TJ O'Pootertoot
Senior Member
Metrolinx has abdicated it's responsibility when it comes to fare integration and it's Torontonians that are paying the price. Even if ML can't yet figure out how to coordinate all the systems together in a fair and easy to understand fashion that all transit agencies will accept, it does have 100% contol over it's massive GO system fares and it hasn't done anything in that regards either.
Metrolinx conducted 2 separate rounds of consultation on fare integration (the second one being basically a consultation on the first consultation). It was the Liberal government's decision to stick them in a drawer. All the behind the scenes work on this has long since been done. Just like how there is no power municipalities have that the Province hasn't delegated to them, Metrolinx can't do much without cabinet letting them do it; so they haven't done anything.
And despite people here, there and everywhere talking about how hard it would be here and it would be so unfair and blah blah blah as if we're inventing fare integration or fare-by-distance or fare-by-zone. This stuff is par for the course all of the planet, including in "world class cities" like London, as mentioned above. We always need to act like we're reinventing the wheel and it's so darned hard to do (see also: Presto). Used to be, back in the 70s, people came from around the world to study how TTC did things, Now we're so backwards and far behind, we can't even study others about how they do things we can barely conceive of.