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Hazel...wants less TO, more Missy souvenirs sold

"Where are the Mississauga Defenders? They seem to be conspiciously absent from this thread so far."

Their GO train was cancelled so they won't get here until the third page.
Ok, now that the sillyness has begun, I can't be blamed for being "stubbonly" bashing Mississauga. (But I wasn't even the one who compared Hazel to Hitler!)

Maybe a mug with half an airport on it?

The airport is about 94% in Mississauga, actually. But the access is on the Toronto side. 94% of a mug, but a stub of a handle, would be about right!
You need tourists to sell tourist trinkets.

With all due respect to Hazel this idea should not be a priority. It smells of sibling jealousy to me. Instead of creating tourist souvenirs the tourism board/taskforce/person should work on building tourist destinations in their city. The reason why Canada's Wonderland and the CN tower sell goodies is because they draw people in from afar. Same with Ottawa's rideau canal or New York's I heart New York t-shirt gimmick. I highly doubt anyone livingin NYC owns or wears one of those t-shirts. Mississauga has the Wal-Mart HQ, Playdium and Square-one, hardly what a I call destinations, unless you live in there. Maybe if the city has a major sports franchise or something to build name recognition then this idea could take flight.

I wonder if I heart Mississauga would fit on a T-shirt? Would probably have to be an XXL.

Unrelated to this idea, but why doesn't Mississauga have any cultural/sports/activity centres in the City Centre? London did a great job in its revitalziation with the John Labatt Centre. My guess is that there is no show in town big enough to draw an audience that wouldn't just commute to Toronto. Anyway this is a topic for another thread.
"How about these t-shirts-
Mississauga- Come for the Chain Restaurants, Stay for the Traffic Jam!

Mississauga- More than an Airport

Mississauga- We Have More Parking Lots Than Walmart

Mississauga- Big Box Capital of Canada (Take THAT, Vaughan!)

Mississauga- Our Mayor Mayor Is Older Than Your Mayor

Mississauga- Our Mayor Has Ruled Longer Than Fidel Castro

Mississauga- More Poured Concrete Than Stalin Ever Had!

Mississauga- Ontario's Calgary!

Mississauga- It's Not Brampton!

Mississauga- Keeping Toronto's Club District Alive For 10 Years"


Those shirts would actually be pretty funny. You should write to Hazel with those ideas.

As for the post before mine...

The Hershey Centre was actually supposed to go in the city centre, but the Ice Dogs needed a home fast and they settled for the current site on Matheson. Still one of my biggest pet peeves about sauga.
what about a gypsy moth keychain? or aerial spraying unit toy?

Gypsy moth paper weights might work. A clear plastic block with a dead gypsy moth inside.
Is there really all that much poured concrete in Mississauga, I thought roads and parking lots were asphalt?

A really good slogan for Mississauga might compare Hazel's pro-business stance and efforts to bring jobs to Mississauga with the gas chambers and concentration camps of North Korea or Nazi Germany, which also provides/provided a lot of employment for many people.

I suggest comparison to Hitler over Kim since Hazel is more known to be right-wing and efficient like Hitler, rather than left-wing and inefficient like Kim. Also, Hitler revived the economy of Germany while Kim has only brought the North Korean economy down, which is why I think Ganjavih's comparisons of Hazel to Kim doesn't make as much sense as my comparisons to Hitler.

However Hazel and Kim do have similar height and haircut, but if Hitler was still alive today he would probably be the same age as Hazel and they would both have European ancestry. Kim would be the odd one out when it comes age and race, and Hazel's haircut could easily be fixed to match Hitler's. Not much can be done about her height though (except maybe straighten her back a little), but I think if Family Guy can portray a "gayer" Hitler, then it is possible to portray a shorter Hitler as well.

But still, I suppose North Korea is more in people's mind these days so using Kim might attract more publicity anyways. And remember there is no such thing as bad publicity.



Trouble is that when you mention the name "Kim" in a post related to a female politician in Canada, this is what first comes to mind
"The reason why Canada's Wonderland and the CN tower sell goodies is because they draw people in from afar..."

From about as far as say, hmmmm...Mississauga!
^ I'd only say to Wonderland. I don't know many people from Ontario who've been up the CN Tower more than once.
Mississauga- Our Mayor Mayor Is Older Than Your Mayor

Haha, she is quite the old coot. Cept she probably won't be around for much longer so that'll have little shelf life.:\
