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Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

Thank you for stating the obvious.
Of course most would agree he's unfit for office. He's been impeached by the House and that's in the books. The Senate was primed to dismiss as we all know. So winning the election in November and booting Trump down the road simply has to be the focus of the majority in the US right now. There's enough dirt on Trump to build an industrial farm and post-Trump we can see if and how this unfolds in 2021... hopefully.
Of course most would agree he's unfit for office. He's been impeached by the House and that's in the books. The Senate was primed to dismiss as we all know. So winning the election in November and booting Trump down the road simply has to be the focus of the majority in the US right now. There's enough dirt on Trump to build an industrial farm and post-Trump we can see if and how this unfolds in 2021... hopefully.

Of course. As I said, it makes no sense to go through with it. But he is unfit. Hopefully Americans do the right thing but I’m not holding my breath. After all, thry created this mess.
Well they put Joe Biden against him instead of an interesting person so its still up in the air if Trump can beaten.

I sort of give Trump a 40% chance of being elected...
White House reporters must show solidarity against Trump's "racist" attacks, leading media correspondent says

CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter just demolished Donald Trump for the way he handled questions from CBS’s Weijia Jiang at the White House press conference in the rose garden.

Stelter said the president was clearly rattled by tough questioning at the end of the presser by Jiang. He tried to cut her off and turn to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins instead, but Collins deferred to her colleague to try to let her finish her questioning before Collins asked her question. Trump then tried to cut Collins off when she tried to ask her own question, and then abruptly ended the presser and walked off when Collins continued to try to ask hre questions.

“He didn’t want to hear the questions from Kaitlan and Weijia. It has racist overtones. It’s racist to look at an Asian-American correspondent and say ‘ask China’, it’s part of a pattern from the president,” Stelter just commented, live on CNN.

He continued: “He’s been rattled by Weijia Jiang’s questions in the past...he treats minority journalists in a very different way,” Stelter said.

He recalled how Trump dealt inappropriately with a question from correspondent April Ryan, who is black, when he asked her if she could arrange a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus, in 2017.

Stelter continued, moments ago, that Trump “routinely targets women and minority journalists”.

Weijia Jiang describes herself in her autobiography as a Chinese-born West Virginian.

Stelter said: “The pattern [of Trump’s attacks] suggests a racial reaction...that’s deeply disturbing...normally you wouldn’t talk about her background.”

He called on all White House press corps journalists to support each other in solidarity against such targeting.

White House reporters must show solidarity against Trump's "racist" attacks, leading media correspondent says

CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter just demolished Donald Trump for the way he handled questions from CBS’s Weijia Jiang at the White House press conference in the rose garden.

Stelter said the president was clearly rattled by tough questioning at the end of the presser by Jiang. He tried to cut her off and turn to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins instead, but Collins deferred to her colleague to try to let her finish her questioning before Collins asked her question. Trump then tried to cut Collins off when she tried to ask her own question, and then abruptly ended the presser and walked off when Collins continued to try to ask hre questions.

“He didn’t want to hear the questions from Kaitlan and Weijia. It has racist overtones. It’s racist to look at an Asian-American correspondent and say ‘ask China’, it’s part of a pattern from the president,” Stelter just commented, live on CNN.

He continued: “He’s been rattled by Weijia Jiang’s questions in the past...he treats minority journalists in a very different way,” Stelter said.

He recalled how Trump dealt inappropriately with a question from correspondent April Ryan, who is black, when he asked her if she could arrange a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus, in 2017.

Stelter continued, moments ago, that Trump “routinely targets women and minority journalists”.

Weijia Jiang describes herself in her autobiography as a Chinese-born West Virginian.

Stelter said: “The pattern [of Trump’s attacks] suggests a racial reaction...that’s deeply disturbing...normally you wouldn’t talk about her background.”

He called on all White House press corps journalists to support each other in solidarity against such targeting.

Trump would call Weijia Jiang "Chinawoman in God's Country."

Nuance is not in Trump's vocabulary.

Jiang would rightfully not be pleased with the "Chinawoman in God's Country" moniker.

White House reporters must condemn such Sinophobic remarks.
The US was offered millions of masks in January. The Trump administration turned the offer down.

