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Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

Presto is a waste if you never travel outside Toronto / TTC boundaries. Presto is supposed to solve the problem of fare integration for those crossing boundaries, one fare system for ten transit systems. They did go about reinventing the wheel, but it doesn't mean there wasn't a problem in the first place.

There really isn't any more fare integration now than before. Presto is a payment system, like cash. They didn't need to get into the design a technology business for this. There are payment systems that already exist. What MTO / Metrolinx really need to figure out is fare rules, not payment methods. Presto only creates more loopholes... like the negative balance possibility above, some strange 35 co-fares limitation, a lack of receipt to show you aren't going further than you are planning to pay for, no entry and exit turnstiles as would normally be installed for zonal fare systems to ensure proper trip price calculation.
There really isn't any more fare integration now than before. Presto is a payment system, like cash. They didn't need to get into the design a technology business for this. There are payment systems that already exist. What MTO / Metrolinx really need to figure out is fare rules, not payment methods. Presto only creates more loopholes... like the negative balance possibility above, some strange 35 co-fares limitation, a lack of receipt to show you aren't going further than you are planning to pay for, no entry and exit turnstiles as would normally be installed for zonal fare systems to ensure proper trip price calculation.
It's an on-going negotiation/debate. GO Transit is integrating with everyone: Mississauga Transit charges $0.60 for trips to/from GO stations; Oakville Transit charges $0.65 for trips to/from GO stations; Milton Transit charges $0.55 for trips to/from GO stations; Burlington Transit charges $0.65 for trips to/from GO stations; etc. Then different agencies have been putting together package deals such as:
GTA Weekly Pass - $52.00: The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Weekly Pass is your best fare option if your trip involves two or more transit systems, five days a week or more. It is transferable and valid for unlimited travel on all York Region Transit/Viva, TTC, Mississauga and Brampton services. The GTA Weekly Pass is valid for one-zone YRT/Viva travel while in York Region and is valid from Monday to Sunday of the same week.
or Mississauga/Burlington Transit fare sharing on Main/Hurontario.

Integration has been increasing and PRESTO is supposed to be the umbrella that covers everyone. Some agencies, like GO and Mississauga Transit, were moving that way anyway and some, like TTC, haven't been able to sort our their funding strategies to the point that they are willing to forgo one portion of revenues in favour of another. PRESTO is the way that you could travel via Hamilton LRT, GO's Lakeshore West, and Mississauga Transit to get to your destination without paying full fare on every leg. PRESTO is the mechanism to integrate the fractured transit network in Ontario.

Negative fares happen when you have some money, but not enough for your current trip. Seems like a pretty positive thing to me to get 1 extra trip than you can actually pay for. Why do you need a receipt to show destination when you tag in and tag out. If you don't tag out, then you get charged for the whole trip. Tagging out saves you money, thus why pay for extra infrastructure when you can motivate people to do what you want?

Give PRESTO 5-years to get past the next round of municipal elections and then compare what it like then, today and was in 1999. The infrastructure part is easy. The political agreement part is where we'll save money.
sorry if this has been asked/answered before but it just dawned on me as I walked through the exhibition station on Thursday and I don't feel like flipping back to see.

How many (typically) card readers get installed at each GO station? I think GO got a lot more convenient to board and ride when they introduced the POP system years ago and dispensed with people having to show tickets and passes as they passed through the station. The points of access to the platforms and trains were freed from having to funnel people through specific points and some passengers (monthly passholders) never had to stop or pause at all.

Now, once everyone converts to Presto, we will go back to a system where everyone has to enter at the same point(s) to tap onto the Presto machine......if there are not a significant number of machines at each station it may be a step backward in terms of train boarding.

At the ex station (from the north side at Atlantic) there is one reader. I don't think it is a huge issue there because there really is only one door to the station there anyway so everyone will pass that reader (but even there if there is someone having difficulty it will hold everyone else up).

Any ideas on the typical number per station?
you forgot the negative aspect of being able to go to a negative balance is the hassles to clear the negative balance by having to go to union station (having to talk to a real person so that you pay the 2.50$ negative balance (or whatver fee you were last charged) + a 25 cent underbalance fee). So wasting time (trip to union + waiting in line) + 25 cent charge + the confusion it causes new customers. Very inconvenient for people who 1. don't go to union often or 2. do not ride the go often (TTC)!!!

