Redroom Studios
Senior Member
^^^ oh please... what a weak and misguided claim. you are grasping at straws now! I'm not sure whether to laugh of cry over your hysterical claims...
I would think something like that came all the way from the TOP.
I would guess the Mayor of the city had some influence/say in that sort of thing.
but this is another classic Miller administration tactic isn't it?
Police on the ground are just grunts, there was no threat at the time to the security fence, they where not even close to the fence.
To think that the Mayor of the city had NO input is naive or just flat out scandalous.
~ snip ~
Perhaps look at the facts intead of being so blinded by ideology.
^^^ oh please... what a weak and misguided claim. you are grasping at straws now! I'm not sure whether to laugh of cry over your hysterical claims...
A ministry spokeswoman says the change was about property, not police powers, and did not include any mention of a zone five metres outside the G20 security perimeter.
When asked Tuesday if there actually was a five-metre rule given the ministry's clarification, Chief Bill Blair smiled and said, “No, but I was trying to keep the criminals out.”
The Ontario government is now insisting “no extra powers” were granted to Toronto Police for the G20 summit.
In the wake of criticism surrounding a change made secretly by Premier Dalton McGuinty’s cabinet on June 2, the provincial Liberals say police were not given the authority to search people who ventured within five metres of the downtown security perimeter.
“There were no extra powers granted to police for G20. As we stated repeatedly the regulation was about defining property, not police power,” said Laura Blondeau, an aide to Community Safety Minister Rick Bartolucci.
^^^ oh please... what a weak and misguided claim. you are grasping at straws now! I'm not sure whether to laugh of cry over your hysterical claims...
and I am not an apologist.
I just have very little tolerance for ignorant behaviour...
This is not a "misguided claim" this is an ADMISSION by Chief Blair himself that he decieved the public. Maybe you don't mind being lied to by a public official but this kind of thing pisses me off as I am sure it does most people.
A public official who admits to deceiving the public he is sworn to serve can no longer keep his job. We cannot have any confidence in this man and he has to go and soon!
people would have been arrested anyway for coming close to the fence,
I would say it had no role, the militant protestors would have gone to the fence and risked arrest if they'd been able to.I agree that it is quite troubling. I wonder what role this "legislation" played in directing people away from the fence, under the assumption that they would be arrested for coming to close to the line, and into the poorly supervised Yonge and Queen West retail strips where all the mayhem occurred.
Now that's laughable....since you have the inside track on everything G20...why don't you tell us all about why and how people could be arrested for coming close to a fence?
How I interpret what happened this weekend. I'm still scratching my head over how the cops never really made it to Yonge though. I guess they were just caught off guard and their orders were for them to wait...
because at that point they would have been providing a clear threat to the security of the fence.
This is not a "misguided claim" this is an ADMISSION by Chief Blair himself that he decieved the public. Maybe you don't mind being lied to by a public official but this kind of thing pisses me off as I am sure it does most people.
A public official who admits to deceiving the public he is sworn to serve can no longer keep his job. We cannot have any confidence in this man and he has to go and soon!