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Mammoliti-Ford Battle Continues

Well, to be partly fair, this is a capital project, and does not fall under the current accounts being slashed and burned.

Though why spend money here of all places? What about fixing the Wilson-Albion-Weston eyesore, or using money towards Weston and Finch?
What about fixing the Wilson-Albion-Weston eyesore, or using money towards Weston and Finch?

was that supposed to be part of a highway that never was? that ramp system is useless and confusing. it causes traffic buildup & not to mention, it's another bridge we have to spend money on upkeep.
What do councillors care? Their goal is to bribe constituents with their own money through projects such as this in order to get re-elected, rather than doing the right thing for the city. Mamolotti is one of the bigger idiots on council, but certainly not alone in this regard.
was that supposed to be part of a highway that never was? that ramp system is useless and confusing. it causes traffic buildup & not to mention, it's another bridge we have to spend money on upkeep.

Seriously, what is that? When you bike down the humber trail from the north end you come out at a weird unused street(?) somewhat parallel to Albion Rd. just west of Wilson/Weston. You cross that and go under Albion to continue on the trail. The only traffic on it is the odd mommy with a baby carriage making her way to the trail.

Note: I gave up on trying to correct the grammar in my last post. Don't hold it against me!
Well, to be partly fair, this is a capital project, and does not fall under the current accounts being slashed and burned.

It's still the city spending money. Stupid capital projects like this are common enough as to be de facto annual operating costs.
Seriously, what is that? When you bike down the humber trail from the north end you come out at a weird unused street(?) somewhat parallel to Albion Rd. just west of Wilson/Weston. You cross that and go under Albion to continue on the trail. The only traffic on it is the odd mommy with a baby carriage making her way to the trail.

Note: I gave up on trying to correct the grammar in my last post. Don't hold it against me!

that unused street is albion. albion road used to cross the humber using two bridges. westbound traffic lanes used that north bridge which is now a pedestrian path and the southern bridge used to be eastbound traffic lanes.

now, all traffic uses the southern bridge and the north bridge was narrowed and turned into a path. i like it, it makes use of existing structures and rather have the sidewalk follow that curve, increasing distance, pedestrians can travel in a straight line, away from the traffic through a trail like route.


the intersection of albion/wilson/weston is a nightmare on the otherhand
Wouldn't all those bright pavement colours at a major intersection be a disorienting traffic hazard?
Wouldn't all those bright pavement colours at a major intersection be a disorienting traffic hazard?

is it respectful to drive a car over our national symbol; the maple leaf?
that unused street is albion. albion road used to cross the humber using two bridges. westbound traffic lanes used that north bridge which is now a pedestrian path and the southern bridge used to be eastbound traffic lanes.

now, all traffic uses the southern bridge and the north bridge was narrowed and turned into a path. i like it, it makes use of existing structures and rather have the sidewalk follow that curve, increasing distance, pedestrians can travel in a straight line, away from the traffic through a trail like route.

Also remember that "that unused street" is the *original* Albion Rd. The present weird-bulge configuration was to accomodate (a la the Kingston/Danforth split, presumably) for an aborted Wilson-Rexdale connector (which also explains the incongruous 4-lane scale of the Bergamot stub E of Islington).
And these clowns wonder why the Ontario Govt. and councillors in the burbs lack sympathy for them.

It's disingenious to say that this weird project is a capital expenditure and not an operating expense. The average guy on the street (read: taxpayer) doesn't really care much about such niceties. If basically-useless items can be taken out of the capital budget, there would be more wiggle room on the operating side.
And this is just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to all the wasteful things and wasteful projects that many of the city councillors are blowing taxpayer money on.
Hadrian Drive was always deemed "residential". As per my recollection, Rexdale would have swerved north along the hydro ROW, plugged into Bergamot where it went perpendicular to Islington, crossed Islington and followed the creek valley into Albion where it crossed the Humber. And I guess the existing subdivisions were planned with that in mind.

Why it never got off the ground? Diminished priority in the post-Stop-Spadina era, presumably...
On the subject of Mammoliti and Ford: I have to say I love the childish vendetta's of alleged adults.

What do councillors care? Their goal is to bribe constituents with their own money through projects such as this in order to get re-elected, rather than doing the right thing for the city.

I'm not sure I would lump all councillors together. I mean, Rob Ford, bribing his constituents with their own money, I think not! He throws community BBQs on his own dime. Besides which, he is too busy nickle and diming other councillors over their office expenses in an attempt to show how fiscally prudent he is. I mean, while the George Mammolitis and Pam McConnells of the world might have exorbitant office expenses, I doubt that cutting five to ten thousand dollars off of councillor's office expenses is going to make up the hundreds of millions the city needs to make up its deficit. But why come up with actual solutions to actual problems when you can score cheap political points by expressing indignation over Gloria Lindsay-Luby spending too much of the public dime on office Splenda or whatever. CityTV, Global and CTV eat that stuff up.

Whoah, I got a little off subject there.
