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Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

Well, in my fantasy, Line 2 Goes to Highway 7 and McCowan.

Finch LRT - Line 6

Might not be that much of a fantasy as the concept is heavily supported and the leading Provincial Premier campaining directly on the Sheppard extension. So we might even find out over the next 4 years whether it will be an entire loop or whether Sheppard dead ends at SCC for a future BDL extension. I'm sure that option would be reviewed.
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Basically council is being asked to approve studying extending the LRT beyond its previous planned terminus at U of T Scarborough, into the Malvern neighbourhood. Staff also recommending a tunnel beneath the Kingston Rd-Lawrence Ave-Morningside section.

Total cost of the longer LRT isn’t yet known. The tunnel could add up to $466 million to the price tag

City staff say city would take the lead on procurement for the Eglinton East LRT. That’s odd cause it would be an extension of the Eglinton Crosstown, which is a provincial project.

City transportation planner says planning and construction would take 4 years, LRT could be done by 2025.

Director of transportation planning James Perttula says once this LRT is built, Malvern residents will be able to travel “clear across the city.”

Cllr Layton trying to pin down Perttula on why staff are recommending tunneling the Kingston/Lawrence area. I think his point was that it was based on evidence. Doug Ford has said he’d build the whole thing underground, for which there appears to be no evidence at this point.

Cllr Pasternak is asking why the Eglinton East LRT is getting so much attention, while the Sheppard subway extension he likes to call the North York Relief Line hasn’t got any love.

Perttula says that it would cost an additional $400 million to take LRT from UTSC to Malvern. To get from Kennedy to UTSC was previously estimated at about $1.6B.

Cllr Matlow moves to cancel the one-stop Scarborough subway, use the savings to build the original Scarborough LRT and the Eglinton East LRT.

Matlow argues that extending the original Scarb LRT to Malvern (left), would get Malvern residents to the subway faster than would extending the Eglinton East LRT (right).

Speaker Nunziata rules Matlow’s motion on the Scarborough subway is out of order. “The Scarborough subway is not before us,” she says. He challenges her ruling.

Council upholds Nunziata’s ruling in a vote of 28-9. The Scarborough subway will not be dying today.
Any discussion on how its going to be paid for? Or are they still under the delusion that there will be money left over from the SSE.
Any discussion on how its going to be paid for? Or are they still under the delusion that there will be money left over from the SSE.

They are probably passed that. They're probably going to use tax increment financing or increase taxes along the corridor or use the money from the provincial funding envelope. However, it's not like this project is going to be super expensive (compared to the 8 billion dollar DRL), so I'm sure the city can find the money somewhere.

Also, if Matlow is going to challenge the SSE costs, then he has to recommend something that isn't a bigger waste of funds (The LRT that is. The fiscal option is the SRT vehicle replacement and track upgrades. It's also the sensible one since a conversion to LRT solves absolutely nothing).
Also, if Matlow is going to challenge the SSE costs, then he has to recommend something that isn't a bigger waste of funds (The LRT that is. The fiscal option is the SRT vehicle replacement and track upgrades. It's also the sensible one since a conversion to LRT solves absolutely nothing).

This is one of the main reasons I've become a bit annoyed with the SLRT faction waxing poetic about the fiscal responsibility of converting Line 3 for LFLRVs. Sure it's less than SSE, but compared with simply expanding/upgrading Line 3, SLRT isn't really a pennywise option.
I wonder if it would be possible to say increase the SSE's tax levy and make it a dedicated transit expansion tax. Like say increase it by 1% (to 2.5%) and remove the 30 year term making it an indefinite tax. Similar to how LA County is paying for its transit expansions (in LA its a 1% tax (used to be 0.5%) and was made indefinite during the referendum of Measure M).
