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Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

New CNN-ORC poll: Trump has highest disapproval rating for a newly elected president ever at 53%. SAD!
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Only "yes" men need apply to the White House. Mostly men. Mostly, correction, only if they agree with him.

White House fires senior National Security Council aide who criticized President Trump and his administration

From link.

The White House promptly fired a senior National Security Council aide after learning he openly bashed the President and several of his top advisers, including daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.

Craig Deare earlier this week took aim at President Trump and his administration during an off-the-record roundtable hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center for about two dozen scholars, Politico reported.

Deare had been serving as the National Security Council’s senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs before he was fired Friday.

The ousted official complained during the discussion that senior national security aides don’t have access to the President and gave “a detailed and embarrassing readout of Trump’s call with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto,” a source told Politico.

Peña Nieto in January canceled his White House visit with Trump shortly after the Republican signed an executive order to move forward with a wall along the Mexican border, insisting that Mexico would eventually foot the bill.

The two leaders spoke on the phone before the month’s end about security along the shared border and left the conversation with explicitly different positions in regards to the wall.

Amid tension between the two leaders, Trump’s administration threatened a 20 percent tariff on all goods from Mexico before claiming it was merely an option they were looking into.

Deare reportedly also blasted Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and offered additional critiques of Trump’s administration and several other top aides.

His dismissal comes on the heels of the resignation of Michael Flynn, who left his position as national security adviser after it was revealed he misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

The President was interviewing candidates to replace Flynn at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, Politico reported. His first choice, Admiral Robert Harward, turned down the job offer.
Normally, an article like this would appear elsewhere. See link.

Life expectancy to break 90 barrier by 2030

Imperial College London and the World Health Organization analysed lifespans in 35 industrialised countries.

It predicted all would see people living longer in 2030 and the gap between men and women would start to close in most countries.

The researchers said the findings posed big challenges for pensions and care for elderly people.

"South Korea has gotten a lot of things right," Prof Majid Ezzati told the BBC News website.

"They seem to have been a more equal place and things that have benefited people - education, nutrition - have benefited most people.

"And so far, they are better at dealing with hypertension and have some of the lowest obesity rates in the world."

The data also forecasts that Japan, once the picture of longevity, will tumble down the global rankings.

It currently has the highest life expectancy for women, but will be overtaken by both South Korea and France, the study suggests. Meanwhile, male life expectancy will go from the fourth highest to 11th out of the countries studied.

The US also performs poorly and is on course to have the lowest life expectancy of rich countries by 2030.

The study predicts an average age of 80 for men and 83 for women - roughly the same state Mexico and Croatia will have achieved.

"They are almost opposite of South Korea," added Prof Ezzati.

"[Society in the US is] very unequal to an extent the whole national performance is affected - it is the only country without universal health insurance.

"And it is the first country that has stopped growing taller, which shows something about early life nutrition."

The US will be overtaken by Chile, where women born in 2030 will expect to live for 87 years and men for 81.

Between 2015 and 2030, life expectancy in the UK is expected to go from 79 to 82 for men and from 83 to 85 for women.

Men catching up
The study, published in the Lancet, also shows the gap in life expectancy between women and men is closing.

Prof Ezzati said: "Men traditionally had unhealthier lifestyles, and so shorter life expectancies.

"They smoked and drank more, and had more road traffic accidents and homicides, however, as lifestyles become more similar between men and women, so does their longevity."

Much of the increases are due to improvements for the over-65s rather than reductions in deaths during childhood.

The study made the projections in a similar way to the methods used by meteorologists to forecast the weather.

It combined 21 separate mathematical models that analysed past trends to make projections into the future.

This approach indirectly takes account of all the different factors - smoking rates, medical advances, obesity patterns - that are changing life expectancy.

It assumes countries continue to progress as they are, so exceptional, unpredictable events equivalent to the fall of the Soviet Union, or huge breakthroughs like a vaccine for all cancer, would massively alter the forecasts.

In summary, Prof Ezzati said: "Places that perform well do so by investing in their health system and making sure it reaches everyone."

It should be remembered that Trump and his followers want to repeal Obamacare. In fact, they would prefer to do away with any government control of healthcare.

The bad news is:

The US also performs poorly and is on course to have the lowest life expectancy of rich countries by 2030.

The study predicts an average age of 80 for men and 83 for women - roughly the same state Mexico and Croatia will have achieved.

"They are almost opposite of South Korea," added Prof Ezzati.

"[Society in the US is] very unequal to an extent the whole national performance is affected - it is the only country without universal health insurance.

Of almost 163,000 people who applied for asylum in Sweden last year, less than 500 landed a job, according to a report by a Swedish public broadcaster.

0.3% employment rate for asylum seekers.

“There has been a lack of integration among non-European refugees,” he told me. Forty-eight per cent of immigrants of working age don’t work, he said. Even after 15 years in Sweden, their employment rates reach only about 60 per cent. Sweden has the biggest employment gap in Europe between natives and non-natives.

In Sweden, where equality is revered, inequality is now entrenched. Forty-two per cent of the long-term unemployed are immigrants, Mr. Sanandaji said. Fifty-eight per cent of welfare payments go to immigrants. Forty-five per cent of children with low test scores are immigrants. Immigrants on average earn less than 40 per cent of Swedes. The majority of people charged with murder, rape and robbery are either first- or second-generation immigrants. “Since the 1980s, Sweden has had the largest increase in inequality of any country in the OECD,” Mr. Sanandaji said.

It’s really very simple, Mr. Sanandaji explained. You can’t combine open borders with a welfare state. “If you’re offering generous welfare benefits to every citizen, and anyone can come and use these benefits, then a very large number of people will try to do that.

You don't say?

Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm Monday night, as residents clashed with police officers and set vehicles on fire, Swedish police say.

Sweden, the country that takes the most "refugees" per capita in Europe and provides them with generous welfare benefits, is then attacked by these very same "refugees".

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For all newly-discovered immigration specialist and women's right warriors! Here is the reality described by a Swede:

There are three main reasons the statistics for rape in Sweden are so high.

1. The definition of rape is wider.
In Sweden, the legal definition of rape is a lot wider than in other countries, so what would count as sexual assault in other countries is rape in Sweden. This significantly increases the statistics despite more rape not being committed.

2. Every occasion of rape is counted. For example if a husband rapes his wife 100 times in a year, and she only then reports it, each 100 of these count as separate rapes. In other countries, all these 100 are counted as 1, making for significantly lower statistics in other countries.

3. Women feel safer. In Sweden, women feel a lot safer to report rapes than in many other countries. This might not make a big difference when compared to neighbor countries like Norway or Finland, but when compared to most (most) other countries this will still make a difference as the rate of non-reported rapes is a lot lower.