It's an on-going negotiation/debate. GO Transit is integrating with everyone: Mississauga Transit charges $0.60 for trips to/from GO stations; Oakville Transit charges $0.65 for trips to/from GO stations; Milton Transit charges $0.55 for trips to/from GO stations; Burlington Transit charges $0.65 for trips to/from GO stations; etc. Then different agencies have been putting together package deals such as:

or Mississauga/Burlington Transit fare sharing on Main/Hurontario.

Integration has been increasing and PRESTO is supposed to be the umbrella that covers everyone. Some agencies, like GO and Mississauga Transit, were moving that way anyway and some, like TTC, haven't been able to sort our their funding strategies to the point that they are willing to forgo one portion of revenues in favour of another. PRESTO is the way that you could travel via Hamilton LRT, GO's Lakeshore West, and Mississauga Transit to get to your destination without paying full fare on every leg. PRESTO is the mechanism to integrate the fractured transit network in Ontario.

Negative fares happen when you have some money, but not enough for your current trip. Seems like a pretty positive thing to me to get 1 extra trip than you can actually pay for. Why do you need a receipt to show destination when you tag in and tag out. If you don't tag out, then you get charged for the whole trip. Tagging out saves you money, thus why pay for extra infrastructure when you can motivate people to do what you want?

Give PRESTO 5-years to get past the next round of municipal elections and then compare what it like then, today and was in 1999. The infrastructure part is easy. The political agreement part is where we'll save money.

Oakville GO probably has at least a dozen, possibly two dozen readers. Far more readers than I ever remember seeing POP machines at this time last year.


I'm not sure that's Presto's fault though. GO chose to make every station an agency, so you can go anywhere to clear the balance. Burlington Transit and Oakville Transit also have Presto agencies outside of the GO system for their users. TTC decided not to have any Presto agencies setup on their property during this phase. Blame them for having to go to Union to clear the negative balance.
I'm not sure that's Presto's fault though. GO chose to make every station an agency, so you can go anywhere to clear the balance. Burlington Transit and Oakville Transit also have Presto agencies outside of the GO system for their users. TTC decided not to have any Presto agencies setup on their property during this phase. Blame them for having to go to Union to clear the negative balance.
Sure it's Presto's fault. Why after you've already loaded money onto your card, would have have to go to a particular place in person to make the card usable again? It doesn't work anywhere, unless you live right next to the "agency". The whole concept of having to do it in person is asinine!
It is inconvenient that you have to get your card re-activated again at Union, just because you have a negative balance. If Presto was set-up properly, you should be able to able to go back into a positive balance with the negative balance deducted. Or simply not allow riders to go into negative.
@redrocket thx....the only station that I see (with regularity) with presto machines currently is Exhibition and it struck me if it were 1 machine per station it could lead to a bottleneck. As I said, one is probably enough at the Ex so it is good to see that they are taking a "contextual" view as to how many machines at each station.

As for the ongoing debate about who's fault some of these glaring "inconveniences" are.....I can tell you that while this is interesting debate between a bunch of transit enthusiasts, it will not matter in the least to the general public. Most people could not tell you who owns/runs GO/TTC/Metrolinx/Presto/whatever....they lump it all into a big basket called "public transit" and if this new system that is supposed to make public transit "better" actually is just a pain in the butt....that is alll they will see.

Here goes the broken record rant.....all they are doing is introducing a card system for payment.....something that had been done in lots of places before and in lots of types of businesses before. They had lots of opportunity to look at ones that work(ed) and ones that did not and then they tested it!

If they could not see that advertising/promoting the convenience of loading your card at home and then knowing that you then had to follow up with a trip to Union to use the money that you just loaded (as an example) was going to be looked at hard and laughed at....then there really is no hope for them.

To me it just points out how "union-centric" the entire GTA transit system is.....since the mindset is "get everyone to Union" it probably never dawned on them that there is anyone who does not go through Union, twice, on their daily travels.

My tale of woah is that I bought the card, got a letter with it to go onlined and register it and activate it......tried that a few times but it kept asking me for a password that had never been sent to on the phone and was told that my card was already registered and a password had been assigned......after about a 20 minute phone conversation (very pleasant, the guy obviously was well practised in these calls ;) ) he said "all done" now all you have to do is go down to Union and check your balance and then you can use the card reply of "but I already know my balance" was greeted with "but this will activate your card on the system"...."didn't you just activate my card"...."yes but you need to do this final step"...."oh, not quite a load from home and use convenience then?"..."not really...oh, and sir, please don't do that check your balance thing for at least 24 takes that long for the system to recognize what I have done today"...."mmmm, really convenient".

