Senior Member
That timeline doesn't include the countless revisions and deferrals that our city is so adept at.
The public realm is arguably as important as the buildings we design and build. It's how we interact with our city when outside. Our streets/sidewalks are as bare bones and depressing as they could possibly be with little thought was given to appearance. We can't keep going on as we are so how do we fix it?
Toronto Transportation Services maintains city streets and sidewalks but do they do the design as well? Every square inch of what they build is terrible so how does one enact change? Is there even acknowledgement that we're hopeless at this? We need a complete overhaul over how our public realm is designed, built, repaired, and maintained.
I don't expect the same quality throughout our city as the University of Toronto public realm overhaul but efforts to build a beautiful city won't get realized if we don't fix this. Un-doing 80 years (and counting) of ugliness will take a very long time but sense this isn't even on the radar of the City of Toronto.
Can we at least get the City to put sidewalks back to exactly how they found them when they dig them up? In other cities, they remove pavers, fix what needs fixing underneath, put the undamaged paver back in, and seal it up. This isn't rocket science.
Toronto Transportation Services - Wikipedia
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