Senior Member
I'm no fan of Harper. But I find this predilection to bring up comments made by politicians from decades ago disturbing. Where would great leaders like Trudeau have been, if we had judged them according to their comments in their younger, more ideological years? Or god forbid, imagine judging a politician like Churchill. In my opinion, it's this constant desire to judge and never forgive the past that gives us mediocre politicians today who never learn anything because they are too afraid to make a mistake publicly that will be held against them for decades to come.
The fact that Trudeau rode his motorcycle around Montreal wearing a Wehrmacht helmet during WW2, when literally hundreds of thousands of Canadians - including my father - were risking death to defeat the Nazis, should have disqualified him from holding public office. The fact that Canadians didn't care at the time they voted for him shows how pathetic we were. If we now pay more attention to all party leaders' comments from their past lives and truer selves, so much the better for us.