What is up with the (lack of) weekday evening service on Lakeshore West? It's odd that GO is going through the trouble of introducing a Union-Exhibition shuttle* rather than running full 30-minute service like they do on weekend evenings.
*According to the
combined Lakeshore timetable it is actually a shuttle train, not an extension of Lakeshore East trips.
Service drops off a cliff after the PM peak, falling from 6 trains per hour, down to just 1:
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Is there ongoing trackwork west of Mimico which encourages GO to design a schedule which can be run on a single track?
It's not just the daily weekday train, it's also the 4 daily weekend trains, which is great news. It was very annoying that select Lakeshore West train trips were
previously missing from the Lakeshore West train timetable.
On weekends it's also useful that they show the Niagara trips since they're the only express trips of the day, and because the last train of the night is actually a Niagara trip.
Second half of the weekend eastbound timetable:
View attachment 354093
Given that a pick-and-mix of GO and VIA trips does look like it would make sense for some commuters, it would be nice if they could work something out with the bulk discounts for GO and VIA. VIA sells commuter tickets in packs of 20 per month, so if you commute semi-regularly and use a mix of GO and VIA trips you wouldn't meet the threshold for bulk discounts on either GO or VIA individually even though your total number of trips may actually reach their theshold if they'd all been with the same company. In general it would be nicer if one company offered two trips per day, rather than two companies each offering 1 trip per day, one hour apart from eachother.