That was about 4 weeks ago and, frankly, I haven't bothered to go down to Union since (combination of a vacation I had, G20 making Union the last place I wanted to go for a few days and the chatter on here making me wonder if it was worth my while).

This product really must be considered a disastrous launch.......and it really needn't have been.....and I, for one, don't care who's fault it is/was.
That was about 4 weeks ago and, frankly, I haven't bothered to go down to Union since (combination of a vacation I had, G20 making Union the last place I wanted to go for a few days and the chatter on here making me wonder if it was worth my while).
You'll have to phone them again then before you go down. I did everything but go down to Union Station, and it wouldn't work at TTC stations, and by the time I got down to Union Station, it wouldn't work at the Fare checker machine at Union (which looks like a regular Presto reader, but has more white on the pillar than green ... I was looking for something that was more like an ATM at first ...). I phoned (from Union ... well I talked to the Presto service counter people first, but they said I had to phone), and they reset it, and said I had 7 days to get down to Union and try again. So I finally got to Union a couple of days later, and it is now working ... 2 months after I got the card.

Though I think I have to do it again to get the auto reoload to start working. Presumably within 7 days.

Whoever thought up this multiple-step activation scheme, has got to be a complete moron. No one who has ever used a system like this previously, could possibly screw it up this badly. Heads should be rolling at the Ministry of Transport.

Here's a couple of questions:

Where are there fare-checking machines other than at Union Station? Though I guess one can use any GO machine, tap on, press the correction button, and then tap off.

How do I check my default trip? They told me they set it to Zone 6 to Zone 2 at the service counter ... but I can't see how to verify; and I'm guessing if they got it wrong, and I get checked on a GO Train, then I am in trouble.
Sure it's Presto's fault. Why after you've already loaded money onto your card, would have have to go to a particular place in person to make the card usable again? It doesn't work anywhere, unless you live right next to the "agency". The whole concept of having to do it in person is asinine!

presto didn't make this decision, the transit agencies did. They wanted to ensure people weren't carrying around negative balances for extended periods.
Where are there fare-checking machines other than at Union Station? Though I guess one can use any GO machine, tap on, press the correction button, and then tap off.

How do I check my default trip? They told me they set it to Zone 6 to Zone 2 at the service counter ... but I can't see how to verify; and I'm guessing if they got it wrong, and I get checked on a GO Train, then I am in trouble.

There is at least one balance checker at every station I've been to, just like the one you saw at Union. You do need to hunt for them though. I found one at Burlington that was hiding outside beside some newspaper boxes.

As far as the default trip, I don't think that functionality is integrated into the website at all. You need to actually phone them. That seems to be a big oversight.
sorry if this has been asked/answered before but it just dawned on me as I walked through the exhibition station on Thursday and I don't feel like flipping back to see.

How many (typically) card readers get installed at each GO station? I think GO got a lot more convenient to board and ride when they introduced the POP system years ago and dispensed with people having to show tickets and passes as they passed through the station. The points of access to the platforms and trains were freed from having to funnel people through specific points and some passengers (monthly passholders) never had to stop or pause at all.

Now, once everyone converts to Presto, we will go back to a system where everyone has to enter at the same point(s) to tap onto the Presto machine......if there are not a significant number of machines at each station it may be a step backward in terms of train boarding.

At the ex station (from the north side at Atlantic) there is one reader. I don't think it is a huge issue there because there really is only one door to the station there anyway so everyone will pass that reader (but even there if there is someone having difficulty it will hold everyone else up).

Any ideas on the typical number per station?
Each GO Station is getting at least PRESTO machine at this time. I assume they'll expand it in the future for other station access points, but covering all their bases first. They are now installing 2 stations per week and tenders for installations on the remaining lines have been issued.

You only need to 'tap on' for a regular journey. People come from or continuing on GO Buses will already have made PRESTO payments and need not tap again. If you've set a default, you need to press an override button before you 'tap on' and then to 'tap off'.

