News   Oct 04, 2024
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News   Oct 04, 2024
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News   Oct 04, 2024
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Well our company brand new white Mercedes delivery van just got tagged.....we paid $60,000 for it and now some a hole tagger sprayed his signature on it...I guess its his way of expressing his rights to creativity on our van....the boss isnt too happy since we cannot meet our customers with a van that looks like this,its bad for the image of the company.The local bodyshop will use some sort of cleaner to buff it off costing us time and money........
Well our company brand new white Mercedes delivery van just got tagged.....we paid $60,000 for it and now some a hole tagger sprayed his signature on it...I guess its his way of expressing his rights to creativity on our van....the boss isnt too happy since we cannot meet our customers with a van that looks like this,its bad for the image of the company.The local bodyshop will use some sort of cleaner to buff it off costing us time and money........

Stop being such a philistine!

Can't you see this artist was simply trying to make the city a more creative and colourful place? Your van was just such a drab empty canvass that desperately needed some art on it in order to help make Toronto a better place.
blah humbug....I think our company logo was better than "G20 hunters" they sprayed on the van....anyways it cost us $190 to remove it......
I saw graffiti on several Bixi bikes lined up today. Good grief, where does it stop.
I saw graffiti on several Bixi bikes lined up today. Good grief, where does it stop.

when everyone of those punks get fined or arrested and all the shops that sells that crap is banned.Really what is the purpose of tagging private property?..What kind of high do they get when vandalizing peoples property?.
Here's an oddity: This week, a city-sponsored mural on Dupont St., south side between Campbell and Lansdowne Avenues, was white-washed. The artist doesn't know why yet. Seems that someone at the City got too caught up in the War on Graffiti and has now paid someone to paint over a mural that they paid someone to paint.
They white-washed the pigeons?! Bloody bastards....I really liked that one!
Now it's about social decay? to Detroit with ya.

I was at Sugar Beach and Sherbourne Common last week, having lunch and noticed a bit of rather shitty scrawl on some concrete.....on the one hand it was crap and made me kind of sad, but on the other hand, it made the place look a touch less sterile. Can't win, I guess.
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when everyone of those punks get fined or arrested and all the shops that sells that crap is banned.Really what is the purpose of tagging private property?..What kind of high do they get when vandalizing peoples property?.

The douches doing this are getting a high out of this behaviour. Has nothing to do with being creative or expressing themselves. It's just people being assholes.
not to change the subject (I've given up on having any sort of logical debate in regards to graffiti on this site) but I'm curious to know whether you have any children or do you always just make blanket assumptions about peoples parenting skills when in actuality you really have no clue?

Assuming you were referring to my comments. Again there is this backlash when questioning parenting techniques and what we allow young people to get away with now.

As a man in his mid 40's that's observed many types of parenting and the consequences over the decades and seen the slippery slope of what passes for parenting these days, yeah, I most certainly can voice an opinion on what I think is dysfunctional parenting and the outcome.

People keep denying the trend but parenting has been dumbed down and parents have literally handed the power over to the kids. I work with several young people where they mouth off, their rude, trashy, lazy, use vulgar language, deal drugs at work, they have a sense of entitlement and whine when they don't get their way.

Contrast this my close friends with kids where there are rules/boundaries and consequences and yes, tough love.

They have standards and expectations for the kids and don't tolerate disrespect and there's no such thing as the kids mouthing off. There are curfews and there is hell to be paid if the rules aren't followed. One friend raised his 2 daughters with this approach and they both have done well in school, have active social lives and are all around, decent and well behaved ladies.

Same for these portuguese sisters I use to work with. Parents set the standards, the girls followed the rules and paid the price for disobeying their parents. The parents had expectations for the girls and that was final. When the parents said "no"? End of discussion. They weren't allowed to run around late at night or come or go as they pleased.

Now 2 are married to their sweethearts, have good jobs with the youngest at university and doing quite well. The girls have turned out to be fine, decent, hard working women that don't act like many of the luggans running around now thinking they're special and untouchable. There was tough love when needed and it worked.

All of this comes from a similar background where the parents simply don't tolerate and indulge their kids to be brats.

If many more parents and greater society as a whole took this approach and we didn't cater to the the ego of the individual to the insane extent we do now, then many of our current problems such as widespread vandalism and hordes of young people tearing up streets in clubland late at night while still living with their parents wouldn't be occuring on the scale it is now.

Or a host of other social problems. We have a gen of narcissistic people now that think they should be able to whatever they feel like. This didn't happen over night.
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Or a host of other social problems. We have a gen of narcissistic people now that think they should be able to whatever they feel like. This didn't happen over night.

it started when parents decided to leave the kids in front of the tv (then computer) 24/7 as a form of baby sitting.

then some of the neglectful parents feel it's good to 'pay off' the kids by buying them whatever the child wants, so the child doesn't have any appreciation/value of money.
it started when parents decided to leave the kids in front of the tv (then computer) 24/7 as a form of baby sitting.

then some of the neglectful parents feel it's good to 'pay off' the kids by buying them whatever the child wants, so the child doesn't have any appreciation/value of money.


Part of the problem is that parents are letting media and entertainment raise and monitor their kids and look at what passes for themes. It's all trash. Shows where we see kids mouthing off to their parents and the parents just taking it. They make it appear "cute". This is where it starts.

But it goes deeper than this.

At some point someone decided that discipline and punishment from the parents and other adults was a violation of their rights and was somehow archaic so we pandered to their egos and allowed this culture of "anything goes" to thrive. And look at the results. As I said before, I work with so many younger people who act entitled with horrible work ethics and attitudes.

Like I said previously, we've created a gen of narcissistic individuals.
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This is all very fascinating....but what does it have to do with graffiti???

"Back in my day, kids had respect!"...and there was graffiti back then too. People have been carving their names in to shit since the dawn of time.

And if you argue that's not the case, or that there's more now than ever before (because of our poor parenting practices)...what do you propose our municipal government does with this information? City-run parenting classes?
