What I envision is this:
AM Peak:
- 30 min service from Niagara Falls to Union (Local: Niagara Falls-Burlington, Express: Burlington-Union)
- 30 min service from Hamilton Centre to Union (Local: Hamilton Centre-Oakville, Express: Oakville-Union)
- 10 min service from Aldershot to Union (Local: Aldershot-Clarkson, Express: Clarkson-Union)
- 10 min service from Oakville to Union (Local: Oakville-Union)
I'm having a little difficulty fitting that to the current track plan. On LSW GO has two tracks for stopping service - one in each direction - and one for peak direction express service. As stopping service headways are decreased, the option to dovetail express with stopping on the same track is lost.
Try it another way. Four peak runs originating from Niagara, two from Lewis Road, and four from Hamilton Center. All express after Burlington, perhaps selectively stopping as far east as Oakville. That's as much express service as is needed for the time being. Plus local service on whatever headway is feasible. Place the express service on Track 3 and run all local services on Tracks 1-2 west of Canpa, thereby avoiding crossover problems at whatever point the local service terminates.Eastbound local trains crossover from track 2 to 4 at Canpa, dovetailed as headways permit between expresses. Otherwise, a flyover will be needed eventually.
A fourth track is needed throughout this territory, if trains will run at the level you are suggesting (and I'm not arguing with your model). I'm really surprised it wasn't proposed in the RER BCA.
- Paul