Toronto Leslie Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO | CCxA

Some work going on by the dock wall.

Claude Cormier touches on this in a recent issue of Azure:

"We’re also doing another waterfront beach in Toronto, the Leslie Spit Lookout Park. I’m about to go into a consultation meeting with an Indigenous Sharing circle about it, actually. We’ve been working closely with them. We have a lot going on, as always. But at least, the book is done!"
Claude Cormier touches on this in a recent issue of Azure:

"We’re also doing another waterfront beach in Toronto, the Leslie Spit Lookout Park. I’m about to go into a consultation meeting with an Indigenous Sharing circle about it, actually. We’ve been working closely with them. We have a lot going on, as always. But at least, the book is done!"

Slightly OT - but I find his comparison between Montreal and Toronto quite interesting.

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I can't imagine having those construction/aggregate sites next to this beach will be very pleasant. Relaxing next to any dust blow over and sounds of trucks/heavy machinery isn't very appealing to think about.

Perhaps this is to prepare for a repurpose of the area and once the leases for those sites are up they will be redeveloped as well? Anyone know how much longer may be on those leases?
