I don't understand why the massing for replacement buildings proposed for the northeast corner of Main St and Danforth should be mid-rises like along the rest of Danforth: the subway station is immediately north, so nothing to terrace down to, and a large enough complex here might make a tunnel from the subway station through the complex and under Danforth to the new buildings to the south. A more direct connection between the subway and GO here would be highly desirable.
Good observation!
Though, if you look at the 6 Dawes thread, the vision is to embed the GO Stn inside a new Tower fronting Main St; roughly where pedestrians now exit main onto a path leading to the existing station.
That will shorten the walking distance to the station building slightly, though not to the platforms, obviously.
In terms of continuous corridor connection; something canopy covered, adjacent to the existing sidewalk might get you from the new building to Danforth, if that was incorporated into the building that will replace the POPS that is Main Square.
Coming from the TTC Stn side, assuming you wanted to take people from the TTC mezzanine to the GO entrance off Main, the angle would be a bit quirky. The underground tunnel connection point would have to come between the 2 sets of stairs escalators than connect the bus terminal to the mezzanine and that aligns slightly to the west of mid-block between Barrington and Main. The next spot over, would be between the 2 connections to the EB platform and that would put you just east of mid-block.
Something else I wanted them to look at was where an additional exit from the TTC Platforms would go one day; as currently all exits run through the mezzanine and to Main Street.
I'm convinced if code doesn't require it already, it will require a second exit pathway in case a fire was in the mezzanine.
I'm told the TTC didn't want to examine this as it isn't on their priority list of second-exit locations.
I thought the remaining homes fronting Barrington, adjacent to Coleman Park would have made sense.
The advantage is in being able to build in taxi/PPUDO location, modestly expand the existing park; and the new connection would almost line-up for a mid-platform access to the GO Stn; which is contemplated as part of the 6 Dawes proposal.