I would suggest that they would be well served with 3-4 machines per station. One in the middle, one near the bottom of the accessiblity mini-platform, and one near the rear-end of the train (Car 9?) for stations with island platforms, or one facing every enterance and one facing every exit for stations with side platforms. I'd have to know more about how often there are errors and passenger arrival rates versus the cost of an extra to really say if they'd be worth it, but I've sent a 'customer feedback' message to PRESTO about it just now. The alternative would be to have PRESTO machines on the trains themselves. How much is the machine versus the installation?

you forgot the negative aspect of being able to go to a negative balance is the hassles to clear the negative balance by having to go to union station (having to talk to a real person so that you pay the 2.50$ negative balance (or whatver fee you were last charged) + a 25 cent underbalance fee). So wasting time (trip to union + waiting in line) + 25 cent charge + the confusion it causes new customers. Very inconvenient for people who 1. don't go to union often or 2. do not ride the go often (TTC)!!!
So between the choice of have $2.00 on your card and $2.00 in your pocket and not being able to take transit because you don't have $2.25 in either form and a negative balance and having to talk to a real person later, talking to a person at Union is more inconvenient? If you set up an 'Autoload contract' then you wouldn't have that inconvenience even, just like your TimCard Top-up. Autoloads and in person are immediate. Ad hoc loads by telephone and web take 24 hours.

I wouldn't have the stupidity about underpayment mode and having to see a real person to remove a negative balance, but the negative balance itself is more helpful than harmful, IMO.

For the record, you can clear the 'underpayment mode' at any 'PRESTO Customer Service Outlet'; whatever that is, which I take as any local transit agency participating in PRESTO except the TTC. Union Station is just the most often open for GO.

This product really must be considered a disastrous launch.......and it really needn't have been.....and I, for one, don't care who's fault it is/was.
Disastrous? Is that not an exageration? The system isn't even halfway installed yet. It has been half-assed, but I consider a disaster something that substatially decreases convience. There are bugs and stupidities and politicking, if we don't know the reason for their existance (more so than the fault), how will we ever get rid of them in the future? Ignoring the facts isn't going to change them. When people want the same thing, it's easier to remove the obstacles. When people want different things, it's easier to leave the natural obstacles there and let things fail/fall short on their own.

Whoever thought up this multiple-step activation scheme, has got to be a complete moron. No one who has ever used a system like this previously, could possibly screw it up this badly. Heads should be rolling at the Ministry of Transport.

Here's a couple of questions:

Where are there fare-checking machines other than at Union Station? Though I guess one can use any GO machine, tap on, press the correction button, and then tap off.

How do I check my default trip? They told me they set it to Zone 6 to Zone 2 at the service counter ... but I can't see how to verify; and I'm guessing if they got it wrong, and I get checked on a GO Train, then I am in trouble.
Agreed, they need to simplify the system. When you purchase the card, you should need fill out the registration information and the card is ready to go. I hope by next year they have a Draft 2.0 issuing system with all these things worked out.

PRESTO FAQ: "You can set up your default trip at any PRESTO customer service window at GO Transit stations." They don't say about checking/changing it online, which is old fashioned still.
Most transit operators will let you pay with a reduced fare if you're honest with them. People might be put off using PRESTO, if use of the card is inconvenient.
Most transit operators will let you pay with a reduced fare if you're honest with them. People might be put off using PRESTO, if use of the card is inconvenient.

Personally, I would much rather have a computer deal with it. I don't think the average transit operator is qualified to judge a passenger's character, nor should they be.

Consider myself:
When I'm in a suit I look pretty polished, if I do say so myself. If I haven't combed my hair, I look like a thug.
If I'm on my bike in a jersey and tights I look like a weekend warrior. If I'm in jeans and a hoody I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought I stole it.

Sure it is a pain to clear the negative balance, but I think it's better than the aternative of a ) having to walk or b ) playing fare roulette with the driver.
Personally, I would much rather have a computer deal with it. I don't think the average transit operator is qualified to judge a passenger's character, nor should they be.

Consider myself:
When I'm in a suit I look pretty polished, if I do say so myself. If I haven't combed my hair, I look like a thug.
If I'm on my bike in a jersey and tights I look like a weekend warrior. If I'm in jeans and a hoody I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought I stole it.

Sure it is a pain to clear the negative balance, but I think it's better than the aternative of a ) having to walk or b ) playing fare roulette with the driver.

No offence, but most people are not afraid to talk to an operator, and say "Sorry, I'm a quarter short" Unlike computers, operators can be reasoned with, regardless of how you look, or your skin colour. I have yet to be denied by an operator, the few times I was short on a fare.
If you're a Brampton Transit PRESTO user, you will have to travel all the way to Union just to fix a negative balance. I hope PRESTO opens up offices in ech city, so it wil be easier to resolve issues.

For the record, I am West Indian, so by your logic, I should have been denied by operators for any fare issue.
