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Keir Starmer's United Kingdom

Interesting analysis I read...

"Conservatives have an easy time going from right to left on the economy while the left cannot go from left to right on identity and immigration issues"

Sturgeon: Scotland wants different future from rest of UK

SNP leader says election results made clear Scottish voters don’t want a Boris Johnson government or Brexit

Damien Gayle
Sat 14 Dec 2019 16.53 GMT

Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland 'cannot be imprisoned' in UK

I'm sure the likely Scotexit will be praised by leftists worldwide as courageous and brave meanwhile Brexit continues to be the bunt of ridicule and scorn. Move along, nothing to see here.
I'm sure the likely Scotexit will be praised by leftists worldwide as courageous and brave meanwhile Brexit continues to be the bunt of ridicule and scorn. Move along, nothing to see here.

They aren't the same thing.

You do know that the only reason Scottish independence is back on the table is because they want to remain in the EU, right?

Your comment is stupid in its ignorance.

And why just "leftists"? I'm nothing of the sort and although I don't find anything courageous and brave (lol, wtf?) about Scottish independence, I fully support their wanting to rejoin the EU.
Interesting analysis I read...

"Conservatives have an easy time going from right to left on the economy while the left cannot go from left to right on identity and immigration issues"

It’s because to the far left, any ground given means that the purity of the cause is betrayed (I.e. the constant Nazi hysteria, where everyone is always one week away from the camps)- there can only be progress, forward and onwards. That being said, it does mean that the left has had some greater success on cultural front in recent years due to that relentlessness- though further pushes may be increasingly hard due to public fatigue and pushback. Most people just want to be left alone and not be constantly shamed for unknowingly violating the faux pas of the day.

If BoJo manages to push the Conservatives left on the economic front while maintaining steady growth- barring any scandal- they may lock down the working class IMO.
Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland 'cannot be imprisoned' in UK

Scotland has its own Parliament. Where’s the Parliament specifically for England? Scotland takes far more financially than it gives to the UK. The Scots are supposed to be fiercely independent, but want to be governed from Brussels? There’s no way England would allow an open border with an EU-Scotland, as much of the Brexit drive was to keep out economic migrants from Africa and the Middle East currently loitering in Calais and to kick out Eastern Europe criminals. So, a new Hadrian‘s Wall?
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Scotland has its own Parliament. Where’s the Parliament specifically for England?

Until devolution roughly 20 years ago, Westminster called all the shots for the whole UK. Let's not pretend that the English haven't totally dominated the Union in their interests for centuries.
Scotland has its own Parliament. Where’s the Parliament specifically for England? Scotland takes far more financially than it gives to the UK. The Scots are supposed to be fiercely independent, but want to be governed from Brussels? There’s no way England would allow an open border with an EU-Scotland, as much of the Brexit drive was to keep out economic migrants from Africa and the Middle East currently loitering in Calais and to kick out Eastern Europe criminals. So, a new Hadrian‘s Wall?

The Scottish parliament (along with Wales and Northern Ireland) has exclusive authority in areas that have been devolving for the past couple of decades but you are correct that, to a large degree, remains a child of Westminster. International trade relationships is one that remains with London. The issue of Scottish MPs in Westminster voting on matters that are exclusive to England, and visa versa, has been raised in past (the 'West Lothian Question') and I'm not sure how it has shaken out. No doubt in some committee which is a politicians answer to just about everything.

I don't know how it is allocated now, but one revenue stream that would have to be sorted out should Scotland separate is the revenue and royalties from North Sea petroleum, as the matter of territorial waters would come into play. Although there is currently no such thing as Scottish territorial waters, if the revenue were accorded to Scotland based on nothing else that geographic proximity, it might make the books look more balanced. Dunno.

Whether Scotland wants to be part of the EU is a question for them to answer - a Scottish majority voted to stay in the referendum. If nothing else, they would need a trade agreement with it, as well as England.

One thing that may be interesting to watch is the role of the UK Supreme Court, which has only existed since 2009. Historically, parliament has been beyond the scrutiny of the courts, unlike ours, but more recently, the Court has become more activist in the goings-on under the shadow of Big Ben. Any referendum has to be authorized by Westminster and Johnson says he won't approve another Scottish independence vote. If the Supreme Court gets involved, they may say otherwise. I see the phrase 'constitutional crisis' being tossed around a lot in the future.
Someone said it best on CNN. They stated that the UK still has the imperial mentality which leads them to having a holier than thou attitude. In reality, the UK is a small island nation that while still a major economic power, it does not have the clout it once did. The commonwealth is a loose organization of former British colonies and nothing of any major impact.

The UK thinks they will be better off without the EU when in reality they are nothing without the EU. The fact is this is not pre-1991 Europe where a large chunk of it was behind the Iron Curtain or in the Soviet sphere of influence. Times have changed and the EU is where you want to be.
Someone said it best on CNN. They stated that the UK still has the imperial mentality which leads them to having a holier than thou attitude. In reality, the UK is a small island nation that while still a major economic power, it does not have the clout it once did. The commonwealth is a loose organization of former British colonies and nothing of any major impact.

The UK thinks they will be better off without the EU when in reality they are nothing without the EU. The fact is this is not pre-1991 Europe where a large chunk of it was behind the Iron Curtain or in the Soviet sphere of influence. Times have changed and the EU is where you want to be.

Agreed. The stupid, short-sighted nostalgia that seems to govern the majority in the UK will ironically be the final nail in the coffin of their once vast empire, and even of the union itself.
The UK thinks they will be better off without the EU when in reality they are nothing without the EU. The fact is this is not pre-1991 Europe where a large chunk of it was behind the Iron Curtain or in the Soviet sphere of influence. Times have changed and the EU is where you want to be.
Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking and serves you right attitude. The UK is nothing without the EU? Such zero sum absolutes are ridiculous. If Norway, Iceland, Turkey and the Swiss can survive by trading with, but not belonging to the EU, so can the UK. The EU and UK will still trade with one another, just like they did when Britain was part of EFTA - the Brits just don't want to be ruled from Brussels and have some foreign bureaucrats tell them how to live, do their business and whom they must allow to enter and live in the country. When I asked my extended family why they all voted to Leave, these were much of their reasoning. When the UK police begin rounding up Albanian criminals and Roma beggars and pushing them across the Channel we may see some wishful thinking from other EU members.

But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what some talking head on CNN thinks. The British people voted to leave the EU, and just reaffirmed that choice by giving the Brexit Conservatives the largest majority since Thatcher.
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