Is there really all that much poured concrete in Mississauga, I thought roads and parking lots were asphalt?
A really good slogan for Mississauga might compare Hazel's pro-business stance and efforts to bring jobs to Mississauga with the gas chambers and concentration camps of North Korea or Nazi Germany, which also provides/provided a lot of employment for many people.
I suggest comparison to Hitler over Kim since Hazel is more known to be right-wing and efficient like Hitler, rather than left-wing and inefficient like Kim. Also, Hitler revived the economy of Germany while Kim has only brought the North Korean economy down, which is why I think Ganjavih's comparisons of Hazel to Kim doesn't make as much sense as my comparisons to Hitler.
However Hazel and Kim do have similar height and haircut, but if Hitler was still alive today he would probably be the same age as Hazel and they would both have European ancestry. Kim would be the odd one out when it comes age and race, and Hazel's haircut could easily be fixed to match Hitler's. Not much can be done about her height though (except maybe straighten her back a little), but I think if Family Guy can portray a "gayer" Hitler, then it is possible to portray a shorter Hitler as well.
But still, I suppose North Korea is more in people's mind these days so using Kim might attract more publicity anyways. And remember there is no such thing as bad publicity.