Does anybody know how much capacity all the USRC and Kitchener Line work adds? Does it have the spare capacity to support say 2 VIA trains per hour in each direction for through service on HFR and Lakeshore?
Also been wondering how the Kitchener Line work lines up with the Pearson Transit hub. I am curious if they are building in such a way to facilitate a Kitchener Line diversion under the airport to the hub.
I have never seen a technical calculation on trains per hour for the Georgetown South project - the various EA’s only speak to various service models - but the layman’s answer would be, no sweat. Four tracks with the high quality signalling that was installed will deliver a very high throughput. The only limitation I can imagine would be harmonising trip times for UPE (which stops en route) with VIA, as the one would overtake the other. That might add a couple of minutes to the VIA timings beyond what is theoretically possible, but as has been discussed at length in other threads, if one assumes a high frequency RER making the local stops, UPE might not need to make stops at all.
The bigger issue is the diversion to reach the hub. It will be a major new effort and little of what has been built for UP will be useful. If one assumes that the entire trackage bends over closer to Pearson, that’s not complicated - just a question of expropriation and money. But if some trains are to divert into Pearson while others continue on the existing route, there will have to be junctions and that will demand flyovers or there will be reductions in throughput.
- Paul