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Mayor John Tory's Toronto

I am not arguing against the gas tax 2 cent in place already for transit....

I am arguing why wasn't more of the gas tax used to put into transit as a simple source to fund transit before rather then the years (10+ years) of back and forth between the city and the province over funding sources for transit.

It was now only done in a hyper partisan manner as the liberals flounder in the polls and the justification is to 'take pressure off the average person's pocketbook' which the government is lying about based on their actions in many other files...

For Example: The Car Sticker price has gone from 79 dollars to 120 dollars yearly and the supposed 'social justice' leader is hurting the poor the most with such taxes.

It amuses me that there are people who defend this government.
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I am not arguing against the gas tax 2 cent in place already for transit....
I am arguing why wasn't more of the gas tax used to put into transit as a simple source to fund transit before rather then the years (10+ years) of back and forth between the city and the province over funding sources for transit.
It was now only done in a hyper partisan manner as the liberals flounder in the polls and the justification is to 'take pressure off the average person's pocketbook' which the government is lying about based on their actions in many other files...
For Example: The Car Sticker price has gone from 79 dollars to 120 dollars yearly and the supposed 'social justice' leader is hurting the poor the most with such taxes.
It amuses me that there are people who defend this government.

10+? Not saying the the Liberals are saints, but the back and forth on funding transit preceded them. Remember who actually removed provincial funding for transit operations completely while keeping gas tax revenues (and downloading provincial responsibilities to municipalities). I mean, we obviously got DRL built by them, right?

Oh, and PS - they sold 407 for a one-time revenue boost to balance the books.

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It amuses me that there are people who defend this government.
It amuses me that some have such poor reading skills.

This is one of the worst governments in the history of Ontario. Until someone better is elected (and there's no-one even close to being worthy running) we're stuck with stupid.
Both others running are much better than Wynne and the Liberals.
True none are as great as the Big Blue Tory Machine leaders of the past (Davis, Robarts, Frost).
But it is clearly obvious that mediocre is better than inept and corrupt.
Both others running are much better than Wynne and the Liberals.
True none are as great as the Big Blue Tory Machine leaders of the past (Davis, Robarts, Frost).
But it is clearly obvious that mediocre is better than inept and corrupt.

The Big Blue Tory Machine of Davis, Robarts, Frost is also red - and took place in a socioeconomic context that is hugely different from the current one.

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Patrick Brown is far from being "mediocre". He's a menace. And for the record, the last vote I cast in this nation was for a Conservative.

There's an excellent old saying: "Out of the pot and into the fire". It almost rhymes with "Ontario", albeit nothing as close as "Conserve Ontario" was to "Conservative".
Those were the days when Ontario was "Progressive"...and it meant something.

Yes, they were innovative, proactive, eager to try new approaches, not fearful of using state power to achieve goals (mixed record on outcome, but they tried) - the current ones? Lower taxes solves all, and we are just as eager to pander as the ones we wanted to replace (e.g. sex ed kerfuffle, subways, etc). The 18 year old kid whom PB can't even keep from the riding election has got to be the icing on the cake. Okay.

Yes, they were innovative, proactive, eager to try new approaches, not fearful of using state power to achieve goals (mixed record on outcome, but they tried) - the current ones? Lower taxes solves all, and we are just as eager to pander as the ones we wanted to replace (e.g. sex ed kerfuffle, subways, etc). The 18 year old kid whom PB can't even keep from the riding election has got to be the icing on the cake. Okay.

I felt that perhaps I'd been a bit too partisan in my previous post, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don't want to take the core of this string off-topic, I again repeat, my last vote was for a Conservative, and that was federally, and the man is still a giant in centrist and parliamentarian circles as a legal scholar. I won't go into specifics. (Edit: It was Joe Clark's Conservatives, I haven't had the vote in this nation since that time)

So I felt it best to quote Patrick Brown himself (The Ont-Cons blew it not choosing Tory, but I digress):
Patrick Brown sees a new, inclusive Ontario PC party
By Rob FergusonQueen's Park Bureau, TorStar

Sat., March 5, 2016
Leader pushes for a more compassionate party, but party faithful will wait until spring for platform details.

“There is one thing that Kathleen Wynne fears more than anything else: a Progressive Conservative Party that has the courage to change,” he said to a standing ovation at a downtown convention centre.

In a reference to the ill-fated Tim Hudak PC election promise in 2014 to cut 100,000 public sector jobs, Brown said, “The public sector should be seen as a partner, not an adversary” and insisted that “never again” would candidates have to defend a promise like former leader John Tory’s 2007 push to fund faith-based schools.‎

The first PC leader to lead an official delegation of his party in Toronto’s Pride parade also sent a message of inclusivity.

“It doesn’t matter who you are … it doesn’t matter who you love, it doesn’t matter if you belong to a union … it doesn’t matter where you worship, you have a home in the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.”

But voters eager to see where Brown stands on a wider variety of issues will have to wait until a policy convention next spring.

His push for a more compassionate party got an assist from former Toronto Argonauts football star Mike “Pinball” Clemons, who urged PC members to put on a friendlier face for a pathway back to power.

“We don’t have the luxury of representing just the people who think like we do,” Clemons said during a 45-minute motivational speech, frequently wading into the crowd and pausing to hug audience members.

“Real respect means this party has to make room for Liberals.”

Not even a year later, and everything has changed yet again. Sometimes, if not often, better the devil you know than the one you don't.
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I felt that perhaps I'd been a bit too partisan in my previous post, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don't want to take the core of this string off-topic, I again repeat, my last vote was for a Conservative, and that was federally, and the man is still a giant in centrist and parliamentarian circles as a legal scholar. I won't go into specifics.

So I felt it best to quote Patrick Brown himself (The Ont-Cons blew it not choosing Tory, but I digress):

Not even a year later, and everything has changed yet again. Sometimes, if not often, better the devil you know than the one you don't.
NOT TRUE. I'd rather take the devil


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Mayor Tory's statement on immigration and refugees
I've been quite harsh at times on Tory, I'm harsh on all who take my trust and the trust of my friends and then they don't honour their commitment, but I've got to say, of late, Tory is saying and doing many of the 'right things'. Far from perfect, and even though he isn't Prime Minister, those words are the strongest government leader's words from this nation yet to Trump.

I was quoting Trudeau's words in international forums relating to Trump. Thank you Salsa, I can now quote an even better statement from a man representing:
"With 2.6 million residents, the city of Toronto is more populous than six provinces — Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan; With a population of over 6 million, the Greater Toronto Area is more populous than those six, as well as Alberta and British Columbia."

I think Wynne just spat out far more than she ever had the stomach to chew.
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After the Twitter meltdown by Nick Kouvalis tonight, Tory should consider cutting ties with him...

I've been quite harsh at times on Tory, I'm harsh on all who take my trust and the trust of my friends and then they don't honour their commitment, but I've got to say, of late, Tory is saying and doing many of the 'right things'. Far from perfect, and even though he isn't Prime Minister, those words are the strongest government leader's words from this nation yet to Trump.

Totally agreed.
