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New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities&quo

Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I think hatred towards Toronto is less a reality and more just something that is repeated by uncreative Toronto journalists who need something too write about on slow news days. I might know only a handful of people who actually dislike Toronto enough to engage in any kind of bashing of the city, and usually only when the subject of the city is brought up. For the most part, people don't have any problems with the city (save the uncreative journalists outside of Toronto who keep writing silly articles about the city).

If anything the so called hatred of Toronto is really a product of the cities own neurotic self obsession with how everyone else in the country and internationally sees the city. Great time and effort is spent seeking out the opinion of others, and when that opinion is negative, it is amplified several fold into a sign the city is failing and that no one loves it.

If you are looking for a Toronto identity, it would be that girlfriend who calls you 20 times a day asking if you love her and wants to hold your hand all the time and tag along no matter what you are doing, but whom you won't dump because she is just a really nice person, cute, and a demon in bed.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Antiloop, I totally disagree. For a period of my life I travelled quite a bit for work within Canada, basically I went repeatedly to cities in every province and one territory over a period of several years. I eventually had to come up with a strategy for dealing with the various put-downs that Toronto would get, because I'd defend the city. Nothing really worked, not praising the merits of the local town, not a kind of shy and gentle advocacy, nothing. Eventually I just gave up and stopped that line of work.

I find Canada a regionally very petty place. You can be pretty sure that Nova Scotians resent the rest of Canada, that Cape Bretoners resent Nova Scotians, that Canso people resent Sydney, etc. etc. etc.

It's actually quite boring. My experience helped me get over it, and frankly I could give a damn what some suburban blowhard in Sudbury who shops at WalMart feels about Toronto.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

"It's actually quite boring. My experience helped me get over it, and frankly I could give a damn what some suburban blowhard in Sudbury who shops at WalMart feels about Toronto."

Hmmmm, I wonder why people dislike Toronto...
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities


That's the type of self-confidence in the city you've always yearned for.

Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

"frankly I could give a damn what some suburban blowhard in Sudbury who shops at WalMart feels about Toronto."

You do realize that most Torontonians also shop at Wal-Mart? There's 9 of them (and one Sam's Club) within city limits. Most Torontonians are also suburban.

"I find Canada a regionally very petty place. You can be pretty sure that Nova Scotians resent the rest of Canada, that Cape Bretoners resent Nova Scotians, that Canso people resent Sydney, etc. etc. etc."

Sir Novelty Fashion describes this effect as concentric circles of mutual suspicion and loathing. Thesis at 11.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Hmmmm, I wonder why people dislike Toronto...

There's a huge difference between being arrogant and abrasive and engaging people in petty debate, vs. accepting that people hate your city and moving on...
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I've never had a problem having to defend Toronto in Manitoba or Victoria/Vancouver. Winnipeggers don't seem to care either way, and I had conversations with several. Newfoundland's another story all together - got grilled as soon as I got in the cab from the airport. In Montreal, there's people who resent Ontario and Toronto, and some who dis Toronto because it's the classic rivalry, and it's more like a sport - I can certainly live with that type of Toronto-bashing, because I'll have as much fun making fun of Quebec, and we'll have a fun time. I have yet to really hear what Calgarians think in person (and I don't doubt for a second that many Albertans outside Calgary care much for that city).
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I am my own best city. In that frame of mind, I'm beyond over-engaging those elsewhere in fruitless debate. It's not a matter of them hating us, or us hating them. It's a matter of accepting how we're all symbiotic, in the end.

A disarming approach: "I am my own best city"...
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I don't know how many times I've tried to sell Toronto to non-Torontonians. The biggest thing is pointing out that our crime rate is among the lowest in the country. Then, it's telling them that yes, we have culture. Then it's telling them that homelessness seems to be on the decline. Then it's telling them to venture beyond the Eaton Centre. It's endless.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

What I've encountered in Montreal is a sort of playful dislike of Toronto, the classic rivalry of the two big boys. There are many, though, who like Toronto, and many, of course, who believe Montreal is greatly superior. I suspect the dislike of Toronto from other parts of the country is more malignant.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Well I'm originally from Montreal and really liked Toronto. In fact most of my friends growing up there didn't have issues with it either. Must be more of a Western alienation thing.
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Aod - "That's the type of self-confidence in the city you've always yearned for."

If that's your concept of 'self confidence' it explains a lot about your posts.

BuildTO - "There's a huge difference between being arrogant and abrasive and engaging people in petty debate, vs. accepting that people hate your city and moving on... "

Dismissing people as 'suburban blowhards' is hardly about "accepting" and 'moving on'...

Adma - "A disarming approach: "I am my own best city"... "

Class. Now this is self-confidence (yoohoo Aod!!).
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

I think it is a healthy response to dismiss those who dismiss our city out of hand. Why should we care what they think of us? Who are they anyway?

I lived in Montreal for almost 10 years and it didn't take long to realize every time you told someone you were from Toronto, you were going to get a reaction and it was almost always bad. lol I heard the stupidest, crazy shit about Toronto, all I could do was laugh. After a while I just stopped trying to defend Toronto and just stopped comments, even when people said such untruths as "Toronto is so uptight, the strippers can't even take off their g-strings". I don't go to strip clubs but I'm pretty sure the girls take it all off. lol
Re: New Toronto Brand: "City of Unlimited Possibilities

Well- ahem- exotic dance clubs in MTL are indeed a cut above 8o
