News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Greyhound: Apart from that, how was your experience today?

Looks like the Greyhound killer is on the way to an eventual release.

"Vince Li, who stabbed and beheaded a passenger aboard a Greyhound bus, has won the right to have escorted walks."

Read more:

Looks like you're on the way to bullshitting us... wait, you already did ;).

Having escorted walks has NOTHING to do with setting someone free. There is no relation and no way to construe that assumption in such a way that it will sound like anything more than another tiresome protest against our apparently lax justice system. You know, because America's overflowing jails and moral panic are better alternatives to our justice system.
Looks like you're on the way to bullshitting us... wait, you already did ;).

Having escorted walks has NOTHING to do with setting someone free. There is no relation and no way to construe that assumption in such a way that it will sound like anything more than another tiresome protest against our apparently lax justice system. You know, because America's overflowing jails and moral panic are better alternatives to our justice system.

Escorted walks today... by next month he'll be roaming the TTC.
Is that what you want? You want him here cutting our children's heads off?!?

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Looks like it ... and it has to be a threesome.

but it's gonna be with a woman, a man, and he's gonna get sloppy seconds right?
Glad to see that the responses to the "Escorted Walks" = Day Passes = Parole = Mass Beheadings nonsense have called it for what it is. Media exaggerations.

You've been warned!

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You think he should be locked up forever? What if he's medicated and no longer homicidal?
No, as long as he agrees to voluntarily, and without constant and mandatory government verification, take his medication for the rest of his days, and provided he can convince the mental health experts that he is no longer a threat, he should be immediately released, with no controls or supervision whatsoever beyond an annual visit with the mental health experts to confirm his non-threat status. Furthermore the government should provide housing for Li, as well as compensation for the health/mental care system not intervening and treating his illness before it got to the homicidal point.

The government should also fund and submit a libel/threats lawsuit against Tim McLean's family and supporters for their name calling, insults and stated hopes that Li be "dealt" with in prison, such as this Kill Vince Li group on Facebook
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Disorganization is a common symptom in people with schizophrenia. He likely will need close monitoring to ensure he's medicated, even if he promises now. He will certainly need more frequent follow-up than once a year, and he'll need to be constantly monitored/supervised. It's common that people with schizophrenia will feel well while medicated, believe they are "cured", no longer needing meds, and will stop taking them. He is likely on an injectable antipsychotic that lasts for two weeks. That's easier to monitor than a once or twice a day pill.

As far as compensation for not being treated, that's a bit tricky. It's not realistic to expect health care professionals to constantly monitor the entire population for homicidality.
While I understand that he did not realize what he did, and that it was the schizophrenia which caused him to do what he did, I do not think it is best to release him. What if something happens and he is unable to take his medication, he could easily slip back into madness. The medication does not cure him, it is a band-aid. A very good band-aid, but a band-aid nonetheless. Besides the scenario mentioned above, could it not be possible for his schizophrenia to evolve and tell him that his meds are brainwashing him and that he should stop taking them? I pose this as a question, because I will admit I don't know if this is possible. I'm on some mental medications myself (fortunately for nothing close to as serious), and while very effective at what they do, they are far from perfect and do tend to weaken as the day progresses.

To those who still do not understand what he was thinking, I'll summarize a scenario I read someone post elsewhere:

You are at the park with your family, and you see someone attacking a loved one. You instinctively react and kill the attacker with your bare hands. However, it turns out that the attacker was not a stranger, it was a friend. And he was not attacking the person, but giving them a hug.

The point is that to Li the parts of the brain which would tell him that aliens are attacking and that he is the Second Coming of Christ is unbelievable were not working, and at the time he thought he was doing a noble thing. God forbid, if I ended up doing a similar act due to schizophrenia I don't think I would want to be released in fear that I could hurt someone again - regardless of how effective the medication was at controlling any voices. Supervised walks in the community are fine, but anything else and I believe he could be a public threat.
God forbid, if I ended up doing a similar act due to schizophrenia I don't think I would want to be released in fear that I could hurt someone again - regardless of how effective the medication was at controlling any voices. Supervised walks in the community are fine, but anything else and I believe he could be a public threat.
Given your thoughts above, what do you think of the latest news, unescorted day passes,
I'm no psychiatrist, so I'll leave it up to the psychiatrists to judge whether he should be released or not.
I'm no psychiatrist, so I'll leave it up to the psychiatrists to judge whether he should be released or not.
Likely true, but no everyone might share your absolute faith in the system and in the abilities and motives of its appointed experts.

Imo, we should always challenge or question what we're fed by govt experts. At the G20, the police and govt IMO were suprised when the people challenged their assumed status of unquestionable experts in crowd control and policing.

And no, I 'm not suggesting any notion of paranoid conspiracy theories. Only that we should have a questioning nature when the govt tells us what to believe.
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