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Mammoliti-Ford Battle Continues

Not sure if you've all been following the Mammoliti zoo controversy...

Councillor's zoo conference trip sparks outrage

The flights are non-refundable, Mr. White said.

Mr. Mammoliti agreed. “It would be a waste of money not to go,” the councillor said.

After a public lashing and even the mayor saying he's embarassed by this Giorgio tool, we get...

Councillor calls off trip too zoo conference

Mr. Mammoliti said he found out yesterday that he could cancel his Aug. 26 Czech Air flight for a $250 penalty.

“This is just the right thing to do,” Mr. Mammoliti said. “It would have been a waste to give $2,000 to an airline for an empty seat, but now that I can cancel, this is the right thing to do.”

Yeah, he'd look good attending a zoo conference in a gorilla suit.
King George continues to building his Weston/Sheppard palace a step at a time...

Sounds so deja-vu-ish.

I don't follow. The floodlights are for some fictitious palace you think Mammoliti has plans for? Ford was on 640 in the morning a few weeks ago jumping up and down over this. So what exactly is the problem? Many youth league soccer fields have flood lights installed to allow for extended playing time. As it stands field availability is quite restricted.

It's a common 'ratepayers' group complaint to say that there was no consultation, that I wonder about the validity of that comment. If there was consultation as George said there was and there's record of it, then what leg does the 'ratepayers' group have to stand on.

George is no angel but Ford is nothing but a bully in council who performs black magic on his finances in order to point his crooked finger at other councilors. He claims he's gotten so much done in his ward, what exactly? Instead of ranting and raving about political partisanship why not come up with some real, usefull solutions.
I don't follow. The floodlights are for some fictitious palace you think Mammoliti has plans for?

Yup... Georgio experiences visions just like I do...


Sheppard/Weston circa a few years from now. You can see Pope George if you look closely enough. :p

And I'm sure the soccer leagues will eagerly donate to his cause. My understanding is that Geogio never did learn the difference between 'for-profit' and 'not-for-profit' in school.
Toronto Star:

Ford faces criminal charges

Mar 26, 2008 05:11 PM
Sarah Boesveld
Staff Reporter
Toronto City Councillor Rob Ford was arrested this morning on charges of assault and threatening death.

Officers from 22 Division arrested the councillor at 9:30 a.m.

"He was taken to 22 Division, processed and released" this morning, said Const. Wendy Drummond.

Police would not disclose any further information, saying they had to be careful not to reveal the identity of the complainant.

Ford is scheduled to appear in court Friday, April 28, at 2 p.m. at a courthouse on Finch Ave. The outspoken and controversial Etobicoke councillor was in the news recently after remarks made about hardworking Asian people, saying "the Oriental people, they're slowly taking over . . . they're hard, hard workers."

Members of Toronto's Asian community staged a sit-in protest outside his City Hall office a few days after he refused to apologize for the inflamatory comments.
Rob Ford is an idiot.

I hope the good people of North Etobicoke don't re-elect him.
I know that they're trying to make fun of Rob Ford here, but what kind of reporter calls someone he's interviewing a "fat fuck"? I think it's pretty outrageous, and Ford's response seems pretty reasonable. And I'm no fan of Rob Ford.
