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Father Accused of Murdering "Disobedient" Mississauga Teen

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The Globe has been running editorials all week in favour light prison sentences for people who murder their children.

You're surely talking about a very different case - Robert Latimer (not people, but one person in particular - get your facts straight). Big difference between him and the douche being discussed here.
This is precisely the outcome I feared would happen if Canadian (North American) social values continue to erode the cultural norms of the Diasporic immigrant families that come here.
Are you kidding us? This girl wasn't interested in holding up her parents' cultural norms, instead she wanted to live her own life her own way. That's the Canadian and Western Dream, come to Canada, raise your kids and let them become whatever they want.

I have two daughters and my only requirements are that they treat themselves and others with respect, take personal responsibility for their actions (both good and bad) and accomplishments, work hard in school, try their best at their dance, swim and music classes, and have fun everyday. That's it. With these "values" I hope that they can become whatever they choose, and I'll certainly put no cultural restrictions upon them.
Everyone get on their "Jump To Conclusions Mats"!

Did he kill her because she wouldn't wear the hijab? The media says so, because apparently they were there?

They probably got in a huge fight, and he strangled her due to anger.
Is it the whole Islamic religion? Or some of its followers?

A good friend of mine would not allow his eldest daughter to wear the hijab, although she wanted to. They had an ongoing discussion and disagreement about it. Finally, she asked him if he had gay friends or acquaintances (he does). She argued that no one should be asked to live his/her life according to another person's ideals. On the basis of this logic, he had to relent and allow her to wear the hijab.

My friend told this anecdote at a speaking engagement focusing on Islamophobia. It illustrates how the current hype over Islam forms stereotypes and leads to discrimination against Muslims - or anyone with brown skin. (Remember the Sikh taxi driver who was shot to death in Arizona in the days following 9/11? That's what I was reminded of when I read the comment at the beginning of this thread from the bozo who advocates boycotting Muslim taxi drivers.)

If the FB group seems more concerned about "the effect this will have on the reputation of their religion", you can see why in this very thread. People jump to conclusions about Islam and Muslims, as if all of them (or even the majority) are like that. The stereotype hurts the actual majority who believe that "Islam" is another word for peace and that the Qur'an does not advocate harming anyone - any more than the bible or other religious books do. No one makes sweeping statements about Christianity when a Christian murders someone.
This father clearly isn't stable. It wasn't about religion - it was about an insane man trying to control his daughter.

You hear stories like this from all cultures. It isn't exclusive to Muslims.
BuildTO: Hear, hear!

Syn is also correct. It isn't about religion, which was merely provoking cause in this sad story, where teenage rebellion and a clash of generations and a likely unstable family being the real issues here. A cultural-religious difference in opinion was merely a catalyst. Not a new story, and can happen in any type of family.

The whole Islamic religion is completely mysoginystic.

Of all the over-the-top, unfair, dismissive and ignorant generalizations ever stated on this forum, this ranks amongst the worst.
They probably got in a huge fight, and he strangled her due to anger.

As a father with a young daughter I can't imagine the kind of anger one needs to do this. Insanity says it best.
I'm not condoning what the father did but this is an extreme case of how abandoning one's minority culture for majority appeal and acceptance destroys relationships between family/community members of differing generational perspectives :(.

I respect what you are saying when you don't condone this action, but you sound a mite bit sympathetic. Sooner or later, the father in question would have had to get used to the fact that his daughter was a completely different individual than what he wanted or demanded. Cultural communities and religions don't exist in a vacuum.
Everyone get on their "Jump To Conclusions Mats"!

Did he kill her because she wouldn't wear the hijab?
The media says so, because apparently they were there?

They probably got in a huge fight, and he strangled her due to anger.

yes, this is what her close friends said. the TV news is doing a good job at leaving out key parts of the story to be nice to the religious folks. they are making it look like this happened because of "teen rebellion".

the original account of her best friend was that she didn't want to dress in religious clothes. she would come to school in her religious clothes and then change in the school where it was safe to be her self. her family knew this was somehow going on and things got bad for her at home. she ran away asking her best friend if she could live with her but her friend couldn't let her so another friend took her in. before she was killed, her brother drove by the bus stop, rolled down the window and told her she'd better get in the car, come home and changer her clothes.

of course i know that every muslim doesn't behave like her family does but religious extremism does exist and it gives people the courage to do crazy things they otherwise wouldn't do.

and with no doubt, the religious extremists of christian north american kind will point to this and say "look how bad they are. in comparison, we're not so bad".
They should be deported after sentencing. Canada needs to be serious that although we give reasonable accomodation, religion < law. Religion is no excuse to deny basic freedoms. IMO while it is covered, abuse due to religion should not be tolerated and should be stressed (not just the "freedom of religion" part).

Too many zealots do not understand the Constitution and believe that "freedom of religion, creed, code" means they can do as they please because of said "religion, creed, code". Not all zealots may commit outward crimes but they do heap on abuse of a different kind.

I get tired of arguing with people (not just immigrants) who just don't get that the freedom they enjoy actually stops at they point where they impede anothers freedom. They think "freedom" = do whatever they want.

Just selfish thinking thining and using religion to justify to themselves that they are right sickens me. They think nobody can argue against them because "That is what I believe" somehow makes any valid argument suddenly invalid (good ole fallacy "appealing to a higher power").

To me "That is what I believe" holds the same argumental sway that "I do it because I'm in it for myself" holds.
No kidding. I've got my finger on the close thread button if this kind of thing continues. It's not a religion thing - merely a small part of this sad story.

For people who think like that, there's some nice towns in rural Quebec for ya. Real estate's cheap as well.
This father clearly isn't stable. It wasn't about religion - it was about an insane man trying to control his daughter.

You hear stories like this from all cultures. It isn't exclusive to Muslims.

One of the articles posted earlier by Zephyr actually explains this pretty well. I don't think it's really about religion, but it's not just any old type of violence: it's violence and control against women that exists here, there, everywhere. We see it all the time in Canada with murders and murder-suicides, wife/girlfriend abuse, etc., but apparently are willing to not really think twice about it, unless it has an exotic cultural/religious factor.
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