This is going to council next week and will be the nail in the coffin for displaying signage on buses for holidays or other events. It was caused by a request to display a certain holiday.
Since MiWay Transit Operators can choose to display (or not display) pre-programmed, nonservice-related messages, achieving consistency across the fleet of more than 460 buses is not always feasible. Increasing the scope of non-service-related messages would add complexity to transit operations and present other challenges. While holidays such as Canada Day are promoted in corporate facilities (Celebration Square event), other City vehicles and corporate facilities do not display holiday messages such as Merry Christmas.
As a result MiWay recommends displaying only service-related messages to focus on the information customers need to travel.
Also this could be class for miWay and I have nothing to do with it.
Good Afternoon,
Please join Move the GTHA and the Western GTA Move Taskforce for a community meeting to discuss how investment in our regional transportation network via the provincial transportation plan,The Big Move, has unfolded since it was announced in 2008. This discussion will include a look at transportation at both a regional level and locally here in Mississauga. Listen to local experts talk about the opportunities and challenges of implementing such a comprehensive plan. Contribute to the discussion of how we move forward by participating in workshops designed to get your feedback on these issues.
The Big Move is Ontario’s plan to build a comprehensive transportation network by 2033, which will include 1,334km rapid transit at an estimated cost of $69 billion. When completed, the transportation network will connect municipalities from Oshawa in the east to Hamilton in the west and from Niagara Falls in the south to Barrie in the north into one integrated system. More details are below, please register
Event details:
Where: Sheridan College: Hazel McCallion Campus 4180 Duke of York Blvd Mississauga. Room A145.
(The Lecture Hall is Room A145. It is located immediately in the main entrance foyer – beside tliving wall’ when you come in the entrance from Living Arts Drive.)
When: Tuesday June 21st 2016: Doors Open at 6:30 PM, event begins at 7 PM
Who: Hear various experts from the regional and local levels speak on the opportunities and challenges faced with implementing the Big Move Plan.Some of the speakers will include Peter Miasek from Transport Action Ontario; Move the GTHA, and Joe Horneck, Western GTA Move Taskforce.
Why: Enjoy an evening of transit discussion and discourse about how to build better transit in theregion. Light refreshments will be provided.
Sign Up:
Who We Are: Move the GTHA is a group of organizations working to build support for a fully integrated local and regional transportation system that supports healthy communities.
Alex Lach on behalf of
Western GTA Move Taskforce and Move the GTHA