Toronto Leslie Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO | CCxA

With all the work going on for the Don River project, they have been using other areas in the port to dock ships for the long term.
Is this going to be a recurring thing? Like are people who are enjoying the park going to have to look out to giant boats for most of the summer? Like, I know it's an industrial area and they need the boats, but that's not going to be ideal for everyone.

Also, it's really cool that with the boats lights you can see the bottom of the channel, never seen that before.
I was thinking the exact opposite that watching ships while in the park would be amazing and very interesting. I love watching ships! In addition watching large ships from close by would take away from the dusty post apocalyptic industrial feel of the area. I don't live very far away and have noticed how terribly dirty and dusty the area is and mostly from the cement trucks. I wonder if there is a city bylaw that requires construction equipment to hose of the dirt and grime before returning to city streets..
Yeah it might not be much of a "Lookout" with 2 giant ships parked there... but I'm most concerned whether on not @ADRM's yacht (architectural tours catered by Terroni) will have room to navigate between the ships.

This could result in delayed launch times, check-in lineups, Covid screening/random testing issues and cold Terroni pizzas.
I was thinking the exact opposite that watching ships while in the park would be amazing and very interesting. I love watching ships! In addition watching large ships from close by would take away from the dusty post apocalyptic industrial feel of the area. I don't live very far away and have noticed how terribly dirty and dusty the area is and mostly from the cement trucks. I wonder if there is a city bylaw that requires construction equipment to hose of the dirt and grime before returning to city streets..

Same! I love seeing the big ship and crane at Sugar Beach.
Is this going to be a recurring thing? Like are people who are enjoying the park going to have to look out to giant boats for most of the summer? Like, I know it's an industrial area and they need the boats, but that's not going to be ideal for everyone.

Also, it's really cool that with the boats lights you can see the bottom of the channel, never seen that before.
It's rare that both ships are there at the same time. The cement ship unloading (photo left) usually takes 15-20 hours and happens 2-3 times per week. The stone deliveries for strada Aggregates (photo right) take 8-10 hours and are sporadic in terms of schedule., with ships showing up once every two weeks or longer. The North face of the turning basin will be the spot for you once they fix it up down the road, as ships haven't docked there in probably over 2 decades.
It looks like an industrial sized karesansui garden...

Love someone using terms I actually have to look up! I knew what it was as soon as I saw it; but I hadn't known the word in Japanese before.

A Japanese tone/rock garden.

(does not carry the same meaning as a 'rock garden/rockery' here.)
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Here is a video of what you can expect to see coming into the Channel.
Strada Aggregates gets ship deliveries on the South side and deliveries on the North side for Lehigh Cement.
