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is racism common in Toronto?

prejudice yes outright racism only when you go to the smaller towns.In the big city I never face outright racism.I notice that some groups who cry wolf too much about being face with racist acts are the ones that has a very very radical view on other people.All groups has it racist people,from white,yellow,black,brown,etc but thanks heaven Canada is a very multicultural country and we all get along to a point.
Lol in France and in the Netherlands there is a mini civil war going on between Muslims and the rest of society.

Mini Civil war between Muslims and the rest of the society where ? :confused:
I never seen or heard about a sigle mini civil wars between muslims and non muslims.
I heard of afrontement between poor youths of bad council estate and the police but these have almost nothing to do with the religion.

You have huge sections on the outskirts of Paris which are just as bad as the worst Ghettos in American Cities.

Huge section, I would also know where are these huge section, the only one that I know is Clichy sous Bois and Monfermeil
I am not wrong if I say that it is always this one that show the medias but showing the worst is not showing the truth.

The French social culture and the Government of France are racist, no denying that.

Maybe like in all societies, still there is more interacial mixing in France than in Canada. Nothing is all good or all bad, the reality is always mixed.
Man, that is just par for the course when it comes to media depictions of visible minorities in North America. If they get on the screen at all, it's usually only to serve as a contrasting background for the white people in the lead roles.

Re: Swiss Chalet Commercial. Do you really think a modern Canadian corporation would tolerate such a deliberate display of racism in its publicity? Trust me, these companies analyse their target consumers to death. You'd be surprised the lengths they go to when choosing every single tiny detail in the branding/marketing/promotion of their product. If the 'trainee' in question was white it probably reflects hours of demographic research in terms of who the commercial is aimed at rather than any endemic racist conspiracy among the many different companies and parties that produced that ad on behalf of Swiss Chalet.

Many and perhaps most on this board have secret racist feelings deep inside them.
I will admit that I have some, like when my neighbors who were black were having parties every weekend till 1am and were very loud and crazy. Of course I would be angry at anyone who would do that, but I was very angry towards them and I would say race played a part.

My grandmother is afraid of young black men, terribly afraid. However when she sits on front of the house, she smiles and says hello to any who walk by.

Among many people racism is mostly greatly focused on Blacks greatly. Even really educated "sophisticated" people have some sort of resentment against Black Males.

My sense here is that you are not really describing a reaction to the race of the individuals in question so much as to the cultural differences (of being young, urban and black etc) ... If they were a nice black family living next door you'd likely all get along and not notice colour at all. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes an assh*le is just that.

Sometimes people just don't get along or sometimes somebody just doesn't like somebody else. These are not crimes against humanity and are not always about racism or sexism or homophobia or any other catch-all buzz word we can throw at each other or wield against each other. On a bigger level it's clear that people are essentially tribal and will divide themselves along all kinds of lines. As already mentioned by others, even in Toronto's supposed Multicultural utopia we see ethnic enclaves and divisions everywhere.... and if race lines aren't possible or compelling enough people will eventually come to divide themselves along other lines, whether of income or class or sex or which highschool you go to. Groups will always target other groups that are perceived to be different. Not fair, to be sure, but hardly approaching what we should consider to be true racism which by definition must be irrational and blind.
Just a thought. Clubs in vancouver are separated by race. for example, the majority of azns stick with going to specific clubs, while people of different ethnicity go to another.

also, in Vancouver, asians are not a minority. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the absolute majoity.

Vancouver vs Toronto. which is more multicultural now?

There is no comparison to be made between Vancouver and Toronto with regards to multi-culturalism. Having lived in both, Vancouver is not what I would call a multi-cultural city. It is largely white and asian with very little in between. My first 4 months there I saw exactly 4 black people, while in Toronto it's almost impossible to walk 1 city block and not see people from at least 10 different countries of 5 skin colours speaking 3-4 languages. It's not perfect, can improve in many many ways and I'm sure racism exists, but in my travels (which are pretty extensive), I've never found another city that even comes close to having so many people from every background imaginable living in relative harmony.