A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

By Riley Beggin May 10, 2020, 1:30pm EDT

Greatest increases of COVID deaths projected in Republican states

May 12, 2020

According to a Yahoo Finance analysis of the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) coronavirus death toll model, states with Republican governors are projected to have greater death increases than those with Democratic governors.

The Yahoo Finance analysis looked at the death toll projections for all 50 states and Washington, D.C., and compared them to the current number of deaths as reported by IHME for consistency. What’s more, the analysis found that Republicans govern roughly 70% of the states in the country with the highest increases in death projections.

Of the top 10 states with the greatest death toll increases, 8 are states with Republican governors. All states in the top 10 are projected to have death tolls that rise well over 150% from their current figures, according to the University of Washington model.

Trump and right-wing media distract from bad virus news with alternate reality

Wed May 13, 2020

Voodoo President ; it's come to this. It's very disheartening to hear some fellow Canadians also questioning the merit of medical science. And they support freeing up the economy, whatever the heck that means. Like the virus itself this disease of the mind doesn't respect borders, and just south of the border it's Fox News everywhere, all the time, for many people.
Trump's rebuke of Fauci encapsulates rejection of science in virus fight

From link.

President Donald Trump's repudiation of Dr. Anthony Fauci has long been probable. Once the trusted doctor warned of the human cost of Trump's push to quickly reopen the country, it became inevitable.

Trump broke with Fauci, who has served under six presidents, on Wednesday over the infectious disease expert's warnings that getting businesses and schools back open too quickly would lead to unnecessary suffering and death.

"I was surprised by his answer, actually," Trump said. "It's just -- to me it's not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools."

The delicate dynamic between Fauci and Trump has been watched for months. Its latest fraying marks the most pronounced clash yet in the tussle between science and politics that has long plagued the administration's fight against the coronavirus.

Fauci's transgression is to base his evaluations -- after decades of public service and expertise fighting HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Zika and anthrax -- on facts and logic that conflict with Trump's chosen version of reality. Fauci has long said that only the virus can decide when normal life -- things such as NFL games and schools reopening, for instance -- will be safe again.

Trump has always been battling the pandemic he wants to fight, rather than the one that actually exists, with a strategy shaped mostly by his political requirements as he seeks a second term. The pandemic arrived in the US despite his insistence that it would not be a problem. Now, with 84,000 Americans dead and 1.3 million infected, Trump argues that the country has prevailed over the virus and it's time to get back to work.

He has yet to initiate a serious national conversation about the vital need to get the economy firing again balanced against the level of death and illness that is acceptable to the country given that the pandemic could worsen if states open up too quickly.

Ironically, another of Trump's failings, one in which Fauci may be in some ways complicit as a member of the coronavirus task force -- to stand up a comprehensive national testing and tracking system -- may frustrate the President's effort to get the country up and running quickly with no vaccine in sight.

Trump's swipe at Fauci comes as CNN reported that the White House is questioning whether the Covid-19 death toll is being exaggerated in official statistics. In fact, Fauci said Tuesday that the murderous impact of the virus was likely being undercounted. It would not be the first time that a President with a historic disrespect for facts is ready to twist data so that it fits his political needs. Science was long ago rejected as a basis for the administration's environmental and energy policy.

The gulf between Trump's approach and scientific rationality is expected to be further underscored Thursday with House testimony from Dr. Rick Bright, who says he was ousted from his job developing a coronavirus vaccine because he questioned Trump's enthusiasm for hydroxychloroquine, an unproven treatment for Covid-19. Bright will warn, according to his prepared testimony, that the US could face "unprecedented illness" and the "darkest winter in modern history" if it doesn't do a better job of preparing for a second wave of the pandemic.

This is precisely why Canada should restrict all non-essential travel (including dual citizens) from to and from the US until 2021.

The US is a theocracy that rejects science at all turns. It would be unwise and unsafe to allow non-essential travel and dual citizens to cross the border.

Until the US has ZERO reported cases for at least 3 months I wouldn't reopen the border.

As to why dual citizens should be banned it is simple. Just because someone is a Canadian citizen doesn't mean they should enter from an infected country if they believe the virus is fake news and don't want to take precautions.
