Toronto Leslie Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO | CCxA

I can't imagine having those construction/aggregate sites next to this beach will be very pleasant. Relaxing next to any dust blow over and sounds of trucks/heavy machinery isn't very appealing to think about.

Perhaps this is to prepare for a repurpose of the area and once the leases for those sites are up they will be redeveloped as well? Anyone know how much longer may be on those leases?
The city moved a lot of the concrete plants here to get them out of the development areas of the Portlands and create this Concrete/aggregates hub.

They are staying for the long term as they supply a huge quantity of the concrete for downtown building projects.

This park is.... questionable at the very least....
The city moved a lot of the concrete plants here to get them out of the development areas of the Portlands and create this Concrete/aggregates hub.

They are staying for the long term as they supply a huge quantity of the concrete for downtown building projects.

This park is.... questionable at the very least....

I don't think they meant for the park to be a tranquil oasis free from industrial nuisances - it was meant to take advantage of the vista and be part of the gateway to Tommy Thompson.


(from the previously linked slidedeck)


The industrial land-use are recognized as what they are in the Portlands plan, and won't be redeveloped in the foreseeable future.

I can't imagine having those construction/aggregate sites next to this beach will be very pleasant. Relaxing next to any dust blow over and sounds of trucks/heavy machinery isn't very appealing to think about.

Perhaps this is to prepare for a repurpose of the area and once the leases for those sites are up they will be redeveloped as well? Anyone know how much longer may be on those leases?
This is the new consolidated "Concrete District". Though I doubt anyone wants to be beside a concrete plant it DOES make sense to have them downtown (where a lot of concrete is consumed) and having the water access makes it even better. They are not going anywhere.
I don't think they meant for the park to be a tranquil oasis free from industrial nuisances - it was meant to take advantage of the vista and be part of the gateway to Tommy Thompson.

View attachment 369685
(from the previously linked slidedeck)

View attachment 369688

The industrial land-use are recognized as what they are in the Portlands plan, and won't be redeveloped in the foreseeable future.

Yup totally get it. And they are trying to make it special to make sure it doesn't languish as a forgotten park (keeping the gears would have helped). I just don't agree with it being a priority park project at this point on the waterfront.

Maybe when it opens Ill fall in love and feel like an idiot for not being on board before... I hope that happens really but, colour me skeptical! 😅
Yup totally get it. And they are trying to make it special to make sure it doesn't languish as a forgotten park (keeping the gears would have helped). I just don't agree with it being a priority park project at this point on the waterfront.

Maybe when it opens Ill fall in love and feel like an idiot for not being on board before... I hope that happens really but, colour me skeptical! 😅

One can definitely question why it is a priority, no doubt - it's bit of a head-scratcher for sure.

It's probably not a priority. It's probably more of a quick win in terms of cost, compared to other WT projects.
This is the new consolidated "Concrete District". Though I doubt anyone wants to be beside a concrete plant it DOES make sense to have them downtown (where a lot of concrete is consumed) and having the water access makes it even better. They are not going anywhere.

Oddly, when I lived on Ford York I found the concrete plant was both more interesting and a better neighbour (for evening noise) than the residential replacing it.

While not to everyones taste, I'd consider it again.
Oddly, when I lived on Ford York I found the concrete plant was both more interesting and a better neighbour (for evening noise) than the residential replacing it.

While not to everyones taste, I'd consider it again.
Yes, I had forgotten about that strange and rather temporary-looking cement plant on Fort York Blvd. I used to walk past it and agree it provided some interest!
The Red Path sugar unloading makes for a very interesting view at Sugar Beach. I like this juxtaposition of recreational/park area and industrial in ai agree,
I agree, I like the combination. Many people fail to realize these industries located here, support local construction projects and shorten distances trucks have to travel.
Photos taken April 6th, 2022:

(building gone)

Looking into the site in a north-westerly direction



Looking west from the main gate off Leslie:


Looking north-east from the northern gate into the site off Strada:


Looking north-west from the northern gate off Strada:

