/driver goes to park.

What piece of legislation enables that (beyond the cost of a system that would enable that kind of revenue collection)?

Why cant they just do what London is doing? Tax every incoming plate in the city and just cross off any plates that are registered from within the DT core.
That way there will be no argument between whos paying since its pretty clear cut

edit: then again that will make us into a big brother city....
Why cant they just do what London is doing? Tax every incoming plate in the city and just cross off any plates that are registered from within the DT core.
That way there will be no argument between whos paying since its pretty clear cut

edit: then again that will make us into a big brother city....
isnt that a toll?
Im pretty sure tolls were within our juristiction as well..
That was precisely my point when I said:

Parking levies are on list of permitted revenue tools in the City of Toronto Act.....but, then, so are road tolls ;)

Yes, parking taxes/levies are allowed in the CoTA.......but so were tolls and the biggest result of this QP ruling should be people questioning what value is in that list of revenue tools in the act.
Yes, parking taxes/levies are allowed in the CoTA.......but so were tolls and the biggest result of this QP ruling should be people questioning what value is in that list of revenue tools in the act.

Clearly as much value as QP sees fit at any given moment in time. Don't say we didn't know about that though since we knew how the portion regarding highway tolls was worded in the City of Toronto Act.

That was precisely my point when I said:

Yes, parking taxes/levies are allowed in the CoTA.......but so were tolls and the biggest result of this QP ruling should be people questioning what value is in that list of revenue tools in the act.
OK I understand. But I think if we keep voting in things to raise revenues its going to make it harder and harder for the province to keep saying no.., Im not even a Tory fan and I think I may choose to side with him over the province here... on the other hand I think the boulevard option was the better choice.
just watch her lose the next election because of her flip flops....that would be the ultimate irony....