There are definite preferences for certain groups to go to certain clubs here as well, but I find it's more along the lines of what kind of music is playing.
Maybe like in all societies, still there is more interacial mixing in France than in Canada. Nothing is all good or all bad, the reality is always mixed.

Minato Ku: in Canada we tend to blindly label everything as racism. France sets centralized policies regarding immigrants and assimilation etc. that are based on its own understanding and perception of its values, traditions and history etc. This would be next to inconceivable in a politically correct and Multicultural agglomeration like Canada and is easily confused with intolerance.
You can always try these automatic bias tests. They tend to reveal most people do have automatic preferences for one group over another. That obviously doesn't mean you will go around committing hate crimes, or even purposefully avoid making friends with a particular group, just that almost all of us still do to a large extent associate people based on skin tone and other factors.
Minato Ku: in Canada we tend to blindly label everything as racism. France sets centralized policies regarding immigrants and assimilation etc. that are based on its own understanding and perception of its values, traditions and history etc. This would be next to inconceivable in a politically correct and Multicultural agglomeration like Canada and is easily confused with intolerance.

...and this is why I get so angry with my community (the Black community) because we label everything as racism.
The brutal irony in your comment is in its very inherent racism against white people. Look in the mirror first before juding others, i'm just saying...

Maybe you should learn to read before judging others, i'm just saying...

Personally I think you show your prejudice in this post, and in other post you have made regarding immigrants.
...and this is why I get so angry with my community (the Black community) because we label everything as racism.

Oh, all blacks label everything as racism? Isn't that racist?

Hate to break it to you, blacks are the most hated group out there. If there is something that seems even remotely racist against you or any other member of the black community, chances are it IS racist.
Hate to break it to you, blacks are the most hated group out there.
What the fuddle-duddle does that mean? Why would anyone hate anybody based on anything but skin colour? What kind of thinking is that? Surely to think that most people make judgements based on skin colour is simply evidence that the person who thinks that is a racist!
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You can always try these automatic bias tests. They tend to reveal most people do have automatic preferences for one group over another.
Well I ran a couple ... it suggests I'm biased against young over old (not a real suprise, given my fear of death, and that I generally equate old with death) ... and no bias based on skin colour.

Why would most normal people have any bias based on skin colour? Seems the tests merely show you what one would know about oneself!
In that case you are quite a minority yourself. Between 75-80% of respondents who identify themselves as White or Asian on these web tests display an implicit bias in favor of white people and against black people.

It's not all that surprising, really. If you grow up and the only black people you see on TV have gold teeth and guns, you are likely to develop an innate bias against them, even if you rationally know that most black people aren't similar to what is portrayed on TV.
How on earth do you grow up in Toronto with those kind of images? Heck, half the time I feel like the minority (I'm white) on the subway! Perhaps that's what happens when you live off-shore when your young ... I got to a few places where whites were such a rare site that the kids would run up to you and want to touch you, because they'd never seen such a thing before (which to be honest, isn't that different than what happens in rural Quebec ... I have family in rural Quebec, and there are still villages where many people haven't even travelled much to a big (Quebec) city, or seen many of not their own culture ... but I've always found very friendly ... but I expect any reaction of theirs is nothing but ignorance ... not racism.
Personally I think you show your prejudice in this post, and in other post you have made regarding immigrants.

All humans have prejudices and I would include myself in the human category:D, however I'm not too sure just what particular prejudice I've expressed about immigrants?? I'm quite fond of them really.

Oh, all blacks label everything as racism? Isn't that racist?

Clearly Juan is part of the black community. How can he be racist against himself?

Hate to break it to you, blacks are the most hated group out there. If there is something that seems even remotely racist against you or any other member of the black community, chances are it IS racist.

With a comment like this you lose any shred of integrity whatsoever, although it does explain your post above about Juan...
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